Under which section in the review of body systems with the nurse document a history of back pain

Which distance between two individuals is considered the intimate zone?

1 foot

Which tools in the electronic and print format can be used to collect the family history?

-My family Health Portrait
-Utah Health Family Tree

(personal health record and electronic health record are for the patients own health record)

Under which section in the review of body systems would the nurse document a history of back pain?

musculoskeletal system.
(muscle pain, cramps, gait problems and back pain are included in this section.)


What is gait?

a person's manner of walking

What is the primary focus of the nursing process?

Diagnosing patient responses to actual or potential health problems

Which gesture enables the nurse to communicate effectively with a patient?

sitting in close proximity to the patient

which child is in the stage of presymbolic language development?

1 year old

What functions do the nursing diagnoses in a plan of care serve?

-organize the appropriate assessment data
-serve as a focus for nursing documentation
-provide a basic for developing a care plan

(it does NOT improve the clinical judgement of the nurse. research does that.)

According to Piaget, a child who has developed logical thinking and is able to use numbers for calculation is in which stage of cognitive development?

concrete operations

While documenting a complete health history, under which section would the nurse record a patient's activities of daily living?

Family history

Review of systems

Functional assessment

Reason for seeking care

functional assessment

Which statement is true regarding acculturation?

There is a lack of a definitive cultural background.

There is a belief that one culture is superior.

Individuals adopt the culture of the majority.

There are structured patterns of behavior within a group.

Individuals adopt the culture of the majority.

Which information would the nurse educator include regarding the seating of the patient and the interviewer while teaching nursing students about interviewing techniques?

Stand in front of the patient.

Sit facing the patient across a desk.

Sit at a distance of 3 feet from the patient.

Maintain equal-status seating with the patient.

Maintain equal-status seating with the patient.

Which finding indicates a normal value for the breath alcohol analysis test?






How many hours of sleep are recommended for teenagers?






Which is a positive nonverbal behavior of an interviewer?

Bland expression

High-pitched tone

Equal-status seating

Slouching in the chair

Equal-status seating

According to Piaget, which age is in the range for the preoperational stage of cognitive development?

1 year old

3 years old

10 years old

12 years old

3 years old

Which is a component of the review of systems?

Symptom analysis


Health promotion

Prenatal status

Health promotion

Which statement made by the male patient alerts the nurse to the possibility of "at-risk" drinking?

"I only drink a total of 2 mixed drinks on the weekends."

"I drink 15 bottles of beer a week, usually with friends."

"I have a glass of wine every night with supper."

"I usually have 4 drinks on Friday and 4 on Saturday."

"I drink 15 bottles of beer a week, usually with friends."

While obtaining a health history from a patient, which information should the nurse obtain? Select all that apply.


Family health



Current symptoms




Which documentation would the nursing instructor strike from the information entered by a nursing student under the past history?


Immunization history

Physical findings

Statements given by the patient

Physical findings

Which distance would the nurse maintain from a patient while conducting an interview?


Social distance

Public distance

Personal distance

Social distance

Which factors are characterized as societal dimensions of acculturative stress? Select all that apply.

Legal status


Political forces

Family separation

Lack of education

Legal status


Political forces

What is ambulation?

the act of walking

Which parts of the ophthalmoscope are present on the front of the ophthalmoscope head? Select all that apply.

Lens selector

Lens indicator

Mirror window

Viewing aperture

Aperture selector

Mirror window

Aperture selector

The nurse is preparing to obtain the height of a 70-year-old male patient who is established at the practice, and the patient states, "I'm 5'10" tall and have been all my life, so you don't need to measure." Which response is appropriate?
"It is possible for older adults to become taller later in life."

"You seem concerned about our need to obtain your height."

"We need to have a baseline height for our medical records."

"As people age the vertebral disks thin, which decreases height."

"As people age the vertebral disks thin, which decreases height."

Which would the nurse know is a normal finding while assessing the mobility of a young adult patient? Select all that apply.

Lack of involuntary movements

Able to balance without assistance

Foot stance equal to shoulder width

Notable propulsion during ambulation

Symmetric arm swing during ambulation

Lack of involuntary movements

Able to balance without assistance

Foot stance equal to shoulder width

Symmetric arm swing during ambulation

Which vital sign change is expected in an older adult?

Narrowed pulse pressure

Decreased respiratory rate

More easily palpable pulse

Higher body basal temperature

More easily palpable pulse

Which symptoms are expected in a patient suffering from an acute myocardial infarction? Select all that apply.




Cool, clammy skin

Shoulder and jaw pain


Cool, clammy skin

Shoulder and jaw pain

Under which section in the review of body systems would the nurse document history of back pain?

Under which section in the review of body systems would the nurse document a history of back pain? musculoskeletal system. (muscle pain, cramps, gait problems and back pain are included in this section.)

Under which section in the health history will the nurse include?

Under which section in the health history will the nurse include the patient's name and primary language? While recording the patient's complete health history, the nurse will record the patient's personal details such as occupation, ethnicity, and health practices under the biographic data section.

Under which section of the health history will the nurse document the following patient statement I haven't felt well lately I just had to come in for a checkup?

Under which section of the health history will the nurse document the following patient statement: "I haven't felt well lately. I just had to come in for a checkup"? The patient is not sure about the cause of the illness. Therefore the nurse will record these spontaneous statements as the reason for seeking care.

Which data do nurses document under the category of past health history?

The past health section includes the patient's past illness and treatment and this is where the nurse records information about a prior vaccination. Present health includes the current health status of the patient. Review of systems includes present and past health status and health promotion aids.


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