The intersection of the WBS and the OBS represents a control point, called a cost account

Control Account Manager (CAM). Is a single manager within the organizational structure who has been given the authority and responsibility to manage one or more control accounts.

A control account is the lowest level in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) / Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS) matrix, where all of the data elements and management activities exist. Specifics of the data elements are discussed in subsequent chapters.

Management of the project can occur on an exception basis at more summary levels of the WBS and OBS, but all significant variances will eventually be traced at least to the control account level. Control account management responsibilities include schedule planning and status, measurement of accomplishment, actual cost collection, variance analysis and resultant corrective action, and estimating costs at completion. It is the point where technical scope, schedule, and budget are integrated.

Within the Earned Value Management System (EVMS) the control account is the basic building block of the project management process. It is the control point where technical scope, schedule, and cost parameters are integrated. The control account is also the point where work progress is measured, where actual costs are collected, where variance analysis occurs, and where corrective action is initiated. The selection of the proper level of detail for the control account is a key factor in the success of the system application.

If the control accounts are at a very summary level, adequate management visibility will not exist. If control accounts are too numerous, the cost of operating the system increases dramatically and the data produced may overwhelm the users and be less effective for project management.

Guidelines for selecting the proper level of detail for control accounts include technical, schedule, cost, risk, and information objectives.

Humphreys & Associates, Inc. offers comprehensive Control Account Manager Certification in two formats. Online self-paced coursework and 5 day intensive classroom instruction.

Download the CAM Certification Datasheet PDF

The intersection of the WBS and the OBS represents a control point, called a cost account

Chapter 04 - Defining the Project

Chapter 04

Defining the Project

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The method used to collect information to use through all phases of the project life cycle is


A. Responsibility matrix

B. Organization breakdown structure

C. Work breakdown structure

D. Priority matrix

E. Work package

2. Jose is looking at a document that outlines the specific tasks and subtasks required to

complete the writing of a technical support manual. The method that was probably used to

develop the document is most likely

A. Responsibility matrix

B. Organization breakdown structure

C. Work breakdown structure

D. Priority matrix

E. Work package

3. The first step in creating the necessary information to manage a project is to

A. Establish project priorities

B. Define the project scope

C. Verify the budget available

D. Assign team members to work on the project

E. Determine the required completion date

4. Linda has just been assigned a project to develop a new advertising campaign for an

established product. Her first step should be to

A. Establish project priorities

B. Define the project scope

C. Verify the budget available

D. Assign team members to work on the project

E. Determine the required completion date


Breakdown structures are central to the practice of project management and have their origins in the industrial revolution. In his book The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith advocated breaking the production of goods into tiny tasks that can be undertaken by people following simple instructions—”Why hire a talented pin maker when ten factory workers using machines and working together can produce a thousand times more pins than the artisan working alone?”

Similar ideas underpinned Newtonian physics. Newton saw the world as a harmonious mechanism controlled by a universal law. Applying scientific observations to parts of the whole would allow understanding and insights to occur and eventually a complete understanding of the ‘clockwork universe’.

These ideas fed into scientific management. Scientific management focuses on worker and machine relationships and assumes productivity can be increased by increasing the efficiency of production processes. In 1911 Frederick Taylor, known as the Father of Scientific Management, published Principles of Scientific Management in which he proposed work methods designed to increase worker productivity.

This ‘reductionist’ approach to complex endeavours, supported by the division of labour is central to scientific management as well as to many modern project management processes built around ‘breakdown structures’. [For more on this, see ‘The Origins of Modern Project Management‘.]

Some of the types of Breakdown Structure in use today include:

  • WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
  • OBS (Organisational Breakdown Structure)
  • RBS (Resource Breakdown Structure)
  • PBS (Product Breakdown Structure)
  • RBS (Risk Breakdown Structure)
  • CBS (Cost Breakdown Structure)

Their functions can be briefly defined as follows:

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
A work breakdown structure is a tool used to define and group a project’s discrete work elements (or tasks) in a way that helps organise and define the total work scope of the project It provides the framework for detailed cost estimating and control along with providing guidance for schedule development and control.

Organisation Breakdown Structure
The organisation(al) breakdown structure defines the organisational relationships and is used as the framework for assigning work responsibilities. The intersection of the OBS and WBS defines points of management accountability for the work called Control (or Cost) Accounts.

The intersection of the WBS and the OBS represents a control point, called a cost account
Image: Anatomy of an Organisation/Work Breakdown structure

Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS)
The resource breakdown structure is a standardised list of personnel resources related by function and arranged in a hierarchical structure to facilitate planning and controlling of project work.

Product Breakdown Structure (PBS)
A product breakdown structure is an exhaustive, hierarchical tree structure of components that make up an item, arranged in whole-part relationship. The PRINCE2 project management method mandates the use of product based planning, part of which is developing a product breakdown structure. In practice there is very little difference between a PBS and a WBS, both systems define the full extent of the work required to complete the project.

Risk Break Down Structure (RBS)
The risk breakdown structure is a hierarchically organised depiction of the identified project risks arranged by risk category. The risks are placed into the hierarchical structure as they are identified, and the structure is organised by source so that the total risk exposure of the project can be more easily understood, and planning for the risk more easily accomplished.

Cost breakdown structure (CBS)
The cost breakdown structure classifies the costs within project into cost units/cost centres and cost elements/cost types. The establishment of a cost structure aids efficient cost planning, controlling, and the introduction of measures to reduce costs.

But do all of these breakdowns really help? Traditional project management is based on these concepts. However emerging disciplines, particularly complexity theory, suggest that self organising systems such as a project team cannot be understood by studying the individual parts of the team.

As the writer Douglas Adams once said: “I can imagine Newton sitting down and working out his laws of motion and figuring out the way the universe works and with him, a cat wandering around. The reason we had no idea how cats worked was because, since Newton, we had proceeded by the very simple principle that essentially, to see how things work, we took them apart. If you try and take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have in your hands is a non-working cat.”

The way complex entities work cannot be understood by breaking them down into parts. Even at the simplest level, studying a fish cannot explain how a shoal of fish work; at a complex level understanding a project task in isolation will not explain the dynamics of a major project and its team of resources.

My personal view is the ‘breakdowns’ are still helpful ways to develop insights – but they no longer offer viable answer—if they ever did. The path to increasing project success lays in the way the insights are interpreted and used within the complexity of a dynamic project delivery system.

What is the intersection of WBS and OBS?

The intersection of the OBS and WBS defines points of management accountability for the work called Control (or Cost) Accounts. The cost breakdown structure (CBS) classifies the costs within project into cost units/cost centres and cost elements/cost types.
Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS) is a hierarchical relationship of the organization, including subcontractors, responsible for managing a designated scope of work within the work breakdown structure (WBS). A project OBS is a depiction of the project organization.

What is WBS OBS CBS?

The WBS initiates development of a responsibility matrix known as the Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS), and a resource-based Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS). It also provides the outline and foundation for scheduling, earned value management, and progress reporting on cost and schedule.

What is WBS and why is it important in construction cost estimate?

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a tool that can be used for projects, programs, and even initiatives to understand the work that has to be done to successfully produce a deliverable(s). The benefits of creating a WBS include: it defines and organizes the work required.