Virgil wants to emphasize the sheet tabs in his workbook. which command should he choose?

HideJack would like to force the data in his spreadsheet to fit on one pagewhen printed. Which option should heselect?ScaleJim would like the data in Row 1 of his spreadsheet to repeat on everypage of his printout. What page setup option should he change?Print TitlesWhich command do you use to remove manual page breaks from aworksheet area?Select Remove Page Break from the Breaks drop-down areaJack would like the data in Row 10 not to display on his spreadsheet.Which option should he select?HideWhich command group on the Page Layout Ribbon controls the presenceof gridlines and headings on aworksheet?Sheet OptionsWhich set of formatting choices includes a set of colors, fonts, and effectsthat you can apply to a worksheet to enhance its appearance?

ThemeWhich command on the Home Ribbon do you use to replace information ina selected cell with new information or new formatting?Find & SelectJoan wants to be able to view row 1 as well as column A while scrollingthrough her worksheet. Which option should she choose?FreezeJohn would like to change the order of the worksheets in his workbook.Which option would he choose?MoveVirgil wants to emphasize the sheet tabs in his workbook. Which commandshould he choose?Tab colorJack would like the data in Row 1 to remain stationary on the screen whilehe scrolls. Which option should he select?FreezeWhich command on the Home Ribbon do you use to format row heightand column width, organize sheets, and protect or hide cells in aworksheet?FormatHow is an exact copy of a worksheet created within the same workbook?Right click the sheet tab then choose Move or Copy from the ShortcutmenuDavid wants to change all occurrences of "North Carolina" to "NC" in hisspreadsheet. What command should he use to complete this task?

Find and ReplaceWhat is a single character, word, or phrase in a cell on a worksheet that istypically used in searches?StringVirgil needs to transfer a worksheet in the current workbook to a differentworkbook. Which command should he choose?MoveJohn would like to remove a worksheet from his workbook. Which optionwould he choose?DeleteHow would you move sheet tabs to a new position in the workbook?Click and drag the sheet tab to the new locationVirgil wants to customize the sheet tabs in his workbook with the namesJune, July, and August. Which command should he choose?RenameWhat feature of Microsoft Excel keeps a portion of a worksheet visiblewhile the other portion scrolls?Freeze PanesDavid wants to arrange the employee salaries in Column A of hisspreadsheet from lowest to highest. What command should he use tocomplete this task?SortWhich command on the Home Ribbon do you use to temporarily hidespecific values on a worksheet based ona criterion?

Sort & FilterWhich command on the Home Ribbon do you use to organize data inascending or descending order?

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John wants to be able to view multiple areas of his spreadsheet at the same time. What would be his best option? A. Freeze Panes B. Split C. Hide D. Unhide

Which group on the View Ribbon enables a user to show or hide the ruler, gridlines, Formula Bar, or headings? A. Workbook views B. Show C. Zoom D. Window

Which of the following software programs is a powerful spreadsheet program that allows users to organize data, complete calculations, and graph data? A. Word B. Publisher C. Excel D. Powerpoint

Joan wants to add a new entry at the bottom of her spreadhseet. What is the shortcut that will take her to the last record on her spreadsheet? A. Ctrl+Home B. Ctrl+End C. Ctrl+ Up Arrow D. Ctrl+1

What command do you use to increase or decrease the view of a selected cell or range of cells to fill the Excel Window area for better visibility? A. Magnify the area B. Enlarge Selected Area C. Amplify Range D. Zoom to selection

What command will arrange Microsoft Excel windows so that they appear side by side on the screen? A. Zoom to selection B. New window C. Arrange All D. Freeze Panes

Which ribbon option opens a related dialog box? A. Ellipse B. Dropdown arrow C. Launcher D. Slider

Which view is the default view used in Microsoft Excel?
A. Page Layout B. Print C. Normal D. Web

Joan has entered her name in the First Name field in cell B2 of her table. What does her First Name represent in the table? A. Entry B. Workbook C. Row D. Column

