Users can both purchase and offer goods for sale on the internet, which makes the internet

Which of the following statements is true of the Internet?

The Internet is an interactive medium that allows for a two-way flow of information.

When major corporations first began to conduct business on the Internet, they put up websites primarily for:

Naomi has a consulting firm. She wants to use her website to provide details about her company's profile and to answer FAQs. Naomi's primary objective while designing her website is to:

Which of the following factors has led to a rapid adoption of the Internet?

The ability to conduct e-commerce through one's personal computer

When using the Internet as a medium, traditional marketers have experienced difficulties in:

Digital Melody, an online digital media store, allows customers to "sample" songs before they make a purchase decision. In this scenario, Digital Melody is trying to:

Which of the following is true of the Internet as a medium for branding?

The Internet is an effective medium for achieving communications objectives such as consideration and/or evaluation.

Which of the following is true of the Internet as an advertising medium?

Blogs and discussion boards are considered particularly useful for providing information to evaluate products and brands.

DigiCell Inc. sells computer equipment to small- and mid-sized businesses. Its website provides in-depth information on its products, customer service, shipping policies, and suppliers. Like most business-to-business sites, the primary objective of this website is to:

In developing creative strategies specifically adapted to the medium, marketers have found it most difficult to:

Create a brand image on the internet 

The manufacturer of "Allay" pain reliever offered a free sample of the product to visitors who registered at its website. In this case, the communications objective of the website was to:

Direct selling of goods and services on the Internet is known as:

Which of the following is true of e-commerce?

It is a direct sales strategy 

The terminology used to refer to the early evolution of the World Wide Web, in which users could view web pages and interface with them but could not contribute to the content of the web page, is known as _____.

Which of the following statements is true of Web 1.0?

It consisted mainly of static sites resulting in a one-way flow of communication.

Which of the following statements is true of Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 has led to dramatic changes in the World Wide Web due to decentralization of communications and interactivity.

_____ has led to dramatic changes in the World Wide Web, primarily as a result of decentralization of communications and interactivity, with information provided by users as contributors of content.

Like broadcast or print, the Internet:

can be static, animated, or in flash.

Banner ads are also known as:

Yoana is an online women's magazine that features an animated ad for Carmen's Cosmetics on its website. If a visitor clicks on the ad, it will take the visitor directly to Carmen's website. This ad is an example of a(n):

_____ occur when a company pays to sponsor a section of a site.

Regular sponsorship occurs when:

a company pays to sponsor a section of a site.

The website of, an online women's magazine, has a book section sponsored by, an e-commerce website. has a similar arrangement with and a few other sites. In this scenario, is using a(n):

Regular sponsorship occurs:

when a sponsor takes a corporate sponsorship of a page.

Ruminate Inc., an architectural design firm, pays for name association on a section of, a real estate website. Ruminate also sponsors a section on, another real estate website. Ruminate is using:

The Clement Network, a satellite television channel that broadcasts weather forecasts, pays money in return for its name association with, an Internet portal. The Clement Network also provides weather information for the site. Which of the following methods of advertising on the Internet is Clement Network using?

Gizmo World, a gadgets magazine, pays for name association on a section of, an e-commerce site that sells cell phones and accessories. Gizmo World features its own articles on Tech Atlas. This is an example of a(n):

_____ are windows or animated creatures that appear on a user's screen in an attempt to get his or her attention when the user is accessing the Internet.

_____ are ads that appear underneath a web page and become visible only when a user leaves the site.

While Ginger waited for's apparel site to download, a small ad encouraging her to check out the summer clothing collection at Ritzy, a retail outlet, appeared on her computer screen, along with a link to Ritzy's website. Ritzy's ad is an example of:

After Jones finished reading an article titled "101 Places To Visit Before You Die" in the travel website Excursion 2.0, he closed the page. Subsequently, he saw an ad on his screen that invited him to subscribe to the print version of Excursion 2.0 magazine. This ad is an example of:

Jonathan visits, a travel website, for information on the top ten tourist destinations in the United States. When he exits the website, an ad for Emblazon cell phones appears on his computer screen, inviting him to purchase the cell phone at a discounted price. This ad is an example of:

_____ are ads that appear on a user's computer screen while he or she is waiting while downloading content from a site.

In general, a site that ranks higher on a search page:

Is likely to receive more visitors

_____ searches are those that appear because of their relevance to the search terms, not advertisements.

Pay-per-click advertising is an example of:

_____ is the process of improving the volume of traffic driven to one's site by a browser or web portal through unpaid (organic) results as opposed to paid inclusions.

