To display the then by option in the sort dialog box, click the _____ button.

The Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab contains buttons for changing margins, page orientation and size, and buttons for establishing a print area, inserting a page break, applying a picture background, and printing titles.

The default left and right margins are 0.7 inch and the default top and bottom margins are 0.75 inch.

Change these default margins with the Margins button in the Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab.

Display the Page Setup dialog box with the Margins tab selected by clicking the Margins button and then clicking Custom Margins at the drop-down list.

Center a worksheet on the page with the Horizontally and Vertically options at the Page Setup dialog box with the Margins tab selected.

Click the Orientation button in the Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab to display the two orientation choices — Portrait and Landscape.

Portrait is the default orientation.

By default, an Excel worksheet page size setting is Letter and page size is 8.5 x 11 inches.

Insert a page break by selecting the column or row, clicking the Breaks button in the Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab, and then clicking Insert Page Break at the drop-down list.

A page break is inserted immediately left of the selected column or immediately above the selected row and displays as a broken line along cell borders.

To insert both a horizontal and vertical page break at the same time, make a cell active (begin by selecting the cell below and to the right of where you want the breaks to intersect), click the Breaks button, and then click Insert Page Break at the dropdown list.

Display a worksheet in page break preview by clicking the Page Break Preview button in the view area on the Status bar or clicking the View tab and then clicking the Page Break Preview button.

A solid blue line indicates a page break inserted by Excel and a dashed blue line indicates a page break inserted manually.

You can move the page break by positioning the arrow pointer on the blue line, holding down the left mouse button, dragging the line to the desired location, and then releasing the mouse button.

By default, gridlines, column letters and row numbers do not print.

Use options at the Page Setup dialog box with the Sheettab selected to specify that you want column or row titles to print on each page.

Display this dialog box by clicking the Print Titles button in the Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab.

The Print section contains two additional options--Black and white and Draft quality.

If you are printing with a color printer, you can print the worksheet in black and white.  If you want to print a draft of the worksheet, some formatting such as shading and fill do not print.

You can also use options in the Sheet Options group in the Page Layout tab to specify if you want gridlines and headings to view and/or print.

Use options in the Scale to Fit group in the Page Layout tab to scale data (by a percentage) to fit on a specific number of pages.

Use the Background button in the Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab to insert a worksheet background picture.

A background picture displays on the screen but does not print.

With the Print Area button you can select and print specific areas in a worksheet.

Specify a print area by selecting the desired cells, clicking the Print Area button in the Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab, and then clicking Set Print Area at the drop-down list. 

Add another print area by selecting the desired cells, clicking the Print Area button, and then clicking Add to Print Area at the drop down list.

Each area specified as a print area will print on a separate page.

Create a header and/or footer with the Header & Footer button in the Text group in the Insert tab, in Page Layout view, or with options at the Page Setup dialog box with the Header/Footer tab selected.

When you click the Header & Footer button, the worksheet displays in Page Layout view and the Header & Footer Tools Design tab becomes active.

The Header & Footer Tools Design tab contains options for formatting and customizing a header/footer.

Customize print jobs with options at the Print tab Backstage view.

By default, Excel only prints the active worksheet. 

To check spelling in a worksheet, click the Review tab and then click the Spelling button.

Before checking the spelling in a worksheet, make the first cell active.

The spell checker checks the worksheet from the active cell to the last cell in the worksheet that contains data.

Click the Undo button on the Quick Access toolbar to reverse the most recent action and click the Redo button to redo a previously reversed action.

Ctrl + Z is the keyboard shortcut to Undo a command.

Use options at the Find and Replace dialog box with the Find tab selected to find specific data and/or formatting in a worksheet.

Use options at the Find and Replace dialog box with the Replace tab selected to find specific data and/or formatting and replace with other data and/or formatting.

Click the Options button in the Find and Replace dialog box to expand the dialog box.

Use the Format buttons in the Find and Replace dialog box to search for specific cell formatting and replace with other formatting.

By default, Excel's find and replace features search the current worksheet.

To specify that the only data that should be contained in the cell is what is entered in the Find What text box, click the Options button to expand the dialog box and then insert a check mark in the Match entire cell contents check box.

Excel is primarily a spreadsheet program, but it also includes some basic database functions like sorting--alphabetizing information or arranging numbers numerically.

Sort data in a worksheet with options from the Sort & Filter button in the Editing group in the Home tab.

To sort data in a worksheet, select the cells containing data you want to sort, then click the option representing the desired sort.

If you want to sort data in a column other than the first column (when more than one column is selected, Excel will sort the data in the first selected column), create a custom sort with options at the Sort dialog box which will maintain the relationship of all cells.

Display this dialog box by clicking the Sort & Filter button and then clicking Custom Sort at the drop-down list.

To sort in more than one column, select all columns in the worksheet and specify in the Sort dialog box the first column you want sorted in the Sort by option box, click the Add Level button, and then specify the second column in the first Then by option box.

In Excel, you can sort on multiple columns--add additional Then by options boxes by clicking the Add Level button.

Use the Filter feature to temporarily isolate specific data.

Turn on the filter feature by clicking the Sort & Filter button in the Editing group in the Home tab and then clicking Filter at the drop-down list. This inserts filter arrows in each column label.

Click a filter arrow and then use options at the drop-down list that displays to specify the filter data.

When would you use the then by option at the sort dialog box?

Mid-term Concepts; Intro to Spread Sheets.

What dialog box displays when you click the External Data tab and then click the Excel button in the Export group quizlet?

Import an Excel worksheet into an Access database with the Excel button in this group on the External Data tab. Click this button in the Export group to display the Export-Excel Spreadsheet wizard dialog box.

Which category in the Excel Options dialog box enables you to choose whether the Mini Toolbar displays for selected data?

In your Office application, click File > Options > General. Clear the Show Mini Toolbar on selection check box.

Which of the following Page Setup dialog box tabs includes an option to set margins?

To set margins in Excel worksheets before printing, click the “Page Layout” tab in the Ribbon. Then click the “Page Setup” dialog box button in the lower-right corner of the “Page Setup” button group. Then click the “Margins” tab within the “Page Setup” dialog box.


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