What are the two important components of CPU that help in processing the input into output quizlet?

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The capacitance of two parallel conductors of length L and radius r, separated by a distance d in air, is given by $$ C = \frac { \pi \epsilon L } { \ln [ ( d - r ) / r ] } $$ where $\epsilon$ is the permittitivity of air ($\epsilon = 8.854 \times 10^{-12} \text{F/m}$). Create a cell array of capacitance values versus d, L, and r for d = 0.003, 0.004, 0.005, and 0.01 m; L = 1, 2, 3 m; and r = 0.001, 0.002, 0.003 m. Use MATLAB to determine the capacitance value for d = 0.005, L = 2, and r = 0.001.

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What are the two important components of CPU that help in processing the input into output quizlet?

What are the two important components of CPU that help in processing the input into output quizlet?

What are the two important components of CPU that help in processing the input into output quizlet?

What are the two important components of CPU that help in processing the input into output quizlet?

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Terms in this set (53)


physical components of a computer


central processing unit - fetches instructions, follows instructions, and produces some resulting data (fetch/decode/execute)


random access memory - holds sequence of instructions in the programs that are running and the data those programs are using

secondary storage devices

disk drive, solid state drive, external drive

input devices

collect data and send it to the computer - keyboard, mouse

output devices

send data to outside world - monitors, printers

What are the major components of a typical computer system?

main memory
secondary storage devices
input devices
output devices


programs that run on a computer

What are the two general categories of software?

operating systems and application software

operating system

a set of programs that manages the computer's hardware devices and controls their processes

Are operating systems multitasking?

yes, most modern operating systems are multitasking

examples of multitasking operating systems

UNIX, Linux, Mac OS, and Windows

application software

programs that make the computer useful to the user; they solve specific problems or perform general operations that satisfy the needs of the user.
Examples: word processing, spreadsheet, and database packages

Steps of fetch/decode/execute cycle

Fetch: The CPU's control unit fetches, from main memory, the next instruction in the sequence of program instructions.
Decode: The instruction is encoded in the form of a number. The control unit decodes the instruction and generates an electronic signal.
Execute: The signal is routed to the appropriate component of the computer (such as the ALU, a disk drive, or some other device). The signal causes the component to perform an operation.


binary digit; switch in a memory


eight bits


byte is identified by this unique number

Most common type of secondary storage device?

disk drive

disk drive

stores data by magnetically encoding it onto a spinning circular disk

solid state drives

store data in solid-state memory; increasingly becoming more popular as it has no moving parts and operates faster than a traditional disk drive

USB drives

(Universal Serial Bus drives) small devices that plug into the computer's USB port, and appear to the system as a disk drive

flash memory

stored within USB drives


set of instructions a computer follows in order to perform a task

programming language

a special language used to write computer programs


set of well-defined steps for performing a task or solving a problem

machine language

1000101001001 consists of 0's and 1's

byte code

intermediate language on computers


stand-alone program that runs on your computer


a small application

key words

have a special meaning in the programming language, may be used for their intended purpose only, also known as reserved words


symbols or words that perform operations on one or more operands; an operand is usually an item of data, such as a number


programmer-defined names


rules that must be followed when writing a program; dictates how key words and operators may be used, and where punctuation symbols must appear.


a named storage location in the computer's memory

text editor

similar to a word processing program is used to write a java program

source code

programming statements written by the programmer

source file

the file on which source code is saved in


a program that translates source code into an executable form

syntax errors

mistakes that the programmer has made that violate the rules of the programming language

executable files

files that contain machine language instructions and may be executed directly by the computer's CPU


Java Virtual Machine; a program that reads Java byte code instructions and executes them as they are read


means a program may be written on one type of computer and then run on a wide variety of computers, with little or no modification necessary


a cross between human language and a programming language and a programming language and is especially helpful when designing an algorithm

steps for programming process

1. clearly define what the program is to do.
2. visualize the program running on the computer.
3. use design tools to create a model of the program.
4. check the model for logical errors.
5. enter the code and compile it.
6. correct any errors found during compilation. repeat steps 5 and 6 as many times as necessary.
7. run the program with test data for input.
8. correct any runtime errors found while running the program. repeat steps 5-8 as many times as necessary.
9. validate the result of the program.

what four items should you identify when defining what a program is to do?


what does a compiler do with a program's source code?

