What are some the benefits of the agile development methodology Everfi answers?

What are some the benefits of the agile development methodology Everfi answers?

Most 5 Valuable Benefits of Agile Methodology

We’ve been talking a lot about agile methodology lately, but why? What are the benefits of agile methodology?

The agile approach defines the business goals and success criteria in smaller increments, taking a project through several rounds of development, testing and deployment. This differs from what we call the waterfall method, which took a project from design to deployment in one steady stream. Agile’s constant cycle of design, test, deploy, delivers continuous subsets of high-value features and puts them in the hands of users as fast as possible.

Taking a more agile approach to projects offer a number of advantages to a business, ultimately making it more efficient and boosting the bottom line.

Here are five benefits of agile methodology:

1. More Control: Incremental developments hold tremendous value for the project team and the customer. Work can be broken into parts and conducted in rapid, iterative cycles. The regular meetings that are part of agile allow project teams to share progress, discuss problems and work out solutions. They also help make the entire process more transparent.

2. Better Productivity: The incremental nature of the agile method means that projects are completed in shorter sprints, making them more manageable. It also allows products to be rolled out quickly and changes to be easily made at any point during the process.

3. Better Quality: Because it is iterative, one big benefit of agile methodology is the ability to find problems and create solutions quickly and efficiently. The flexibility of the agile method allows project teams to respond to customer reaction and constantly improve the product.

4. Higher Customer Satisfaction: Close collaboration between the project team and the customer provides immediate feedback. The customer is able to make tweaks to their expectations and desires throughout the process. The result: a more satisfied customer.

5. Higher Return on Investment: The agile method’s iterative nature also means the end product is ready for market faster, staying ahead of the competition and quickly reaping benefits. The benefits of the agile method are cutting costs and time to market in half, while increasing application quality and customer satisfaction.

What are the advantages of using an agile methodology?

This project management method is increasingly used by companies for software development, and sometimes for other types of projects.

If the words Scrum, Lean, Sprint, Kanban board or product owner are as vague as Chinese characters to you, rest assured. After reading this article, you will know what an agile methodology is and why you should use one.

Here are 5 reasons why you need to use an agile methodology, and some of the best tools to get you started.

What is an agile methodology?


Before reviewing the advantages of an agile methodology, it is essential to review how this method works.

An agile methodology is a project management practice that promotes a collaborative, iterative and incremental approach to project management.

It is said to be agile because it takes into account both your initial needs and those generated by future changes.

This new approach to project management was initially designed for software development testing and emerged at a time when the failure rate of IT projects was particularly high. During that time, popular linear and predictive cascade-like methodologies, such as the Waterfall methodor the V-cycle, left no room for contingencies and change.

In result, teams found themselves confronted with the tunnel effect. They realized too late that there were problems or that the product does not (or no longer) meet expectations. This often goes hand in hand with late delivery or an overspent budget.

Agile development example

In agile development, an iterative approach or continuous improvement is used. This means repeating a process until the desired result is achieved.

The idea is to develop a first functional version of a product component. This version is not meant to be perfect, but to be usable by users in order to be tested in real conditions and then improved. This is how you can identify bugs or unmet needs as soon as possible, and rectify the situation.

On the other hand, an incremental approach induces product development piece by piece. Waterfall model methods divide the project horizontally, i.e. site by site. In agile model, the vertical incremental approach aims to successively build functional elements.

The image below illustrates the concepts of iteration and incremental:

What are some the benefits of the agile development methodology Everfi answers?

If we take the manufacturing process of a car as an example:

  • with a horizontal approach: you build the wheels, then the body, the engine, the headlights, the engine, etc.
  • with a vertical approach: you build a very minimalist car that can run thanks to a few key components. Each element is then improved by adding secondary elements (soft seats, paint, headlights, GPS, etc.)

What are some the benefits of the agile development methodology Everfi answers?

1. Improved quality

When using an agile methodology, teams can break down projects into sprints and collaborate with one another to provide high-quality results.

This method allows teams to deal with common project pitfalls such as managing costs, scope creep and not respecting deadlines.

Moreover, there is a testing phasefor every task, which allows teams to identify and focus on solving issues quickly to avoid any long-term negative consequences.

2. Speed and flexibility

The second benefit of using agile is its speed and flexibility thanks to a Scrum framework.

