What are the two assertions for which confirmation of accounts receivable balances provides primary evidence?

What are the two assertions for which confirmation of accounts receivable balances provides primary evidence? Explain.Accounts Receivable and Sales Cycle –
(1) Which of the following will most likely give the most assurance concerning the valuation assertion of accounts receivable? Select the best response and EXPLAIN why you have selected that answer.
(2) What are the two assertions for which confirmation of accounts receivable balances provides primary evidence? Explain.
(a) Vouching amounts in the subsidiary ledger to details on shipping documents
(b) Comparing accounts receivable turnover ratios with industry statistics for reasonableness.
(c) Inquiring about receivables pledged under loan agreements
(d) Assessing the allowance for uncollectible accounts for reasonableness.


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What are the two assertions for which confirmation of accounts receivable balances provides primary evidence?

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  • What are the two assertions for which confirmation of accounts receivable balances?
  • What are the 7 assertions?
  • What is the primary audit objective for accounts receivable?
  • What are the assertions for accounts payable?
  • What accounts and assertions are informed by the confirmation of accounts receivable?
  • What are the relevant assertions for accounts receivable?
  • Which two assertions are tested using a debtors confirmation?
  • How do auditors confirm their clients balances of account receivable?
  • What are the assertions in auditing?
  • What is the classification assertion?
  • Who makes the assertion?
  • What are the objective of account receivables audit?
  • What primary audit objectives will be achieved when confirming receivable with debtors?
  • What are the primary objectives of an audit?
  • Why do auditors test accounts receivable?
  • What assertions apply to accounts payable?
  • What are the 5 accounting assertions?
  • Are assertions tested by accounts payable confirmations?
  • Which relevant assertions do account receivable confirmations not provide evidence for and why?
  • What audit objectives are relevant to auditing the accounts receivable balance?
  • What type of audit evidence would be used to indicate that accounts receivable balances are correct?
  • What are the relevant assertions?
  • Which key assertion is tested by the confirmation of accounts receivable?
  • What are the two types of confirmation requests?
  • What is debtor confirmation?

Two assertions for which confirmation of accounts receivable balances provides primary evidence are: Completeness and valuation.

What are the 7 assertions?

Types of assertions

  • Existence. The existence assertion verifies that assets, liabilities, and equity balances exist as stated in the financial statement.
  • Occurrence.
  • Accuracy.
  • Completeness.
  • Valuation.
  • Rights and obligations.
  • Classification.
  • Cut-off.


What is the primary audit objective for accounts receivable?

The main objective of an accounts receivable audit is to determine whether there are adequate controls and procedures to ensure the proper recording of accounts receivable. The overall objective of the accounts receivable audit is to ensure they are presented fairly in the financial statements.

What are the assertions for accounts payable?

The primary relevant accounts payable and expense assertions are:

  • Existence.
  • Completeness.
  • Cutoff.
  • Occurrence.

What accounts and assertions are informed by the confirmation of accounts receivable?

A positive confirmation from the customer confirms the existence assertion in the financial statements. Accounts receivable confirmations are generally more valuable in proving existence assertions than other standard assertions, such as completeness, according to the AICPA.

What are the relevant assertions for accounts receivable?

The primary relevant accounts receivable and revenue assertions are: Existence and occurrence. CompletenessAccuracy

Which two assertions are tested using a debtors confirmation?

Knowing which assertions can be proved by confirmation can help you understand why your auditor asks for multiple audit procedures on the same account.

  • Existence. Accounts receivable confirmations mainly serve to prove the existence assertion.
  • Rights.
  • Completeness.
  • Valuation.

How do auditors confirm their clients balances of account receivable?

Customers confirm these balances by looking at their ledgers and checking whether the balances on their ledger is the same as the balance stated on the confirmation sent by the auditors. Once the accounts receivable balances are confirmed by customers, the confirmations are sent back directly to the auditors.

What are the assertions in auditing?

Assertions are characteristics that need to be tested to ensure that financial records and disclosures are correct and appropriate. If assertions are all met for relevant transactions or balances, financial statements are appropriately recorded.

What is the classification assertion?

Classification. The assertion is that all transactions have been recorded within the correct accounts in the general ledger. Completeness. The assertion is that all business events to which the company was subjected were recorded.

Who makes the assertion?