Search engine optimization 

Advertisers employ search engine optimization (SEO) to:

more specifically target customers who may be interested in their offerings.

_____ is an Internet advertising strategy that is based on advertisers' targeting consumers by tracking their website surfing patterns, such as which websites they have visited and/or searches they have made.

Behavioral targeting can be done by:

compiling clickstream data and Internet protocol information.

Clinton Steel Inc., a manufacturer of golf equipment, targets consumers based on their website surfing behaviors. The company places ads on websites where web traffic is highest for golf-related searches. In this scenario, Clinton Steel is using:

Once a user visits a website and leaves without purchasing a product, a specifically targeted ad is displayed on subsequent participating websites the user visits. This phenomenon is known as:

Advertisers who target their advertising based on the information provided on web pages are using:

Whereas behavioral advertising tracks surfing behaviors, contextual ads are determined by:

The content on a web page 

As defined by Wikipedia, _____ is "a web advertising in which an advertiser attempts to gain attention by providing valuable content in the context of a user's experience."

The goal of _____ is to be less intrusive while catching the attention of a reader who is likely to be interested in the content matter he or she is reading.

_____ are defined as "a broad range of interactive digital media that exhibit dynamic motion, taking advantage of enhanced sensory features such as video, audio, and animation."

_____ include all content that is created in flash.

_____ are short featured films made by advertisers in which companies create their own content to advertise their products.

The term _____ is commonly associated with Web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web.

As defined in Wikipedia, _____ have been defined as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content."

_____ sites are platforms that allow users to share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections.

Which of the following is true of social media?

It is built on the ideological foundations of Web 2.0.

As a powerful social medium, YouTube is a:

_____ is a medium that uses the Internet to distribute audio or video files for downloading into iPads and other portable devices.

The attractiveness of _____ would increase with the growth of market for iPads.

A(n) _____ organizes and formats web-based content in a standard way, sending out notification whenever new material is available.

Really simple syndication 

_____ is a specification that uses XML to organize and format Web-based content in a standard way.

Really simple syndication 

A _____ is a web-based publication consisting primarily of periodic articles normally, presented in reverse chronological order.

Which of the following is true of QR codes?

They are being threatened by near field communication.

Swish Turbo Inc., an automaker, conducted a sweepstakes in which people could enter to win the car that Adam Gosling, a popular golfer, uses during tournaments. To enter the sweepstakes, consumers had to visit Swish Turbo's website. Which of the following promotional mix elements did the automaker use on the Internet?

In the context of personal selling, which of the following factors is compelling companies to reduce new hires and even cut back on their existing sales forces?

Which of the following statements is true of personal selling on the Internet?

Customers can determine if a company's offering satisfies their needs through trial demonstrations or samples offered online.

Press releases about company growth prospects, recent innovations, and industry-related news are available at the website of Kinetics Inc., a manufacturer of automobile components for trucks. Anyone conducting research on the company has access to this information. In this scenario, Kinetics uses the Internet as a(n) _____ tool.

Cats Purr is a non-profit organization that provides shelter and care for abandoned cats and kittens. Cats Purr uses its website to display information about the cats that are available for adoption, how they are cared for at the shelter, and to spotlight various volunteer efforts. This is an example of how the Internet can be used as a(n) _____ tool.

Eli receives a mail offering a software program that helps in filing taxes online at a discounted price. This offer is an example of how the Internet and _____ can complement each other.

Which of the following is a traditional method of measuring the effectiveness of the Internet?

Which of the following is an Internet-specific measure that is used by companies?

Which of the following statements is true of the Internet?

It can target very specific groups of individuals.

Which of the following has been cited as an advantage of using the Internet?

Which of the following has been cited as a disadvantage of using the Internet?

While some marketers believe that the Internet will eventually replace traditional forms of advertising, others disagree. Which of the following weaknesses of the Internet would support the marketers who disagree?

Lack of reliability of research numbers generated

When using the Internet as a medium traditional marketers have experienced difficulties quizlet?

When using the Internet as a medium, traditional marketers have experienced difficulties in: D. creating brand images. Interestingly, one of the difficulties traditional marketers have experienced is that of creating a brand image on the Internet.

What type of medium is the Internet interactive medium one way medium flow medium ionic medium?

The Internet is an interactive medium that allows for a two-way flow of information.

Which of the following is an advantage of the Internet quizlet?

An advantage of the Internet is: its availability as an information source.

Which of the following is an example of direct response media?

Direct Response Marketing Examples This includes social media, digital, email, radio, print, TV and even influencer marketing.