True or false: there is one personal managerial style that is best in all situations

True or false: there is one personal managerial style that is best in all situations

QN=1When determining the best way to motivate employees, why shouldn't managers rely solely on

HR staff for directions. (check all that apply)

a.Managers know their employees best.

b.People are unique so there are various drivers of motivation.

c.Work can mean different things to different people, so there are various drivers of motivation.

d.It's not a manager's job to motivate workers, they should be self-motivated.

e.HR is just a pencil-pushing function.

QN=2In the video lesson "The Many Meanings of Work," how many different ways of thinking about

work were presented?


b. Two


d.More than five

QN=3True or false: Work is what it is. Some jobs are lousy, but we can't do anything to change that.



QN=4Mainstream economic theorizing sees work as a lousy activity that workers tolerate in order to

earn income. One way that work is seen as lousy is as a pain cost (e.g., hot, dangerous, boring, stressful).

A second way is as an _________ cost.


b. opportunity



QN=5Which of the following is not an example of labor being a derived demand?

a.Offering flexible work schedules because this is what workers with family responsibilities want.

b.Offering flexible work schedules because customers with family responsibilities want extended

hours of operation.

c.Offering flexible work schedules because customers do not expect immediate responses to their


QN=6Which of the following are required for HR to be strategic? (check all that apply)

c....provides for orderly procedures for determining when workers want to be represented by aunion.d....protects the right of employees to strike in all occupations, including in the entire public sector.QN=54True or false: Many countries outside of the United States have greater protections againstunjust dismissal, require employment contracts, and mandate a variety of leave benefits.

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QN=55HR should do more than just make sure that managers are complying with organizational policiesand with legal regulations. In other words, HR should not be the HR ______.Which of the following are elements of Taylorism, also known as scientific management? (you

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must correctly check all that apply).

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QN=57Which of the following are typically features of a high-road HR strategy? (you must correctlycheck all that apply).a.Employee autonomy and discretionb.Unquestioned supervisor authorityc.Labor or trade unionsd.Above-average pay and benefitse.Low levels of profitabilityf.Employee training

QN=58True or false: There is one personal managerial style that is best in all situations.

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Which of the following is not an example of Labour being derived demand?

Which of the following is not an example of labor being a derived demand? A. Offering flexible work schedules because this is what workers with family responsibilities want.

Which of the following are elements of Taylorism also known as scientific management?

Taylor Advocated the following elements of scientific management. : 1. Work Study, 2. Standardisation of Tools and Equipment, 3. Scientific Selection, Placement and Training, 4. Development of Functional Foremanship, 5.

Which best describes the foundational assumptions of Taylorism also known as scientific management 1 point?

QN=11 Which best describes the foundational assumptions of Taylorism, also known as scientific management? a. To manage workers effectively, managers need to pay attention to psychological and social conditions, not just technical conditions.

What is a pro of job observation?

Advantages. With direct Observation, the trained job analyst can obtain first-hand knowledge and information about the job being analyzed. Other Job Analysis methods (such as the interview or questionnaire) only allow the job analyst to indirectly obtain this information.