This practice places change at the heart of its development. If there is a deviation from the initial objectives, the approach and processes are immediately adapted to meet the new needs and requirements.

The Scrum method was originally designed for software development teams and their technical projects. However, today, it can be used for a wide range of projects, especially in marketing.

Scrum is one of the most used agile methods because it can be set up very quickly. Furthermore, it is based on an empirical approach, which allows the method to make room for changes as your project grows.

3. Complete visibility of the progress of each project in real-time

Another advantage of using an agile approach is the transparency of each project thanks to feedbacks due to frequent exchanges with clients. This allows them to feel more involved and ask for changes throughout the project.

Moreover, the teams that are involved can show their progress to the client along with the obstacles that they have encountered.

This establishes a relationship of trust and collaboration between the team and the client, and can lead to improved customer satisfaction and higher business value.

4. Stakeholders engagement

A key part of using an agile method is the involvement ofstakeholders when completing projects.

By collaborating with different stakeholders during each phase of the project, you will build a dynamic system based on the trust and confidence of each team member and forge greater and stronger relationships within your teams.

To use this method effectively, it is recommended to have stakeholders participate actively as the project progresses. This will allow them to make sure that tasks are being completed according to the plan and make changes if necessary.

5. Cost control

An agile method can also be used to improve cost control. After each stage, the team reviews the budget when making future decisions. Then, they decide if they will continue, suspend or cancel tasks or even the project itself.

This is an essential part of project management as it allows teams to understand the costs of each feature, which will then be taken into account when making strategic decisions.

See also

  • RACI: how a Responsibility Matrix can help you Manage your Projects
  • What is DSDM in Agile? Guide to the 8 Principles of This Framework
  • Quick and accurate estimates made easy thanks to planning poker

Disadvantages of using this method

Although there are many advantages to using an agile methodology, there are also a few disadvantages that you should consider before using one:

  • it can be difficult to predict efforts such as cost, time and resources at the beginning of the project
  • it can be difficult to measure progress since agile methods deliver in increments
  • it can be difficult to implement since people naturally resist changes
  • teams can get sidetracked if they don’t see any progress

Be in control of your agile development!

Now that you are ready to implement the agile methodology in your team, we recommend using the right tools to help you set up this method with ease and manage the progress of your team members.

Zoho projects, efficient project management

Zoho Projects is an online project management software designed to help teams plan work efficiently with visual tools and collaborative features.

This solution can be used in an agile approach to visualise task progress with Gantt charts and work distribution with the resource utilization chart.

Moreover, its collaborative features such as feeds, forums, online discussions, documents, and pages make project management easy.

Lastpass, the tool that remembers all of your passwords for you

Since an agile approach involves multiple stakeholders, it is essential to provide them with the right tools to facilitate collaboration. With LastPass, you can offer a password-free experience to all of your employees, even if they are offline.

Team members will no longer have to ask for passwords and wait on managers or colleagues to begin using all of their online tools instantly.

From protecting passwords to managing employee permissions, LastPass helps businesses of all sizes remove password obstacles and fix dangerous password behaviors.

Monday.com, agile project management software

Monday.com is a project management tool that enables teams to better organize and fully understand their workflow through a clear visual representation.

This software is customizable and allows you to choose which information you want to track, so you save time and don’t get lost in all the workflows. You can easily work on complex projects, filter through data, and see highlights from across departments. With monday.com project management will become more transparent, more efficient, and more fun!

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What are some the benefits of the agile development methodology Everfi endeavor?

What are some benefits of the Agile development methodology? It allows people to contribute to more than one part of a project and more people can contribute to each part. People can be very specialized in the part of the project they do and things are easier to manage.

Who are some of the team members involved in designing and developing a game?

The development of a complete game usually involves a team of 20–100 individuals with various responsibilities, including designers, artists, programmers, and testers..
3.3.1 Designer..
3.3.2 Artist..
3.3.3 Programmer..
3.3.4 Level designer..
3.3.5 Sound engineer..
3.3.6 Tester..

What are the steps of the development process for a software project endeavor?

Known as the 'software development life cycle,' these six steps include planning, analysis, design, development & implementation, testing & deployment and maintenance.

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Quality assurance testing plays a very crucial role in the process of software development. It saves money and time by spotting bugs and errors early in the software development life-cycle. Software that is newly developed may have inconsistencies, redundancies, and flaws; therefore, proper QA testing is mandatory.