Financial statement assertions are claims made by an organization’s management regarding its financial statements. The assertions form a theoretical basis from which external auditors develop a set of audit procedures.

What are the objective of account receivables audit?

The overall objective of the audit of accounts receivable and sales is to determine if they are fairly presented in the context of the financial statements as a whole. The sales account is closely tied to accounts receivable; therefore, evidence supporting accounts receivable tends to support sales.

What primary audit objectives will be achieved when confirming receivable with debtors?

The auditor’s objectives in the audit of accounts receivables and sales are: Consider the internal control over accounts receivables and sales transactions. Substantiate the existence of the accounts receivables and occurrence of sales transactions. Establish the completeness of the accounts receivables and sales.

What are the primary objectives of an audit?

Primary Audit Objectives Examining Financial Records: The main objective of the audit is to examine all the financial records of the company, including checking arithmetical accuracy of the books of accounts, verification, and substantiation of all the account balances.

Why do auditors test accounts receivable?

If there are any related party receivables, the auditors may review them for collectibility, as well as whether they should instead be recorded as wages or dividends, and whether they were properly authorized.

What assertions apply to accounts payable?

The primary relevant accounts payable and expense assertions are:

  • Existence.
  • Completeness.
  • Cutoff.
  • Occurrence.

What are the 5 accounting assertions?

Types of assertions

  • Existence. The existence assertion verifies that assets, liabilities, and equity balances exist as stated in the financial statement.
  • Occurrence.
  • Accuracy.
  • Completeness.
  • Valuation.
  • Rights and obligations.
  • Classification.
  • Cut-off.


Are assertions tested by accounts payable confirmations?

There are generally five accounting assertions that the preparers of financial statements make. They are accuracy and valuation, existence, completeness, rights and obligations, and presentation and disclosure

Which relevant assertions do account receivable confirmations not provide evidence for and why?

Two assertions for which confirmation of accounts receivable balances provides primary evidence are: Completeness and valuation.

What audit objectives are relevant to auditing the accounts receivable balance?

Confirmations do not provide much assurance related to the completeness assertion. However, if the auditor sends a blank confirmation, asking a customer to list all balances owed, any balances not recorded may be uncovered.

What type of audit evidence would be used to indicate that accounts receivable balances are correct?

The main objective of an accounts receivable audit is to determine whether there are adequate controls and procedures to ensure the proper recording of accounts receivable. The overall objective of the accounts receivable audit is to ensure they are presented fairly in the financial statements.

What are the relevant assertions?

A relevant assertion is any assertion that has a reasonable possibility of containing a misstatement that would cause a client’s financial statements to be materially misstated. As such, these assertions have a meaningful bearing on whether an account is fairly stated.

Which key assertion is tested by the confirmation of accounts receivable?

Two assertions for which confirmation of accounts receivable balances provides primary evidence are: Completeness and valuation.

What are the two types of confirmation requests?

Existence Assertion

What is debtor confirmation?

There are two types of confirmation letters: positive requests (asking the third party if they agree or disagree with the stated information, or to fill in the blanks) and negative requests (where the third party only has to reply if they disagree with the stated information).

Which of the following assertion is supported by confirmation of accounts receivable?

The actual existence of transactions is one assertion that accounts receivable confirmations can prove. For example, the auditor requests that a customer confirm that the customer holds an account balance with the company being audited.

What primary audit objective will be achieved when confirming receivables with debtors?

The auditor's objectives in the audit of accounts receivables and sales are: Consider the internal control over accounts receivables and sales transactions. Substantiate the existence of the accounts receivables and occurrence of sales transactions. Establish the completeness of the accounts receivables and sales.

Which of the following is the first step in auditing accounts receivable?

The first step in auditing accounts receivable is to reconcile the aged subsidiary ledger of individual accounts to the general ledger control account. This is ordinarily done before any other tests to assure the auditor that the population being tested agrees with the general ledger.

How do you verify accounts receivable?

How to Audit Accounts Receivable.
Trace receivable report to general ledger. ... .
Calculate the receivable report total. ... .
Investigate reconciling items. ... .
Test invoices listed in receivable report. ... .
Match invoices to shipping log. ... .
Confirm accounts receivable. ... .
Review cash receipts. ... .
Assess the allowance for doubtful accounts..