To help employees manage role conflict, employers have sought a number of family-friendly policies.

To help employees manage role conflict, employers have sought a number of family-friendly policies.


True False

Under federal law, any U.S. employer that is planning layoffs must give employees 60 days' notice of the layoffs.


True False

Outcome fairness involves the ends of a discipline process, while procedural and interactional justice focus on the means to those ends.


True False

Job withdrawal is a set of behaviors that discontented individuals display to avoid the work situation physically, mentally, or emotionally.

True False

The two primary sets of people in an organization who most affect job satisfaction are co-workers and supervisors.

True False

Job satisfaction is always based on an objective and complete measurement of the situation and not on perception.

True False

If an employee disputes policies on the grounds that they violate state and federal laws, he or she can go outside the organization for help to file a lawsuit.

True False

The principles of justice convey that the organization must prepare for problems by establishing a formal discipline process in which the consequences become severe if the employee repeats the offense.

True False

Developing a formal discipline process is a prime responsibility of the human resource department.

True False

Personal dispositions do not play a role in creating job satisfaction.

True False

A disciplinary action meets the standards of outcome fairness if the manager explains to the employee how the action is procedurally just, treats the employee with dignity and respect, and empathizes with the employee's feelings.

True False

In procedural justice, the procedures should be consistent from one person to another, and the manager using them should suppress any personal biases.

True False

Kelly, a human resource specialist, has been asked to investigate complaints that an employee is bullying co-workers. Kelly is obligated to protect this employee's privacy by ensuring that any information gathered is relevant to the complaint.

True False

Role conflict is uncertainty about what the organization and others expect from the employee in terms of what to do or how to do it.

True False

Employees cannot sue employers for wrongful discharge if the employee was contracted under the employment-at-will doctrine.

True False

In general, employers may conduct random searches of areas like desks, lockers, and toolboxes at any point in time without any justification to the employee.

True False

The open-door policy is an example of alternative dispute resolution.

True False

The Job Descriptive Index is an example of a job satisfaction instrument.

True False

Generally, organizations encourage voluntary turnover among top performers because it is inexpensive.

True False

When employees are unclear about work methods, scheduling, and performance criteria because others hold different ideas about these, they are likely to suffer from role ambiguity.

True False

When employees are unclear about work methods scheduling and performance criteria because others hold different ideas about these?

When employees are unclear about work methods, scheduling, and performance criteria because others hold different ideas about these, they are likely to suffer from role ambiguity.

What is the primary goal of training and development?

From the point of view of the individual employee, there are three main aims of training: Improve the individual's level of awareness. Increase an individual's skill in one or more areas of expertise. Increase an individual's motivation to perform their job well.

Which of the following statements is true about the FLSA requirements of employee overtime payment?

Which of the following statements is true of the FLSA requirements for overtime pay? Overtime must be paid whether or not the employer specifically asked or expected the employee to work extra hours.

Is uncertainty about what the organization and others expect from the employee in terms of what to do or how do you do it?

Role conflict is uncertainty about what the organization and others expect from the employee in terms of what to do or how to do it. True or False. Role conflict is an employee's recognition that demands of the job are incompatible or contradictory.


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