What are the relevant points of intellectual and physical abilities to Organisational Behaviour?

An individual's intellectual ability is not only important for his or her development, but also has relevance in the organization. Various intellectual skills and its advantages are discussed below.

i. Aptitude skills - It is the ability to calculate and solve mathematical problems easily which is an important skill that is required in every section of the business.

ii. Comprehension- It is the ability to understand by reading or listening, and the relationship between words.

iii. Skill detection- It is the ability to detect similarities and asymmetries between objects.

iv. Logical Reasoning- This is the ability to find reason in statements and to solve problems.

v. Visualizing skills- This refers to the ability to visualize the change in the object when the position is changed.

vi. Memorizing - It is the ability to memorize and remember past experiences.

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Case Study of ABILITY- (INTELLECTUAL and PHYSICAL) in Organization Behavior

Case Study of ABILITY- (INTELLECTUAL and PHYSICAL) in Organization Behavior

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  1. 1. Case Study of ABILITY Mr. Rahim Uddin Siddique is a 55 years old man and a chartered accountant. He did his MBA from London Business school in 1994. Presently he is holding a responsible post of a charted accounting firm named ABC. Apart from this, he also delivers lecture in a number of reputed private universities. His colleagues and friends highly appreciate his professionalism. Many people in the society honor him because he is man of magnetic personality. Mr. Siddque is also a member of Chittagong Club and actively involved in social work . He is very keen to develop social network and relationship. He likes to play long tennis and golf in his leisure time. He likes to travel abroad with his family. After analyzing the above case answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. What kind of ability does Mr. Siddque have to prove himself as true professional and as man of magnetic personality? What kind of ability make him a socially acceptable person? What kind of ability support him to involve in traveling and participate in golf and long tennis?
  2. 2. What do we mean by ability? Ability is the capacity to perform the various tasks in a job. It has two sets of factors: intellectual and physical. Intellectual abilities is the capacity to do mental activitiesthinking, reasoning, and problem solving. It has seven dimensions. Physical abilities is the capacity to do tasks demanding stamina, dexterity, strength and similar characteristics. There are nine basic factors.
  3. 3. Dimensions of Intellectual Ability Number Aptitude Verbal Comprehension Memory Spatial Visualization Intellectual Ability Deductive Reasoning Inductive Reasoning Perceptual Speed
  4. 4. Factors of Physical Ability Dynamic strength Stamina Balance Trunk strength Physical Ability Body coordination Static strength Explosive strength Dynamic flexibility Extent flexibility
  5. 5. A1: Mr. Siddique have the following abilities to prove himself as true professional and man of magnetic personality- Intellectual Abilities Number aptitude- Mr. Siddique computes financial statements in his profession. Verbal Comprehension- He follows policies adopted by government budget. Inductive reasoning- He forecasts the availability of his client in Chittagong Club. Deductive reasoning- He chooses to lecture in private university to make him renowned. Memory- He remembers different equations for accounting .
  6. 6. A1: Mr. Siddique have the following abilities to prove himself as true professional and man of magnetic personality- Physical Abilities   Dynamic strength- Mr. Siddique uses computer and hand for doing his professional work. Stamina- Some accounting problems requires highest level of energy for long time. Other Abilities Time management- He can manage the time to perform his post and lecturer job
  7. 7. A2: The following abilities make him socially acceptable person- Intellectual Abilities  Verbal Comprehension- He understands & obeys the members’ rules of Chittagong Club.  Perceptual speed- He can understand psychology of the people which make him socially acceptable.  Inductive reasoning- He can efficiently handle the problems of society which makes him sociable.  Deductive reasoning- He receives suggestion & make decision for various social problems  Memory- He remembers members’ name of Chittagong Club
  8. 8. A2: The following abilities make him socially acceptable person- Physical Abilities a. Dynamic strength- He is energetic enough to participate in social programs b. Stamina- He can perform his social role for a longer period Other Abilities a. Motivation- He can motive others members of the society b. Leading- He can lead his group members in adopting and participating social programs
  9. 9. A3: These abilities support him to involve in travelling and participate in golf and long tennis- Intellectual Abilities Perceptual speed- Mr. Siddique participates in those games of higher class people so he can benefits in his profession. Inductive reasoning- He can handle the problems of managing tour in abroad. Deductive reasoning- Mr. Siddique can decide one places among several places to visit Spatial visualization- He arranges tour to beautiful places in abroad.
  10. 10. A3: These abilities support him to involve in travelling and participate in golf and long tennis- Physical Abilities Dynamic strength- Mr. Siddique uses muscular force to participare golf. Explosive strength- He exerts forces in thronging golf ball continuosly. Extent flexibility- He can move his trunk and back muscles in playing games Dynamic flexibility- Mr. Siddique can exert effort in different types of work.
  11. 11. A3: These abilities support him to involve in travelling and participate in golf and long tennis- Physical Abilities Body coordination- He can coordinate the body in participating golf and long tennis. Balance- Mr. Siddique can balance his work life and family life Stamina- He can exert maximum effort requiring lengthen effort in golf and long tennis.
  12. 12. Other Abilities Time management- Mr. Siddique is able to manage time in family life and professional life. Standard of living-He is maintaining higher standard of living Higher designation- He is holding higher post Member- He is also a member of reputed institutions

What are the relevant points of intellectual and physical abilities to organizational Behaviour?

Intellectual ability is the capacity to do activities like thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving. 1. Physical ability is the capacity to do tasks that demand stamina, desired, strength and similar characteristics. 2.

What is the relevance of intellectual ability to organizational behavior?

Intellectual ability is a mental capacity or capability of an individual to perform diverse sets of tasks and operations in an organization. It facilitates the use of mental reasoning, verbal comprehension, and other factors to make rational decisions.

What are abilities in organizational behavior?

Ability is an individual's capacity to master numerous tasks in a job. Organizations need to identify key abilities of employees that will lead to success, and employees need to have certain abilities that will make them a valuable addition to an organization.

Why is intellectual ability important?

Cognitive ability, sometimes referred to as general intelligence (g), is essential for human adaptation and survival. It includes the capacity to “reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience” (Plomin, 1999).


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