Sharon's spreadsheet contains information about the number of music downloads in F25. "25" identifies: A. Cell B. Column C. Range D Row

Which Microsoft Office object would you use for quick, convient, one click access to frequently used Excel command? A. Quick Access Toolbar B. Title bar C. Status bar D. Formula Bar

What feature was created for users who prefer to use the keyboard rather than the mouse, and provides keyboard code icons that may be used in conjunctions with the ALT key? A. Quick Access Toolbar B. Hot keys C. Mini Toolbar D. Keytips

Joyce needs to access a spread sheet she saved yesterday. What command would she select? A. Exit B. Open C. Save D. Save As

Which area, on the left side of the formula bar, can you look at to determine the cell address of a selected cell? A. Cell box B. Address box C. Name box D Formula box

Which of the following would you use to enter calculate, manipulate, and analyze data such as numbers and text in Excell? A. work book B. work sheet C. note pad D. folder

What occurs when the cursor is moved over a cell and a user clicks? A. The row is selected B. the cell is selected C. the column is selected D. the work sheet is selected

Which view enables a user to create or modify a worksheet while seeing how it will look in printed format? A. Page Layout B. Print C. Normal D. Web

Which command do you use to close an open file and completely exit the microsoft excel program? A. Close B. Save As C. Exit D. Quit

Which of the following notebook- like features organizes the sheets for use in Excel? A. Work book B. Work sheet C. Note pad D. Folder

Joan has a table that includes demographic information about her employees. What does all the information about one employee represent? A. Entry B. Work Book C. Row D. Column

Which tab do you use to display the area that contains the print command? A. Home B. Page Layout C. View D. File

What is the process of using the mouse to move or copy cells called? A. Click and paste B. Drag and move C. Dragging D. Drag and Drop

Which command on the Fill options dialog box is the default option if you enter a month or day? A. Copy Cells B. Fill Formatting Only C. Fill without Formatting D. Fill Series

Which Microsoft Excel feature automatically inserts data into a cell that begins with the same characters as a previous entry? A. Auto Complete B. Auto Fill C. Auto Correct D. AutoSpell

John wants to print only the Inventory worksheet that he is currently working on in his work book. Which option should he choose? A. Print Selection B. Print Active Sheet C. Print Entire Workbook D. Fit Sheet on One Page

When entering data into a cell, which keyboard key is used to remove characters to the left of the insertion point? A. Delete Key B. Back space key C. Left arrow key D. Enter Key

In an Microsoft Excel worksheet, how do you change the width of a column so that the widest entry will fit? A. Smart Fit B. Auto Fit C. Best Fit D. True Fit

Jennifer needs to identify the values in column B for a sales report. Which type of entry should she use in the column header? A. values B. formulas C. labels D. functions

Sharon's spreadsheet contains information about the number of music downloads in F1:F25. F1:F25 represents a: A. Cell B. Column C. Range D. Row

David wants to key the numbers 1 to 1000 in Column A of his spread sheet. What command should he use to complete this task? A. Autofill B. Filter C. Find and Replace D. Sort

Joan is creating a table that will include demographic informations about employees. What is each header in her table considered? A. Label B. Value C. Formula D. Function

Alicia needs to delete the data in cell B5. Which command would she select? A. Clear B. Copy C. Cut D. Format Painter

Which command on the "Home Ribbon" allows data to be moved from one worksheet location to another? A. Cut B. Move C. Copy D. Duplicate

To help organize and identify Microsoft Excel files by providing details about the files, which of the following would you use? A. File details B. Document properties C. File facts D. Document options

Alicia needs to move the data in cell B5 to cell E5. which command would she select? A. clear B. copy C. cut D. format painter

In Microsoft Excel, which feature makes an exact replica of the cell data and format while keeping the original cell intact? A. Paste B. Move C. Cut D. Copy

Which term refers to a group of selected cells that may be formatted, moved, copied or deleted as a group? A. Segment B. Set C. Range D. Cluster