a compiler finds any syntax errors that may exist in the program

what is a runtime error?

an error that occurs while the program is running. usually logical errors like math mistakes


object oriented programming; a method of software development that has its own practices, concepts, and vocabulary


a set of programming statements that, together, perform a specific task


the data contained in an object


the procedures, or behaviors, that an object performs


refers to the combining of data and code into a single object

data hiding

refers to an objects ability to hide its data from code that is outside the object

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The join operation takes two dynamic sets $$ S_1 $$ and $$ S_2 $$ and an element x such that for any $$ x_1 ∈ S_1 $$ and $$ x_2 ∈ S_2 $$ , we have $$ x_1.key ≤ x.key ≤ x_2.key $$ . It returns a set $$ S = S_1 ∪ [x] ∪ S_2 $$ . In this problem, we investigate how to implement the join operation on red-black trees. a. Given a red-black tree T , let us store its black-height as the new attribute T.bh. Argue that RB-INSERT and RB-DELETE can maintain the bh attribute without requiring extra storage in the nodes of the tree and without increasing the asymptotic running times. Show that while descending through T , we can determine the black-height of each node we visit in O(1) time per node visited. We wish to implement the operation RB-JOIN $$ (T_1, x, T_2) $$ , which destroys $$ T_1 $$ and $$ T_2 $$ and returns a red-black tree $$ T = T_1 ∪ \{x\} ∪ T_2 $$ . Let n be the total number of nodes in $$ T_1 $$ and $$ T_2 $$ . b. Assume that $$ T_1.bh ≥ T_2.bh $$ . Describe an O(lg n)-time algorithm that finds a black node y in $$ T_1 $$ with the largest key from among those nodes whose black height is $$ T_2.bh $$ . c. Let $$ T_y $$ be the subtree rooted at y. Describe how $$ T_y ∪ [x] ∪ T_2 $$ can replace $$ T_y $$ in O(1) time without destroying the binary-search-tree property d. What color should we make x so that red-black properties 1, 3, and 5 are maintained? Describe how to enforce properties 2 and 4 in O(lg n) time. e. Argue that no generality is lost by making the assumption in part (b). Describe the symmetric situation that arises when $$ T_1.bh ≤ T_2.bh $$ . f. Argue that the running time of RB-JOIN is O(lg n).

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What is 5ED4 - 07A4 when these values represent signed 16-bit hexadecimal numbers stored in sign-magnitude format? The result should be written in hexadecimal. Show your work.

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For this assignment, you will write a program that lets the user play against the computer in a variation of the popular blackjack card game. In this variation of the game, two six-sided dice are used instead of cards. The dice are rolled, and the player tries to beat the computer’s hidden total without going over 21. Here are some suggestions for the game’s design: - Each round of the game is performed as an iteration of a loop that repeats as long as the player agrees to roll the dice, and the player’s total does not exceed 21. - At the beginning of each round, the program will ask the users whether they want to roll the dice to accumulate points. - During each round, the program simulates the rolling of two six-sided dice. It rolls the dice first for the computer, and then it asks the user if he or she wants to roll. (Use the Die class that was demonstrated in this chapter to simulate the dice). - The loop keeps a running total of both the computer and the user’s points. - The computer’s total should remain hidden until the loop has finished. - After the loop has finished, the computer’s total is revealed, and the player with the most points without going over 21 wins.

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What are the 2 important components of the CPU that help in processing the input into output?

The two main components of the CPU is Control unit and ALU..
The two typical components of a CPU include the following: The arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations. ... .
An arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a digital circuit used to perform arithmetic and logic operations..

What are the two important components of CPU quizlet?

(1) Control Unit this part controls the input and output devices. (2) Arithmetic Logic Unit this is the part that does all the working out: it does all the maths and makes the decisions.

What are the main components within a CPU quizlet?

Terms in this set (14).
5 components of a CPU. Registers. ... .
Functions of Control Unit. Manages execution of instruction. ... .
Memory Unit - what does it store? Operating System. ... .
3 Uses of ALU. Carries out Arithmetic calculations. ... .
Program counter. ... .
Memory Address Register. ... .
Memory Data Register. ... .

What two primary and distinct parts are contained in a CPU quizlet?

"The CPU has 2 main parts, the Arithmetic/Logic Unit and the Control Unit.