What best describes the trajectory of marital satisfaction as a function of having children quizlet?

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Terms in this set (415)

According to Erikson, what is the central crisis of early adulthood?

Intimacy versus isolation

Which of the following terms describes the capacity to engage in a supportive, affectionate relationship without losing one's own sense of self?


Which of the following terms was used by Levinson to refer to the underlying pattern of an individual's life at a given time, including balances and conflicts among roles, relationships, and behavior patterns?

Life structure

Which of the following prompts the creation of a new life structure, according to Levinson's theory of adult development?


Jack has settled into his new life as a retiree. He has friends and activities and feels a happy sense of stability in his new life. According to Levinson, in which phase is Jack?

Culmination phase

Which of the following terms does Jeffrey Arnett use to refer to the developmental period between 17 and 22 years of age?

Emerging adulthood

Which of the following best describes neurological support for Arnett's theory?

Neuroimaging studies have shown that the areas of the brain that control impulsiveness, decision making, and self-regulation do not mature until the early to mid-twenties.

What do statistics say about the household composition of families in the United States?

Coupled households are still more common among adults than those headed by singles.

What component of evolutionary theory suggests that women and men have different mate selection priorities because they have unequal roles and responsibilities in producing and caring for children?

Parental investment theory

Which of the following is an elements of evolutionary theories of mate selection?

both women and men are likely to select mates who are opposite to themselves in key characteristics such as ethnicity, religion, and age.

Which of the following theories ascribes to the view that sex differences in relationships are adaptations to gender roles that result from external realities such as interactions with others?

Social role theory

John is looking for a wife. He wants a partner who has a similar background in matters like education and religious upbringing. Which of the following mate selection strategies is John using?


Which of the following best summarizes the distorted perception of marriage in the United States?

The idea that the institution of marriage is being threatened and that the divorce rate for all marriages is approximately 50%.

From No Easy Answers on page 368: How much does the average formal wedding cost in the United States?


Which of the following personality characteristics is identified by your text as a major contributor to dissatisfaction and instability in a marriage relationship?

A high degree of neuroticism

Which of the following is related to higher levels of marriage satisfaction and stability?

Less favorable attitudes toward divorce

Which of the following statements is true regarding research into attachment and marriage?

About 2/3 of engaged couples described attachment relationships with their parent(s) to be similar to the attachment relationship with the prospective spouse.

When marital relationships have negative effects on physical health, what is the physiological mechanism at work?

Production of the stress-related hormone cortisol

Which of the following ethnic groups is most likely to place a proportionately higher emphasis on the importance of children as a contributor to a successful marriage?


Which of the following is an aspect of love, according to Sternberg?


Arlis and Anthony are committed to each other and even treat each other with respect when they argue. They listen to one another and keep working until they find a solution. Which of the following terms would Gottman use to describe them as a couple?


Which of these is the best example of a validating marriage, as identified by psychologists?

When Jack and Jill argue, they respect and listen to each other's point of view, and consequently their disagreements rarely escalate.

Quang and Nguyen are a married couple. They argue frequently and neither of them listens very well. Still, most of the time they get along well and neither has any thoughts of getting divorced. What term would John Gottman use to describe Quang and Nguyen?

Volatile couple

Chuck and Jeri argue quite a bit. They don't seem to like each other - they rarely even look at one another. They seem to lack any sort of affectionate, supportive relationship. How would researchers classify this couple?


Which of the following is one of the most crucial issues in the interactions that affect the success of a marriage?

The relative proportion of negative and positive everyday encounters

What have researchers concluded about the relationship between marital interactions and marital happiness?

Couples become unhappy when their interactions with each other are primarily negative.

Lani and Paul have been married for eight years. They describe their marriage as intimate, passionate, and committed. How would Sternberg most likely describe this love relationship?


Jennifer and James say they feel close, connected, and committed to each other, but their relationship is no longer exactly what either would call passionate. How would Sternberg most likely describe them?


According to Sternberg, in romantic love relationships, which component is missing?


Which of the following statements is correct about the economic impact of divorce on women?

Women usually have custody of the children after divorce and pay for the associated costs.

Which of the following statements is true regarding couples who cohabitate before marrying?

They are less likely to be satisfied with their marriage and more likely to get divorced than couples who do not cohabitate before marriage.

Which of the following is proposed by Blackwell and Lichter as a possible reason why cohabiting couples are more likely to get divorced if they marry?

