What are buying signals? describe some buying signals a salesperson should look for.

Before going into this piece about buying signals, I think it’s important to be clear about the definition of the word sales. A sale is the exchange of a product or service for money. Not to be confused with marketing i.e. a communication tool, used to help get sales.

A sale can take place face to face (in person /virtual), over the phone, digitally (eg email, webchat). Some sales are straightforward. The customer (client) wants /needs your product, is happy with the price etc., so makes the purchase.

However, some sales processes are less straightforward and business owners /salespeople must get their “selling heads on” in order to make the sale. Asking open questions e.g. Who, What, When – also vital when it comes to establishing needs / wants for your offering.

Hopefully, people will say, “Yes” quickly and we can all move on. But, if it’s not a “Yes”, does that mean it’s a “No”? Not necessarily, we must look for buying signals from the potential customer (client). This is much, much, much easier when selling face to face but to help you I have listed my top 7 buying signals: -

  1. Nodding their head - When the customer continually nods their head up and down, they are non-verbally saying “Yes, I would like to buy.” This is the classic non-verbal buying signal. If you have good eye contact and you are listening to the customer, you will easily recognize this signal. When the customer gives you this sign, start moving toward the close. Finish presenting your solution and ask for the business. In a verbal non face to face scenario, this could be “mmm” or a “yes I see” etc
  2. The customer starts repeating a benefit statement - If the customer repeats a benefit statement, they want you to validate the information. The customer is also letting you know that this particular benefit is important to them. When the customer gives you this signal, begin moving toward the close. Validate the information they mentioned, finish the presentation, and ask for the business.
  3. The customer asks for the price - Ironically, some salespeople will confuse this request as a price objection. Salespeople mislabel these customers as price shoppers, when in fact, the customer is telling you they are interested in making a purchase. If the customer gives you this signal, begin moving toward the close. But before you ask for the business, ask the customer to validate the value of your solution. Ask the customer, “Does our solution meet your needs?” or “Are we on the right track?”
  4. The customer says yes - This is the most obvious buying signal, but some salespeople talk past the sale. When the customer directly says yes, it is important to move the sale forward quickly. There is no need to continue convincing the customer; they already said yes. If the customer gives you this signal, establish the next steps and get out of there. If they need to sign something, have it ready. Be prepared for the customer to say yes.
  5. Smiling - If a customer smiles while you are presenting benefits or pricing, it is usually a good sign.
  6. Leaning Forward - When customers lean forward, it usually means they are interested in what you are saying, so, if well-timed, leaning forward can be a strong buying signal.
  7. Asking About Next Steps - When customers ask about processes, or the next step in a process, it usually means they are interested.

So, next time you have a potential customer (client) in front of you remember - We have 2 ears and 1 mouth – listening is vital when it comes to selling and last but not least, think about the buying signals they are giving out, harness the power of this concept and gain the sale!

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Look out for our next Blog on Selling Virtually.

About the author

What are buying signals? describe some buying signals a salesperson should look for.

Nick Langley

Business Coach at the Growth Company

Nick owned a successful business for nearly 20 years, a recruitment company which he started from scratch and grew into being one of the market leaders. He has been a business coach for the last 5 years, using his personal business experience combined with the theoretical knowledge of developing "the perfect business model" to help sole traders and owners of small limited companies become more successful. Nick has also been a Membership Advisor for The Federation of Small Businesses. He has a true passion for helping individuals to develop their business and achieve ultimate success.

What are the buying signals?

By definition, buying signals are the actions potential customers take that indicate they're close to making a purchase. They're customers' verbal buying signals—the cues your sales agent homes in on when talking to a prospect.

How does a salesperson define a buying signal?

A buying signal is an action indicating an opportunity for a sales representative to make contact with a prospect. It helps determine how much a person needs the product or service so that a sales rep can concentrate on those who are most likely to buy.

What signals will you look for to indicate that the customer is ready to purchase the product?

Here are some buying signals that indicate the customer is ready to move forward..
Nodding their head. ... .
The customer starts repeating a benefit statement. ... .
The customer asks for the price. ... .
The customer says yes..

Why is it important to notice buying signals?

Buying signals are the actions prospective buyers take that may indicate they're close to making a purchasing decision. For B2B sales and marketing teams, buying signals are especially important because they can help you hone in on the most promising leads, saving time and closing more deals.