Joyce has updated the Data in an existing spreadsheet. Which command would she select to preserve the data for future use? A. Exit B. Open C. Save D. Save As

Jennifer needs to identify the values in column B for a statistics report. Which type of entry should the use in the column header? A. Values B. formulas C. Labels D. functions

What is the name of the small black square in the lower-right corner of the heavy border of an active cell that repeats a cell's value in adjacent cells? A. Fill Handle B. Filler C. Copy Handle D. Copy box

What is the name of the list of frequently used Excel commands available when a user right-clicks an item in the worksheet? A. Mini Toolbar B. Quick Access Toolbar C. Shortcut Menu D. Short cut Tool bar

Which command enables a user to save as existing worksheet with a new name or save the worksheet in a new location? A. close B. Save C. Save As D. Exit

Johns work books includes 3 work sheets. which option should he choose to print them? A. Print Selection B. Print Active Sheet C. Print Entire Work book D. Fit to one page

Jim would like to print only the cell range A1:F20. What page setup option should he change? A. Orientation B. Page Break C. Print Area D. Print Titles

Steve would like to print only the worksheet he is currently working on. What print option should he choose? A. Print Area B. Active Sheets C. Entire Workbooks D. Quick Print

Which is a special workbook a user can create and then use as a pattern to create new, similar workbooks, or worksheets? A. Form B. Boiler plate C. Smart Sheet D. Template

What area contains the command used to customize the print options in Microsoft Excel? A. Home Ribbon B. Page Layout Ribbon C. File Tab D. Quick Access toolbar

Kenyon would like to apply the Title format to the data in Row 1 of a spread sheet. Which formatting style should he select? A. Cell style B. Conditional formatting C. Fill Color D. Format as a Table

Trey would like to outline the cell range A1:F20. Which formatting style should he suggest? A. Borders B. Cell style C. Conditional formatting D. Format as Table

Trey would like to apply a rule to the data in cell range A1:F20 that will highlight numbers greater than 50000 with a yellow fill color and dark yellow text. Which formatting style should he select? A. borders B. Cell style C. Conditional formatting D. format as table

C. Conditional Formatting

Carl notices that the data in cell E4 ######. What command could Carl choose to correct his problem? A. AutoFit B. Special Formatting C. Subscript D. Wrap Text

On the home ribbon, what do you use to change the font size of characters in a cell? A. Font drop down list B. Font size drop-down list C. Font Style drop down list D. Cell styles drop down list

B. Font size Drop-down list

Which defines the appearance and shape of the letters, numbers, and special characters in Microsoft Excel? A. Alignment B. Font C. Size D. Effects

What defines the color of the character in an Microsoft Excel worksheet? A Font size B. Font color C. Cell Color D. Merge & Center

Which command on the Home Ribbon do you use to rotate text to a vertical or diagonal angle in a worksheet? A. Font B. Orientation C. Wrap Text D. Merge and Center

On the Home Ribbon, what do you use to change the text color of characters in a cell? A. Font Color drop down list B. Font size drop down list C. Fill Color Drop down list D. Cell styles drop down list

A. Font Color drop down list

Kathryn needs the title in cell A1 to align horizontally across cells A1 through D1. Which alignment option should she select? A, Center B. Center and Merge C. Orientation D. Wrap text

What type of formatting appears only when the value in a cell meets conditions specified by a user? A. Criterion B. Conditional C. Logical D. Restrictive

Carl notices the last 2 lines of text in cell B4 are not showing up in his spread sheet. How could Carl format the cell to correct this problem? A. AutoFit B. Special Formatting C. Subscript Formatting D. Merge

Which quick number style button formats numbers to display as currency in the worksheet? A. Percent B. Accounting C. Comma D. Dollar

Column D in a spread sheet contains information about regional sales. Which formatting would be most appropriate for the data in column D? A. Currency B. Date C. Number D. Text

