Under the retail method, the denominator in the cost-to-retail percentage does not include:

July 14, 2022/ Steven Bragg

What is the Retail Inventory Method?

The retail inventory method is used by retailers that resell merchandise to estimate their ending inventory balances. This method is based on the relationship between the cost of merchandise and its retail price. The method is not entirely accurate, and so should be periodically supplemented by a physical inventory count. Its results are not adequate for the year-end financial statements, for which a high level of inventory record accuracy is needed.

How to Calculate the Retail Inventory Method

To calculate the cost of ending inventory using the retail inventory method, follow these steps:

  1. Calculate the cost-to-retail percentage, for which the formula is (Cost ÷ Retail price).

  2. Calculate the cost of goods available for sale, for which the formula is (Cost of beginning inventory + Cost of purchases).

  3. Calculate the cost of sales during the period, for which the formula is (Sales × cost-to-retail percentage).

  4. Calculate ending inventory, for which the formula is (Cost of goods available for sale - Cost of sales during the period).

Example of the Retail Inventory Method

Milagro Corporation sells home coffee roasters for an average of $200, and which cost it $140. This is a cost-to-retail percentage of 70%. Milagro’s beginning inventory has a cost of $1,000,000, it paid $1,800,000 for purchases during the month, and it had sales of $2,400,000. The calculation of its ending inventory is:

Beginning inventory $1,000,000   (At cost)
Purchases + 1,800,000   (At cost)
Goods available for sale = 2,800,000  
Sales - 1,680,000   (Sales of $2,400,000 x 70%)
Ending inventory $1,120,000  

Retail Method Advantages and Disadvantages

The retail inventory method is a quick and easy way to determine an approximate ending inventory balance. However, there are also several issues associated with it, which are as follows:

  • The retail inventory method is only an estimate. Do not rely upon it too heavily to yield results that will compare with those of a physical inventory count.

  • The retail inventory method only works if you have a consistent mark-up across all products sold. If not, the actual ending inventory cost may vary wildly from what you derived using this method.

  • The method assumes that the historical basis for the mark-up percentage continues into the current period. If the mark-up was different (as may be caused by an after-holiday sale), then the results of the calculation will be incorrect.

  • The method does not work if an acquisition has been made, and the acquiree holds large amounts of inventory at a significantly different mark-up percentage from the rate used by the acquirer. In this case, however, it may be possible to separately apply the retail method to the acquiree and the acquirer.

Terms Similar to Retail Inventory Method

The retail inventory method is also known as the retail method and the retail inventory estimation method.


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Under the retail method, the denominator in the cost-to-retail percentage does not include:

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When computing the cost-to-retail percentage for the average cost retail method, included in the denominator are: Multiple Choice O Net markups and net markdowns. O Net markups, but not net markdowns. O Neither net markups nor net markdowns. O Net markdowns, but not net markups...

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Under the retail method, the denominator in the cost-to-retail percentage does not include:

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What is cost

The cost-to-retail ratio looks at the percentage of an item's retail price that's made up of costs. This ratio is calculated using the formula: cost-to-retail ratio = [cost of goods available for sale ÷ retail value of goods available for sale] x 100.

When computing the cost

Under the retail method, the denominator in the computation of cost-to-retail percentage includes purchases, purchase returns, abnormal shortages but it does not include freight-in.

What is the retail method of inventory costing?

The Retail Inventory Method is an accounting procedure used to estimate the value of a store's inventory over time. It works by first taking the total retail value of all the products you have in your inventory, then subtracting the total amount of sales, then multiply that amount by the cost-to-retail ratio.

Is the retail inventory method LIFO or FIFO?

Retail Inventory Method The retail method can be used with FIFO, LIFO, or the weighted average cost flow assumption. It is based on the (known) relationship between cost and retail prices of inventory. In addition it is used in conjunction with the dollar value LIFO method.