What are the three components of the internal audit value proposition set forth by the IIA?

1.What are the components of the internal audit value proposition set forth by The


-The internal audit value proposition is composed of:

a. Assurance internal audit provides assurance on the

organizations governance, risk management, and control

processes in order to achieve its objectives.

b.Insight internal audit provides insight and recommendations

based on analyses and assessments of data and business process

as a catalyst for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the


c.Objectivity internal audit is committed to integrity and

accountability to provide value to governing bodies and senior

management as an objective source of independent advice.

2.How does The IIA define internal auditing?

-According to The Institute of Internal Auditors, internal auditing is an

independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add

value and improve an organizations operations. It helps an organization

accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to

evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and

governance processes.

3.What are the four categories of business objectives as discussed?

-The four categories of business objectives are:

a.Strategic objectives these pertains to goals set by the

management specifically related to stakeholders.

b.Operations objectives these pertain to the effectiveness and

efficiency of the entitys operation.

c.Reporting objectives these pertain to the reliability, timeliness,

and transparency to internal and external financial and nonfinancial


d.Compliance objectives these pertain to adherence to laws and

regulation to which the entity is subject.

4. What are the definitions of governance, risk management, and control?

-Governance is the process conducted by the board of directors to

authorize, direct, and oversee management towards the achievement of

the objectives of the organization

-Risk management is the process conducted by management to

understand and deal with the risks and opportunities that can possibly

affect the organizations ability to achieve its objectives

-Control is the process conducted by management to mitigate risks to

acceptable levels.

5.What is the difference between internal assurance services and internal

consulting services?

-Assurance services refers to an objective examination of evidence in order

to provide an independent assessment of governance, risk management,

Which of the following are considered the three components of internal auditing value?

What are the three components of the internal audit value proposition set forth by the IIA? Assurance = Governance, risk, and control.

What are the 3 types of internal audits?

Types of Internal audits include compliance audits, operational audits, financial audits, and an information technology audits.

What are the components of internal auditing?

Determining whether a particular internal control system is effective is a judgement resulting from an assessment of whether the five components - Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information and Communication, and Monitoring - are present and functioning.

What are the three pillars of effective internal audit services per the IIA?

Independence & Objectivity..
Due Professional Care..


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