Which command on the Insert Ribbon creates a link to a web page, picture, email address, or program in a worksheet? A. Hyperlink B. Web link C. link up D. Text link

What command do you use to apply a back ground color to cells in a worksheet? A. Drawing B. Fill Color C. Borders and shading D. High light

Which dialogue box contains the commands to specify an exact date and time format to use for a selected cell in a worksheet? A. Number B. Font C. Paragraph D. Format Cells

Where can you find the command to apply a fill color to a cell or range of cells in a worksheet? A. home ribbon B. Insert ribbon C. Page Layout Ribbon D. View Ribbon

Which dialog box in Microsoft Excel do you use to set the rotation of text in a cell to a specific degree? A. Orientation B. Format Cells C. Format Text D. Alignment

Which command on the Home Ribbon joins selected cells into one and centers that content into a larger single cell? A. Wrap Text B. Group Cells C. Cell Styles D. Merge and Center

Which command do you use to format a cell or selected cells quickly by choosing from a defined list of styles? A. Format as table B. Cell Style C. Conditional formatting D. Form

Which command do you use to reduce the margin between the border and the text in an indented cell? A. Orientation B. Decrease Indent C. Column Width D. Alignment

Kathryn needs the text in cell A1 to be angled at 90 degrees. Which alignment option should she select? A. Center B. Merge and Center C. Orientation D. Wrap Text

Column D in a spread sheet contains employee ID Number. Which formatting would be most appropriate for the data in column D? A. Currency B. Date C. Number D. Text

Which command do you use to remove manual page breaks from a worksheet area? A. Select break, press Delete on keyboard B. Select Remove Page Break from the Breaks drop down area C. Select break, press Backspace on Keyboard D. Select break, press Remove Page Break from Short Cut Menu

B. Select Remove Page Break from the Breaks drop down area

Jim would like the data in Row 1 of his spreadsheet to repeat on every page of his printout. What page setup option should he change? A. Orientation B. Page Break C. Print Area D. Print Titles

Which command on the Page Layout Ribbon enables a user to mark where a new page will begin on the printed copy? A. Print Area B. Breaks C. Back ground D. Effects

Which set of formatting choices includes a set of colors, fonts, and effects that you can apply to worksheet to enhance its appearance? A. Layout B. Template C. Theme D. Design

Jack would like to force the data in his spreadsheet to fit on one page when printed. Which option should he select? A. Freeze B. Header C. Hide D. Scale

What command do you use to insert information into a worksheet that will display at the top and bottom edges of the printed pages. A. Margins B. Print titles C. Header and Footer D. Page setup

which command on the home ribbon do you use to format row height and column width, organize sheets and protect or hide cells in a worksheet? A. Insert B. Form C. Sort and Filter D. Format

In Microsoft Excel, what do you use to emphasize certain entries and make the worksheet easier to read and understand? A. Formatting B. printing C. Arranging D. Configuring

Which command on the Home Ribbon do you use to remove cells, rows, or columns from a worksheet or row? A. Delete B. Remove C. Format D. Format as Table

Which command group on the Page Layout Ribbon controls the presence of gridlines and headings on a worksheet? A. Themes B. Page Setup C. Sheet Options D. Arrange

Joan is hsowing her spreadsheet to a customer and do not want the customer to be able to see the whole sale prices column. What option should she choose?
A. Freeze B. Split C. Page Break D. Hide

Jack would like the data in Row 10 not to display on his spreadsheet. Which option should he select? A. Freeze B. Header C. Hide D. Scale

Which ribbon contains the command to apply a theme to a worksheet in Microsoft Excel? A. Home B. Page Layout C. Data D. View

John's spreadsheet includes multiple pages of records. If John wants to view his headings while scrolling through his spreadhseet what should he do? A. Freeze panes B. Split C. Hide D. Unhide

Which term describes the black portions of a page that fall outside the main body of the printed document? A. Borders B. Edges C. Frames D. Margins

