The purpose of the 1907 “gentlemens agreement” between the united states and japan was to

(1854)This California Supreme Court case ruled that the testimony of a Chinese man who witnessed a murder by a white man was inadmissible.
White miner killed chinese man
largely based upon opinion that the Chinese were "a race of people whom nature has marked as inferior
The 14th section of the Act of April 16th, 1850, regulating Criminal Proceedings, provides that "No black or mulatto person, or Indian, shall be allowed to give evidence in favor of, or against a white man."
Court said that if they aren't white so essentially they are black, so inferior than whites.
California court said that if the Chinese could testify, then they will start becoming equals. ----Hall, a white miner, was convicted of murdering a Chinese miner based on the testimony of 3 witnesses who were also Chinese miners- Hall's lawyers appeal
--they throw out the case because, as "Mongolians," they had no standing in an American court and thus could not provide testimony

-white labor leaders demanded the South Asian workers be expelled from the city, claiming the newcomers took jobs away from white workers and drove down wages.
-On September 4, 1907, the demands of white labor culminated in a vicious riot.
-White workers broke into lumber mills and pulled South Asians from their work, then entered South Asian bunkhouses, destroying property and stealing valuables.
-All night, South Asians were driven to the city limits; others were taken to the city jail by police, ostensibly for protection. --Within days, the South Asian community was gone, having been, in the approving words of one local newspaper, "wiped off the map."

--The Gentlemen's Agreement between the United States and Japan in 1907-1908 represented an effort by President Theodore Roosevelt to calm growing tension between the two countries over the immigration of Japanese workers.
In on October 11, 1906, the San Francisco school board arranged for all Asian children to be placed in a segregated school.
--Japan was prepared to limit immigration to the United States, but was deeply wounded by San Francisco's discriminatory law aimed specifically at its people. President Roosevelt, wishing to preserve good relations with Japan as a counter to Russian expansion in the Far East, intervened.
Roosevelt summoned the San Francisco mayor and school board to the White House in February 1907 and persuaded them to rescind the segregation order, promising that the federal government would itself address the question of immigration.
--On February 24, the Gentlemen's Agreement with Japan was concluded in the form of a Japanese note agreeing to deny passports to laborers intending to enter the United States and recognizing the U.S. right to exclude Japanese immigrants holding passports originally issued for other countries.
This was followed by the formal withdrawal of the San Francisco school board order on March 13, 1907. A final Japanese note dated February 18, 1908, made the Gentlemen's Agreement fully effective.

-If the country has to pay tariffs for products being shipped between them
-Supreme government started saying
-they weren't aliens, they weren't citizens, pledged allegiance to U.S, can't vote, did have right to vote.
-Student labors came for educational opportunity, came first
-then larger groups began going to hawaii because the gentlemen's agreement limited laborers.

In the Insular Cases (1901-1922), the U.S. Supreme Court determined the constitutional and political status of the new territories.
In De Lima v. Bidwell (1901),not a "foreign country" for tariff purposes.
In subsequent cases, the Court addressed the territories' relationship to the United States and whether "the Constitution follows the flag"; that is, whether and how constitutional provisions applied to these acquisitions. Many of the later cases were also decided by divided Courts, reflecting disagreement about the constitutional issues under-lying American expansionism.
This principle held that incorporated territories—those that Congress intended to become part of the United States and, eventually, states—were directly protected by the Constitution as written. it determined that jury trials were not required in the Philippine Islands, because they had not been incorporated. P

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What was the purpose of the gentlemen's agreement between Japan and the US quizlet?

--The Gentlemen's Agreement between the United States and Japan in 1907-1908 represented an effort by President Theodore Roosevelt to calm growing tension between the two countries over the immigration of Japanese workers.

What was the Gentlemen's agreement of 1907 quizlet?

In 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt, reached an agreement with Japan. Japan agreed to limit the number of workers coming to the US. In exchange, the United States allowed the wives of Japanese men already here to join them.

What is the purpose of a gentleman's agreement?

A gentleman's agreement, being more of a point of honor and etiquette, relies on the forbearance of two or more parties for the fulfillment of spoken or unspoken obligations. Unlike a binding contract or legal agreement, there is no court-administered redress if a gentlemen's agreement is broken.


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