What are some common problems caused by the use of technology in a service setting quizlet?

Stress management is very important and without doing it you would likely experience burn out pretty fast. Some of the effects of stress are burnout, negative Office Chatter, fatigue, reduced productivity and feelings of being overworked, hopelessness, failure underappreciated, confused, concerned, and resentful. Some ways to reduce or manage stress are: Pay attention to yourself, don't try to control everything, alter your lifestyle, change your thinking, and create an outlet. Positives tress is a force that motivates and energizes you rather than makes you anxious and frustrated; there-fore, you can channel its energy into productive results. In contrast, negative stress decreases productivity and comes from worrying about things you have no power to change.

Sell and then sell again: Always promote and sell your company even after acquiring the customer
Bring back the "lost sheep": Reach out to customers who seem to stop doing business with you and see if you can offer them something to come back as customer.
Frequent Communications Calendar: Use a programmed sequence of communication, such as letters, events, phone calls, thank-you notes, special offers, and cards or notes with a personal touch.
Product or service integrity: Customers will be attracted to you if you are open and honest with them, care for them, take a genuine interest in them, don't let them down, and practice what you preach.

They work 35 - 40 hours a week with overtime, nightshift, and weekend hours. CSR's can deal with customers face-to-face or by phone. They can deal with customers over the phone in call centers where they work in cubbies with headsets, telephones, and computers. They spend a long time sitting, typing, and looking at computer screens. They need to be able to sit, use their arms, hands and fingers for long periods of time. They also need to speak, hear, and see well to communication information correctly.

When organizations have a baseline of service performance standards, they deliver, regardless of who the customer is or how much he or she spends. Standards also need to be the basis for selecting, training, evaluating, rewarding, and retaining CSRs, the key personnel who will reach out to and, hopefully, retain that customer base. Effective customer service standards reflect an understanding of what customers need, want, and are willing to pay for, as well as what the competition is offering.

Encoding Process - A message arrives from a sender, and the senses pick up the message and relay it to the receiver.
Decoding Process - Receiver filters the message and gives it a unique meaning. The meaning triggers a response, and the receiver returns (by voice, writing, or gestures) the shared understanding of the message to the sender.

Feedback - A message transmitted back to the original sender.

Sender- The sender has an idea to share with another person. That idea is in the sender's mind and the goal is to get it into the receiver's mind.
2.Receiver - The receiver is the person or persons with whom the sender is trying to communicate. After the receiver hears the message, feedback is sent to the sender.
3.Message - The message contains more than words. It also encompasses a combination of feelings, attitudes, facial and body gestures, and other unique personality traits.
4.Channel - This refers to the medium through which a message is transmitted to its intended audience. Broadly speaking, for customer service, two effective channels include print media (letters, e-mails, web pages) and broadcast media (phone, personal conversations, chats, meetings).
5.Shared understanding - The degree to which a receiver understands what a sender is trying to communicate depends on human and personality factors involving similarities and differences between the communicators and any previous perceptions each may have relative the topic of discussion.
6.Feedback- As previously mentioned, feedback is the receiver's reaction sent back to the sender. Each of us has experienced from time to time the feeling, "He doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about. "In most cases, we reach this conclusion by interpreting the verbal or nonverbal feedback the receiver is generating.

Aggressive Communication style is closed-minded, listens poorly, has difficulty seeing another person's point of view, interrupts other people while they are talking, and tends to monopolize the conversation. Typically, an aggressive communicator feels he or she must win arguments at any cost.

Passive communication style tend to be indirect and hesitant to say what is really on their minds. By avoiding or ignoring problems, passive communicators are likely to agree externally, while disagreeing internally. They often feel powerless in confrontational situations because they don't like to make waves or upset anyone.

Assertive communication style tends to be an effective, active listener who states limits and expectations and does not label or judge people or events. By confronting problems at the time they happen, assertive communicators leave themselves open to negotiating, bargaining, and compromising in such a way that everyone involved wins.

A level 3 listener may be daydreaming, forming a premature reply, or faking attention while thinking about unrelated matters. In general, this type of listener is more interested in talking than in listening.

Level 2 listeners focus on words, but many times they miss the intent—what is being expressed non-verbally through tone of voice, body posture, gestures, facial expression, and eye movement. As a result, level 2 listeners hear what the speaker says, but they make little effort to understand the speaker's intent

Level 1 listeners view listening as an opportunity to gather new and useful information. They suspend judgment, are empathetic to the other person's feelings, and can see issues from the other person's point of view. These listeners take extra time to mentally summarize the stated message, question or evaluate what was said, and consciously notice nonverbal cues.

What are some common problems caused by the use of technology in a service setting?

What are some common problems caused by the use of technology in a service setting? -The technology does not perform adequately. -Customers do not understand how to use the technology. -Customers dislike replacing humans with machines.

Which means that they Cannot be touched tasted or seen?

Intangibility: Services are intangible and do not have a physical existence. Hence services cannot be touched, held, tasted or smelt. This is most defining feature of a service and that which primarily differentiates it from a product.

Which theme have been identified as the sources of customer satisfaction dissatisfaction in memorable service encounter?

On the basis of thousands of encounter stories, for common themes- recovery (after failure), adaptability, spontaneity and coping- have been identified as source of customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction in memorable service encounters.

Which of the following are characteristics that make marketing services different from product?

There are many unique differences in marketing a product than marketing a service. The main characteristic differences are intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity and perishability. The marketing manager must also make adjustments in the marketing mix for a service.


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