John notices that column D is not showing on his spreadsheet. What action does he need to take to view column D? A. Freeze Panes B. Split C. Hide D. Unhide

What type of formula cell reference instructs Microsoft Excel to keep the cell reference constant in the formula as it copies it to the destination area? A. Relative B. Mixed C. Absolute D. Unconditional

How is a cell reference in a formula and its corresponding location in a worksheet identified? A. Arrows pointing from the formula to the location B. Cell reference and cell location are circled C. Cell Reference and cell location are outlined in matching colors D. Lines connect from the formula to the location

C. Cell Reference and cell location are outlines in matching colors

Sandra is creating a formula to multiply the values in cells B4 and C4. Which formula should she use? A. =B4+C4 B. =B4*C4 C. =B4xC4 D. =B4-C4

Jennifer is calculating her GPA. If she uses "=(A1+A2+A3+A4)/4, this is an example of which entry? A. values B. formulas C. labels D. functions

Sandra is creating a formula to subteact the values in cells B4 and C4. Which formula will she use? A. =B4+C4 B. =B4*C4 C. =B4/C4 D. =B4-C4

Gabriel needs to create a formula that does not change when it is copied to cell B2. Which formula should he create? A. =$B$1+25 B. =B1+25 C. =1$B$+25 D. =B1:B3

What method is the most efficient way to copy 5 separate formulas to adjacent cells simultaneously? A. copy method from Shortcut Menu B. Copy using the Fill Handle C. Copy from the Home Ribbon D. Copy using the Quick Access Toolbar

B. Copy using the Fill Handle

When copying values in Microsoft Excel, which feature automatically adjusts cell references for the new copy location? A. Absolute reference B Certain references C. Variable reference D. Relative reference

Amanda has created a spread sheet containing test grades for the 1st nine weeks. Which function would she use to estimate the grade on her next test? A. Average B. Max C. Min D. Sum

Larkeysha has created a spreadsheet containing student grades. Which function would she use to return the current date in cell A1? A. Count B. IF C. NOW D. Today

Which group on the Formula Ribbon contains the command that checks for common errors found in a formula? A. Function Library B. Defined Names C. Formula Auditing D. Calculation

Gabriel needs to create a shortcut formula in cell B40 to calculate total sales located in cells B1 through B39. Which function should he create? A. =$B$1+25 B. =B1+B25 C. =Sum(B1:B39) D. =B1:B39

Where can you find the Insert Function button in Microsoft Excel? A. Quick Access Toolbar B. Formula bar C. Status bar D. Shortcut menu

Angie is calculating her average sales for the past four months. If she uses "=AVERAGE(B1:B4)" this is an example of which type of entry?
A. values B. formula C. labels D. functions

What function adds all of the numbers in a range of cells? A. Calculate B. Sum C. Compute D. Add

Which command on the Home tab displays the total of the selected cells directly after the selected cells? A. AutoSum B. Add C. Total D. Calculate

What is a prewritten formula that is built into Microsoft Excel called? A. Utility B. Procedure C. Function D. Statement

Which function do you use to insert today's date in a worksheet so that is automatically updates each time the worksheet is opened? A. Today B. Weekday C. Date D. Current Date

Larkeysha has created a spread sheet containing student grades. Which function would she use to return the current date and time in cell A1? A. COUNT B IF C. NOW D. TODAY

Amanda has created a spreadsheet containing test grades for the first nine weeks. Which function would she use to find the highest test grade? A. AVERAGE B. MAX C. MIN D. SUM

WHich of the following are valid Microsoft Excel Functions? A. AVERAGE, MAX and MIn B. MAX, MIN, and WEEk C. AVERAGE MAX and MIN D. WEEKDAY MAX and CLOSE

Virgil wants to emphasize the sheet tabs in his workbooks. Which command should he choose? A. Insert B. Move C. Rename D. Tab Color

What is a single character, word, or phrase in a cell on a worksheet that is typically used in searches? A. Text B. String C. Thread D. Key

