What are the words or phrases a writer must avoid in order to build goodwill quizlet?

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What are the words or phrases a writer must avoid in order to build goodwill quizlet?

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What are the words or phrases a writer must avoid in order to build goodwill quizlet?

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What are the words or phrases a writer must avoid in order to build goodwill quizlet?

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What are the words or phrases a writer must avoid in order to build goodwill quizlet?

Technical Writing for Success

3rd EditionDarlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

468 solutions

Which of the following should be avoided in order to build goodwill with a reader?

the use of a passive voice in reply to messages where the reader is at fault

the use of a conversational style for writing

the use of the we-viewpoint in messages

the use of positive facts that are specific to the reader to whom the message is being sent

the use of positive words to soften the impact of negative news

In which of the following is the negative news being de-emphasized as a result of its placement in a dependent clause or modifying phrase?

you cannot change your order at the moment as the product you had placed an order for has already been shipped

your gold card does not entitle you to all the privileges offered by a platinum card

we are delighted to inform you that your shipment will reach you a week earlier than the specified date

- while your product is not available at the moment, you will be notified when we have it in stock again

the mobile application you purchased is not supported by the current version of the software on your phone

Which of the following statements is most conversational?

in accordance to your request, I herewith attach details of those specific products

kindly find attached information related to products that you have expressed interest in

this is to acknowledge receipt of your request for product details which will be addressed

enclosed please find the details of the products about which you had enquired previously

- you will find the details of the products you had enquired about enclosed within the document

Which of the following statements handles its subject most negatively?

only the red and blue versions of the cell phone are currently available

- we do not have the cell phone you have requested

we have the cell phone you have requested in other colors

you can book in advance for the next batch of the requested product

you will be notified as soon as we have your requested product in stock again

Karl is furious that a package from a supplier which was supposed to contain a hundred pieces of iron rods contains only ninety two pieces. Which of the following statements should Karl use if he wants to avoid blaming the reader and maintain goodwill with his supplier?

- the shipment that you sent most recently has ninety two pieces of iron rods, as opposed to one hundred

please ensure you double check the contents of our packages before shipping them as we haven't received the appropriate number of iron rods in the most recent package

in the recent package we received, you have sent us only ninety two pieces of iron rods

i have never been cheated by any supplier before. This terminates our contract

i believe there has been some discrepancy at the shipping end of your company

Important information can best be emphasized by including it:

in the middle statement of the middle paragraph

- in the last statement of the last paragraph

in long, convoluted sentences

in a dependent clause or modifying phrases

in the middle statement of the last paragraph

Which of the following statements is most positively worded?

i cannot permit you to smoke in the lobby

smoking does not help in dealing with pressure

- smoking is permitted only in the assigned area

it is not advisable for pregnant women to smoke

i regret to tell you that you can smoke only in the assigned are

You can help give your documents a courteous effect by:

- avoiding a preachy tone

exaggerating the negative aspects of the message

refraining from personalizing a message for a reader

using the we-viewpoint instead of the you-viewpoint

refraining from using the conversational language

Which of the following statements best illustrates the you-viewpoint?

if you do not pay your dues by the end of the month, your account will be terminated

i will be most happy to retrieve the stated bank balance

we will do our best to assist you with your problem

we cannot replace the product as it has been tampered

we are happy to have your order for our product, which we shipped yesterday

The you-viewpoint:

should typically be avoided in a business communication

emphasizes the writer's perspective

- is especially important when delivering bad-news messages.

cannot be used in sentences containing the words "we" and "mine"

places the writer at the center of things

Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of negative words in business messages?

the use of negative words tends to put a reader in a positive frame of mind as it prepares a reader for the worst

- the use of negative words is highly destructive of goodwill in messages between acquainted parties

the use of negative words should be balanced out by a nearly equal number of positive words for creating an effective message

the use of negative words emphasizes the pleasant aspects of a message by bringing in the contrast

the use of negative words has no place in business communication, regardless of the circumstance

Which of the following statements avoids the use of rubber stamps?

i will be happy to clarify any queries you may have for me

please feel free to contact me for any further clarifications

- the MP3 player you requested will arrive by Monday at the latest

i deeply appreciate your assistance and cooperation in this matter

thank you for choosing us

Which of the following statements is true about managing emphasis in writing?

the middle of a message lays more emphasis on its contents than the ending

- short sentences put more emphasis on its contents than subordinated ideas

the lesser the space devoted to a topic, the more it is emphasized

the middle of a message lays more emphasis on its contents than the beginning

long sentences lay more emphasis on its contentse than main clauses

Which of the following statements is true about rubber stamps?

they communicate the effect of special treatment thereby impressing readers

they are expressions developed to be specifically used in emails

their use is mandatory in business messages where the writer is writing to a person he does not know

- they are used without thought and are not adapted to a specific situation

they are expressions created to suit every individual reader

Courtesy can be enhanced in business messages by:

including phrases like "you need," "you want" and "you should"

stating flat, obvious lines

assuming the tone of a sermon

- adding a personal note for the reader

exaggerating the negative aspects of the message

Select the most formally worded statement.