Cohabiting couples tend to be less homogamous than those who do not cohabitate.

Which of the following is one of the types of cohabiting heterosexual couples as described by Kline, et al.?

Those who regard future marriage as a possibility but also believe that the relationship may be temporary

How many households in the United States are headed by same sex partners?

about 1%

Which of the following statements about homosexual partnerships in our society is correct?

Factors related to success or failure of partnerships are consistent across lesbian, gay, and heterosexual relationships.

What percentage of U.S. adults between the ages of 20 and 34 have never been married?


How do individuals who view themselves as single by choice differ from individuals who have been single for a long time but still want to marry?

They are less likely to suffer the negative effects of being single on physical and psychological health.

Which of the following is true regarding parenthood?

In the U.S. the number of men who view parenthood as a life-enriching experience is greater than the number of women who feel this way.

How does the social clock in United States culture affect the age at which women have children in the 21st century?

Many believe that people should be socially and economically stable before bringing children into the world.

What happens during the la cuarenta period in Hispanic cultures?

The father of a newborn is expected to take on typically feminine tasks such as housework for 40 days following the birth of the child.

In the weeks after giving birth, some women experience feelings of sadness that characterize the mood disturbance known as

postpartum depression.

High levels of which of the following in the bodies of pregnant women in late pregnancy has been linked to postpartum depression?

Steroid hormones

Your friend Karen is seven months pregnant and has recently been diagnosed with depression. Your friend is at risk for which of the following?

Developing postpartum depression

What is the most reliable predictor of PPD?

Depression during pregnancy

According to research, what happens to marital satisfaction after the birth of a child?

It tends to decrease.

Which of the following factors in unlikely to influences marital satisfaction after the birth of a child?

the sex of the child.

Which of the following couples would most likely report the lowest level of marital satisfaction?

Tina and Saul have been married ten years and have two children who are nine and seven years old.

Which of the following couples would most likely report the highest level of marital satisfaction?

Lenora, a lawyer, and Deion, a banker, have been married two years and have no children.

Which of the following statements about the impact of childlessness in adulthood is correct?

Young adult childless couples report higher marital cohesion than do couples with children.

In the United States, family ties and extensive kin networks are characteristics especially associated with the social networks of which of the following?

African Americans and Hispanic Americans

Which of the following is an examples of an atypical relationship style of young adults in the United States?

Tim, who sought advice and emotional support from the men with whom he worked.

Judith is responsible for sending Christmas cards, arranging social gatherings, and caring for her and her husband's aging parents. What is the term that your text uses for Judith's role?


Survey research has shown that 40% of college freshmen enrolled in college for what reason?

Because their parents wanted them to

When comparing women's jobs with men's jobs, which of the following statements is most accurate?

Women's jobs are concentrated in service occupations that are typically lower in status and lower paid.

Which of the following is LEAST likely to influence a young adult's choice of a job or career?


Which of the following individuals is most likely to choose a non-gender-stereotypical job?

Laura, who considers herself a tomboy and whose mother works in construction.

How many personality types are there in Holland's theory of personality and work preferences?


Darius rarely makes mistakes as the accountant for the Round-Tuit Corporation. He always follows the correct guidelines when he calculates production costs and profit margins. According to Holland, what is Darius' personality type?


Owen is an engineer. He is working on a project to map the human genome. In addition, he can calculate massive columns of numbers in his head but cannot remember to say hello in the hallway. Holland would label Owen as


Which personality type tends to be extroverted, people-oriented, and sociable?


Brian is very creative. If he goes a week without seeing another person, he doesn't even notice. He likes to garden and is currently redesigning the entire landscape around his property. According to Holland's theory, what type of person is Brian?


Which type of person prefers professional activities that are structured, have clear guidelines, and consider themselves accurate and precise?


The process of adapting to the work place, managing career transitions, and pursuing goals through employment defines which of the following?

Career development

At what period in our development does Donald Super claim that the roots of our career development process are found?


During which of Super's stages does the young person search for a job or career that fits with his interests and personality?


According to Donald Super, an adult who is in the early stages of her career and is striving to acquire requisite skills and to achieve a measure of success is in which phase of work experience?


Bill is 50 years old. He has a good retirement portfolio in place and feels that he has made good career choices. He plans to stay in his current profession until he retires. According to Super, in which stage is Bill operating?


What factor in today's economy alters the way that Super's model of career development is applied?