What feature of Microsoft Excel keeps a portion of a worksheet visible while the other portion scrolls? A. Zoom B. select C. Freeze Panes D Rotate

How is an exact copy of a worksheet created within the same workbook? A. While pointing to the sheet tab, choose copy from the Shortcut Menu B. Right click the sheet tab, then choose Move or copy from the Shortcut Menu C. While pointing to the Select All button, choose Move or Copy from the Short cut Menu D. Choose Move or Copy from the Quick Access Toolbar

B. Right click the sheet tab, then choose move or copy from the short cut menu 

John would like to change the order of the worksheets in his workbook. Which option would he choose? A. Insert B Delete C. Copy D. Move

Virgil needs to transfer a worksheet in the current workbook to a different workbook. Which command should he choose? A. Insert B. Move C. Rename D. Tab Color

Which command on the Home Ribbon do you use to replace information in a selected cell with new information or new formatting? A. Font B. Format Cell C. Cell styles D. Find and Select

Virgil wants to customize the sheet tabs in his workbook with the names June, July, and August. Which command should he choose? A. Insert B. Move C. Rename D. Tab color

David wants to change all occurrences of "North Carolina" to NC in his spreadsheet. What command should he use to complete this task? A. AutoFill B. Filter C. Find and Replace D. Sort

John would like to remove a worksheet from his workbook. Which option would he choose? A. Insert B. Delete C. Copy D. Move

Jack would like the data in Row 1 to remain stationary on the screen while he scrolls. Which option should he select? A. Freeze B. Header C. Hide D. Scale

Joan wants to be able to view row 1 as well as column A while scrolling through her worksheet. Which option should she choose? A. Freeze B. Split C. Page Break D. Hide

How would you move sheet tabs to a new position in the workbook? A. Chooses move on the Home Ribbon B. Click and drag the sheet tab to the new location C. choose move on the insert ribbon D. Choose relocate on the Quick Access Toolbar

B. Click and drag the sheet tab to the new location

Joshua created a budget workbook that contained the formula =(Summary!B3). "Summary" is an example of a(n): A. Named range B. external reference C. Names manager D. Scope

What do you call it when your reference cells in other sheets in a worksheet formula using the sheet name as the reference rather than the cell address? A. Calling the Sheet B. Name reference C. Sheet Name D. Worksheet Reference

Tyler created a monthly sales workbook that contains the formula =Sum(Sales). "Sales is an example of a(n): A. named range B. external reference C. names manager D. Scope

Tyler created a monthly sales workbook that contains the formula =(January!B3). "January" is an example of a(n): A. named range B. External reference C. Names manager D. Scope

Which group on the Formulas Ribbon contains a command that allows a user to create names for cells to use in a formula? A. Function Library B. Defined Names C. Formula Auditing D. Calculation

Which group on the Formulas Ribbon enables a user to specify when a formula is computed? A. Function Library B. Defined Names C. formula Auditing D. calculation

What Home Ribbon group contains the command used for quickly converting selected cells to a table by choosing a table style? A. Styles B. Alignment C. Editing D. Font

David only wants to view the employees in the Marketing department who earn a salary of more than $25,0000. What command should he use to complete this task? A. AutoFill B.Filter C. Find and Replace D. Sort

David wants to arrange the employee salaries in Column A of his spreadsheet from lowest to highest. What command should he use to complete this task? A. AutoFill B. Filter C. Find and Replace D. Sort

Dylan is creating an Excel spreadsheet of student schedules for all FBLA members. He would like to know how many members are in the same first period class. Which feature would allow him to do this? A. Group B. Collapse C. Subtotal D. Outline

Dylan is creating an Excel spreadsheet of student schedules for all FBLA members. He would like to show a summary view of all of the first period classes. Which feature would allow him to do this? A. Group B. Collapse C. Subtotal D. Outline

Which ribbon includes the commands to apply a quick table style to a range of cells? A. Home B. Insert C. Page Layout D. Data

