What are the consequences of the continued growth of party polarization Quizlet

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  • What are the effects of party polarization quizlet?
  • Which of the following is a cause of party polarization quizlet?
  • What is the result of partisan polarization quizlet?
  • What is party polarization quizlet?

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What are the consequences of the continued growth of party polarization Quizlet

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Politics in States and Communities

15th EditionSusan A. MacManus, Thomas R. Dye

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American Corrections

11th EditionMichael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

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Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition

16th EditionGeorge C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry

269 solutions

It is not possible for a third party to emerge in the united states because of frustrations caused in sucking votes from primary voters of similar taste, we have a plurality voting scheme, and we have a winner take all system.

Whenever you introduce a third party, which typically stems from individuals frustrated by their current party, then votes given to this third party take away from the party that they were just in. Now, the opposition has an easier time winning because another person is sucking votes away from their primary democrat/republican competitor.

We also use the plurality voting scheme, which says that the candidate with the most votes wins regardless of vote shares. With this being said, it is next to impossible for the smaller third parties to get any traction while they are still refused from any position of office. If they were allowed in, then perhaps they could build up momentum and actually share their ideas more to draw people into their party.

Because we have a winner-take-all approach, it is also just added to the fact that if you don't have over 33.33% support your party will not make it to the front podium. If we were instead to use a proportional representation system of voting, in which legislative seats are given based solely on party, this may help those third party members get some traction.

This is why I believe that the third party does not stand a chance of election given our current democratic system.

Precinct Chair: represents a portion of the county on the county executive committee and is the head of precinct convention

State Executive Committee: accepts filings from candidates for statewide office, establishes party policy, and raises funds for the party

County Chair: is head of the county executive committee and runs the daily business of the county party

State Chair: is elected every two years at the convention to run the daily business of the state party and head the state executive committee

County Executive Committee: runs the county primary and convention and sets policy for the county party

-division between urban + rural communities
D: urban
R: rural
SUBURBS- true battle areas "the swings"

-gap created b/c demo. inability to attract men
D: higher % women
R: high % men

-significant indicator of party affiliation
D: minority groups + people of color
R: white, Cuban Americans
-Asian tend to be no preference

-people in same age range are likely to have experienced similar events when forming their affiliations
D: moderate + socially progressive young adults
R: middle aged= favor low tax + oldest votes b/c of GD

D: middle-class + lower-income people, higher levels of edu. college, post-grad. degree
R: higher-income people, have some college or less

-based on how religious you are
D: Jewish, Muslim Black Protestant- religious unaffiliated voters
R: morms, white protestant- anti-abortion + contraception
(the more religious you are, the more likely you are to follow R)

Recommended textbook solutions

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1st EditionGlen Krutz

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Politics in States and Communities

15th EditionSusan A. MacManus, Thomas R. Dye

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Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition

16th EditionGeorge C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry

269 solutions

Politics in States and Communities

15th EditionSusan A. MacManus, Thomas R. Dye

177 solutions

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