The fact that job security is less reliable and that people change careers more frequently than in the past.

Current research has shown that workers' job performance, mental health, and physical health are all affected by which of the following?

Work-life balance

Which of the following is an innovation of the quality of work life movement?


Andre's company uses flextime. Employees are allowed to create their own work schedules but there are certain times when all employees must be present. What is the term for these common work times?

Core hours

Which of the following is true in women who have paid employment?

They may have more power and equality in family decision-making than women without paid employment.

With changing gender roles in the United States, which of the following is most likely to be true if a child of a two-parent household, where both parents work, develops a behavioral problem?

The mother is still likely to be blamed for the problems.

Why do we know so little about normal middle-aged brains?

Most research has focused on changes associated with trauma and disease.

Which of the following is a reason why it takes middle-aged adults longer to perform cognitive tasks than younger adults?

A larger area of the cortex is activated, therefore it takes longer to process information.

Which of the following is true of cognitive functioning and automobile accidents?

Young adults are more likely to get into an accident because of lapses of judgment and a higher likelihood of drinking alcohol.

Fifty-year-old Evan has begun to experience difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection. These changes might indicate that Evan is experiencing which of the following?

The climacteric

What is sildenafil?

A medication used to treat erectile dysfunction

Which of the following is associated with the male climacteric?

Increased difficulty attaining and maintaining an erection

Which of the following is likely to contribute to a male's problems with sexual functioning?

use of blood pressure medication.

Which hormone rises during the second half of the menstrual cycle and stimulates the sloughing off of accumulated material in the uterus each month if conception has not occurred?


What is the average age for the onset of menopause in the United States?


Gilda is 35 years old. Her estrogen levels have decreased, her menstrual periods have become very irregular, and she experiences periods of extreme sweating. What's happening with Gilda?

She is in the perimenopausal phase of menopause.

During which phase of menopause do both types of estrogen drop, progesterone levels drop, and ovulation ceases?


Which of the following is a physical effect that is attributed to the reduction in estrogen during the phases of menopause?

The walls of the vagina are less elastic

From No Easy Answers on page 394: Which of the following statements best summarizes the current research on hormone therapy (HT) for menopause?

The use of HT should be approached cautiously and should be symptom-specific.

According to the most current research, which of the following is a benefit of hormone replacement therapy?

Fewer hot flashes

According to several studies, the psychological effects of menopause should not be linked with

an increased likelihood of major depression.

Bernice is 45. At least once a week, she wakes up in the middle of the night wringing wet with sweat. She is having ________, a form of ________.

night sweats; hot flashes

Which of the following is a factor that is likely to lead to clinical depression during and after menopause?

The number of life stressors present both before and during menopause

Which of the following groups is LEAST likely to have a negative view of menopause?

African American women

What is the most likely explanation for the decline in sexual activity associated with mid-life?

The demands and pressures of everyday living

Which of the following is a condition of primary aging characterized by loss of bone mass and brittle, porous bones?


Which of the following is correct regarding osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis in women is accelerated by menopause.

Which of the following factors is linked most directly to osteoporosis in women?

Estrogen and progesterone levels

Which of the following are most helpful in preventing osteoporosis?

Sufficient calcium intake and exercise

Which of the following is a risk factor associated with osteoporosis?

Early menopause

Which of the following is a dietary factor which contributes to the risk of osteoporosis?

Excessive caffeine consumption

Adella has never had anything but perfect vision, but shortly after her 40th birthday, she noticed it was getting more and more difficult to read the morning newspaper - as if her arms were not long enough to hold the paper far enough away to get it in focus. If Adella visits her ophthalmologist, she will likely be diagnosed with which of the following?


What is the condition that results when the lens of the eye thickens and becomes less elastic?


What is the condition that results from degeneration of the auditory nerves and inner ear structures, so that an individual loses the ability to hear sounds of high and very low frequencies?


Mason is 55 and has come to believe that his phone is not working right because whenever his elderly mother calls, he has trouble hearing her voice. Mason should be examined for


Degeneration associated with presbycusis accelerates after what age?


Statistically, which of the following groups has the SHORTEST life expectancy in the United States?

African American men

What is the most common mechanism that causes heart disease?

Decreasing oxygen supply to the heart due to the build-up of plaque on artery walls

What term is used for deposits of plaque in the arteries which cause them to narrow or become blocked?


What is the leading cause of death among adults in the United States?