- i will consult with my superiors on the matter and report back to you by tomorrow

i'll send you the report after I've analyzed it thoroughly

FYI, I've sent the final document to the client as you had stated in your previous mail

thanks for letting me know, I'll send you an updated version when time permits

i'll look into the problem and will try to come up with a solution that is feasible

Which of the following best exemplifies the we-viewpoint?

the package you ordered will reach you by the end of this week

we will do our best to assist you with your problem

our policy ensures that your family members get all the benefits that you do

you must specify the color of the product to complete the purchase order

if you do not return the item within the specified date, you will be fined

Which of the following statements is conversational and uses the you-viewpoint?

enclosed please find the headset and purchase invoice that we have shipped to you

if you do not pay the extra charge levied, we cannot abide to the special request

the headset you ordered is packed as per the specific requirement and has been shipped

we have shipped the headset as per the special request stated in the purchase order

in reply to your January 13 letter, please be informed that your adherence to instructions outlined therein will greatly facilitate the attainment of our objective

A writer can avoid writing preachy messages by:

- avoiding the tone of a lecture

avoiding the use of positive words

assuming the tone of a sermon

including phrases like "you need," "you want" and "you should"

including flat statements of the obvious

In which of the following cases will the style of communication be least formal?

writing a crisis response or official reprimand

writing a ceremonial message, such a commendation or inspirational announcement

communicating with someone at a higher level than the writer

communicating with a letter, long report, or external proposal

- communicating with a well-acquainted co-worker or associate of the writer

Which of the following will most likely enhance the preachy tone of your messages?

the inclusion of statements in the we-viewpoint

the inclusion of statements in the you-viewpoint

- the inclusion of obvious, flat statements

the use of negative words in a message

the use of a passive voice in messages

Which of the following statements is least conversational?

i've attached a preliminary estimate of our requirements for this project

enclosed is the spreadsheet with all the elements of the project and corresponding costs

here is a detailed cost analysis for the proposed project

- enclosed please find an estimate whose confirmation will aid the procedures of the project

i cannot quote the exact requirements for the project, but here are the estimates.

In which of the following will the style of communication be least formal?

- an email from an employee to her co-worker discussing her holiday plans

an email from a manager to one of his subordinates rebuking his behavior with potential clients

an email from an employee to his superiors proposing an upgrade of manufacturing equipment to increase the overall effectiveness of his department

an email from a manager to all the members of a company commending an employee's exceptional performance

an email from an employee to a newly hired employee detailing his role and duties in his department

You have received an email from a customer who claims that his package contained a size 'M' T-shirt as opposed to the size 'L' T-shirt that he had ordered. Which of the following openings handles the subject most positively?

the error is because of a newly hired employee who is unfamiliar with our system

we are sorry but we could not entertain your order

we are sorry, we will be sending a replacement at the earliest that is of the size you ordered
a replacement size 'L' T-shirt has been shipped and will reach you by tomorrow

a size 'L' version of your T-shirt was unavailable, hence a size 'M' version was shipped

Negative news can best be de-emphasized by:

- implying it, and not stating it

including it in a short sentence

including it in the main clause

including it in a simple sentence

implying it with negative words

What are the words or phrases a writer must avoid in order to build goodwill?

Avoid negative words and words with negative connotations. Focus on what the reader can do rather than on limitations. Justify negative information by giving a reason or linking it to a reader benefit. If the negative is truly unimportant, omit it.

What are ways to help build goodwill?

Ways to Donate You can support Goodwill through your purchases and donations at our Goodwill Store & Donation Centers. The revenue generated in our stores helps fund our mission. Whether you're thinking about donating books, toys, or clothes, your donations make a big difference.

Which of the following is a way to build one's credibility quizlet?

One can build credibility by being factual, specific, and reliable.

What is a good technique for justifying negative information presented to a customer quizlet?

What are guidelines for justifying negative information for positive emphasis? Put negative information in the middle of the message. Justify negative information by giving a reason for it. Link negative information to an audience benefit.