Kenyon would like to convert the cell range A1:F20 to a Medium 19 style. Which formatting style should he select? A. Cell style B. Conditional formatting C. Fill color D. Format as table

Which command on the Home Ribbon do you use to temporarily hide specific values on a work sheet based on a criterion? A. Find and Select B. Format Cell C. Sort and Filter D. Organize

which command on the Hoem Ribbon do you use to organize data in ascending or descending order? A. Find and Select B. Format Cell C. Sort and Filter D. Organize

Which is a way to qualify data by specifying a matching condition or asking a question of the data? A. Insert B. Sort C. Query
D. Probe

What is the process of bringing data containing text fields separated by commas into Excel called? A. Imported data B. Data collected C. Data integration D. Data migration

Joan wants to see her sales representatives in numerical order with the sales person who sold the least at the top. Which sorting option should she choose? A. Ascending B. Descending C. Primary Sort D. Customer Filter

How do you quickly modify a table style to meet user preferences? A. Right click on a style and choose modify B. Right click on a style and choose duplicate C. Double click a style from the Table Quick Styles Gallery D. Choose Modify from the Styles Group on the Home Ribbon

A. Right click on a style and choose modify

Cooper is creating a spreadsheet for FBLA and wants to be able to put the spreadsheet in alphabetical order by last name. What should Cooper apply to the spreadsheet? A, Marco B.Sort C. Filter D. Formula

Joan has created a spread sheet that displays sales of her employees. She would like to view only those employees with sales above $25000 who are from Region 3. What option will allow her to do that? A. Ascending B. Descending C. Filter D. Custom Filter

SumIF and SumIFs are in which category of functions? A. Math and Trig B. Text C. Logical D. Lookup and Reference

Tom wants to convert all text to lower case. Which function did she use? A. trim B. Proper C. upper D. lower

Jill wants to search her spreadsheet for a value in the first column of her table. What function should she use? A. VLOOKUP B. HLOOKUP C. LOOKUP D. SEARCH

James wants his spreadsheet to return true when the logical value is false. What function should he use? A. IF B AND C. OR D. NOT

Tom wants to search his spreadsheet for a value in the fourth row of his table. What function should he use? A. VLOOKUP B. HLOOKUP C. LOOKUP D. SEARCH

Maggie wants to use a function will return True when all its arguments are true, and False when one or more arguments are false. What function would she use? A. IF B. AND C. OR D. NOT

In Sam's spreadsheet, Column A has student first and last names. They need to be separated into 2 different columns. Which tool would he use? A. Convert Text to Column B. Split View C. View Side by Side D. Comma Delimited

A. Convert Text to Column

Jane wants to add a range of cells in her spreadsheet. She would like Excel to add only the cells in that range that are greater than 1000. What function should she use? A. SUMIF B. AVERAGEIF C. TOTALIF D. COUNTIF

How would you move sheet tabs to a new position in the workbook?

On the Edit menu, click Sheet > Move or Copy Sheet. On the To book menu, click the workbook that you want to move the sheet to. Tip: To create a new workbook that contains the moved sheet, click new book. In the Before sheet box, click the sheet that you want to insert the moved sheet before, or click move to end.

What feature of Microsoft Excel keeps a portion of a worksheet visible while the other portion Scrolls?

To keep an area of a worksheet visible while you scroll to another area of the worksheet, go to the View tab, where you can Freeze Panes to lock specific rows and columns in place, or you can Split panes to create separate windows of the same worksheet.

What are the tabs in a spreadsheet called?

To move between worksheets: As mentioned, each workbook defaults to three worksheets. These worksheets are represented by tabs—named Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3—that appear at the bottom of the Excel window.

What are the tabs that identify the worksheets in a workbook?

In Microsoft Excel, a sheet, sheet tab, or worksheet tab is used to display the worksheet that a user is currently editing. By clicking a worksheet tab (located at the bottom of the window), users may move between the various worksheets. Every Excel file may have multiple worksheets, but the default number is three.

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