Was bedeuten 17 fehler bei ielts lisening est

The Test Report Form provides your overall band score and band scores for each of the four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.

Overall band score

The overall band score is the average of the four sections scores, rounded to the nearest whole or half band. The sections scores are weighted equally.

Some examples:

  Listening Reading  Writing  Speaking Average of four components
(total of the four individual
component scores 
divided by four)  
Band score 
Test taker A  6.5 6.5 5.0 7.0 6.25 6.5
Test taker B 4.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 3.875 4.0
Test Taker C 6.5 6.5 5.5 6.0 6.125 6.0

If the average of the four sections ends in .25, the overall band score is rounded up to the next half band, and if it ends in .75, the overall band score is rounded up to the next whole band.

Section band scores


The IELTS Listening test contains 40 questions. Each correct answer is awarded one mark. Scores out of 40 are converted to the IELTS nine-band scale. Scores are reported in whole and half bands.


The IELTS Reading test contains 40 questions. Each correct answer is awarded one mark. Scores out of 40 are converted to the IELTS nine-band scale. Scores are reported in whole and half bands.

The Academic and General Training Reading tests are graded on the same scale. The distinction between the two tests is one of genre or text type. However, Academic Reading tests may contain texts which feature more difficult vocabulary or greater complexity of style. It is usual that a greater number of questions must be answered correctly on a General Training Reading test to secure a given band score.

The tables below indicate the average number of marks required to achieve a particular band score in Listening, Academic Reading and General Training Reading.

Band score Raw score out of 40
5 16
6 23
7 30
8 35
Academic Reading  
Band score Raw score out of 40
Academic Reading
5 15
6 23
7 30
8 35
General Training Reading 
Band score Raw score out of 40
General Training Reading
4 15
5 23
6 30
7 34
8 38


Examiners use assessment criteria to award a band score for each of the four criteria:

  • Task Achievement (for Task 1), Task Response (for Task 2)
  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Lexical Resource
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy

The criteria are weighted equally and the score on the task is the average.


Examiners use assessment criteria to award a band score for each of the four criteria:

  • Fluency and Coherence
  • Lexical Resource
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy
  • Pronunciation

The criteria are weighted equally and the Speaking band score is the average.

Versions of the assessment criteria for Writing and Speaking have been developed to help stakeholders better understand the level of performance required to secure a particular band score:

  • Download Writing task 1 assessment criteria (PDF,124KB)
  • Download Writing task 2 assessment criteria (PDF, 68KB)
  • Download Speaking assessment criteria (PDF, 120KB)

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IELTS scores guide

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Setting IELTS entry scores

Wie oft kann man den IELTS Test machen?

Sie können den IELTS-Test so oft ablegen, wie Sie möchten. Sie können sich jederzeit erneut für einen Test anmelden.

Wie schwierig ist der IELTS Test?

Der IELTS test besteht eben aus Reading, Speaking, Writing und Listening. Wenn du dich gut vorbereitest, ist es nicht schwer. Allerdings wäre es natürlich praktisch, wenn du dich in England vorbereiten könntest, weil du mehr von der Sprache mitbekommst, vorallem für die tests in Listening und Speaking.

Was ist leichter Toefl oder IELTS?

Wirklich kompliziert wird es aber erst bei der mündlichen Prüfung. Daher gilt: Wenn Sie sich schon an den britischen Akzent gewöhnt haben, sollten Sie der Einfachheit halber den IELTS ablegen. Wenn Sie sich schon gut mit dem amerikanischen Akzent auskennen, dann sollten Sie sich für den TOEFL-Test entscheiden.

Wie viel kostet IELTS Test in Deutschland?

Die Kosten für den Test betragen 235 Euro. Sie haben folgende Möglichkeiten, den Test zu bezahlen: Online mit Kreditkarte über das Online-Buchungssystem.


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