Cardiovascular disease

Regarding cardiovascular disease, which of the following statements best describes the trend over the last three decades?

The occurrence of CVD continues to decline, but it is still the leading cause of death among adults in the U.S.

Which of the following is a significant risk factors for heart disease EXCEPT

first-degree relatives with cardiovascular disease.

Which of the following is accurate concerning the risk factors for cardiovascular disease?

The more high-risk behaviors or characteristics a person has, the higher the person's risk of heart disease.

Lorn is not particularly worried about setting the world on fire. He takes his time and is fairly laid back in most cases. He's not the least bit competitive and seems to just take things as they come. Lorn would be considered to be a

type B personality.

Which of the following represents the BEST example of the Type A personality characteristic that is most strongly linked to cardiovascular disease?

When Jack loses a business deal, he takes his anger and hostility out on other drivers during his evening commute.

Which of the following includes personality traits such as a competitive drive, a sense of time urgency, and sometimes aggressiveness or hostility?

Type A personality

Which characteristic of Type A personality is most closely linked to CVD?


Which of the following is a risk factor for both heart disease and cancer?


How does being overweight affect one's risk of cancer?

It is a significant risk factor in many types of cancer.

_______ is not a risk factor commonly associated with cancer.


Which of the following is the second leading cause of death in middle and old age in the United States?


Hepatitis B virus is closely linked to which of the following?

Liver cancer

Angela is very conscious of cancer risk factors so she tries to take care of herself and minimize as many of the controllable risks as possible. She is vaccinated against hepatitis, she practices safe sex, and when she travels to strange places, she drinks bottled water to decrease her chances of developing a bacterial infection that has been linked to some cancers. What is the name of this bacteria?

Helicobacter pylori

Which of the following viruses is linked to cancers of the nose and throat?


Which of the following is a true statement regarding the relationship between gender and health?

Women tend to live longer but they also have more diseases and disabilities.

Why do women fare better after a heart attack than men?

Women's heart muscle seems to be better able to adapt to stressors and physical exertion.

In middle adulthood, which of the following correlate with socioeconomic class and are predictive of health?

Occupational level and education

Which of the following groups are most likely to die of heart disease?

African Americans, Native Americans, and Mexican Americans

Among minority women, what is the major risk factor for CVD?


Which of the following is a common complication of diabetes?


Which of the following is one of the hypotheses as to why diabetes has a more devastating effect on minority individuals than on whites?

They are likely to contract the disease earlier in life so it has a longer time to adversely affect the body.

Which of the following statements is accurate?

African Americans have the highest rates of prostate, colon, and lung cancer.

What is the most frequently abused substance in the U.S.?


What is the name of the drug that can help recovering alcoholics deal with withdrawal symptoms?


How do the death rates of men with alcoholism in their 50s and early 60s compare with nonalcoholics?

Alcoholics are 5 - 6 times more likely to die in mid life

Which the following is most consistent with Denney's view of age-related change in physical and cognitive functioning?

There is an underlying decay curve, so that with increased age there will eventually be a point at which even maximum exercise will not help an individual maintain peak functioning in either physical or cognitive abilities.

According to Denney's model, the maximum level of cognitive and physical function an individual can achieve with exercise

steadily decreases as the individual ages.

What is the term used by Baltes and Baltes to refer to the process of balancing the gains and losses associated with aging?

Selective optimization with compensation

Rodney wears reading glasses, uses an ergonomically designed chair when he works at the computer, and exercises regularly to offset the effects of aging. He is also taking two courses at the local community college just for the sake of learning. What principle is at work here?

Selective optimization with compensation

Of the following, which individual might be expected to experience earlier or larger intellectual declines?

Mr. Jones, age 70, who has taken medication for high blood pressure for 20 years

Overall physical health and cognitive performance in middle adulthood are most closely linked to

physical exercise.

How does physical exercise help maintain cognitive abilities in middle age?

By maintaining cardiovascular fitness

A researcher who is testing the cognitive functioning of middle-aged adults would find which of the following to be true of her subjects regarding well-rehearsed, familiar tasks?

They maintain or gain in skill

Which of the following best explains the typical pattern of cognitive functioning in middle adulthood?

Individuals may maintain or even gain in skill on tasks that are highly practiced or based on specific learning, such as playing a card game.

Grayson told her mother everything that happened at her school dance last night. Grayson was relying on which type of memory?


How does aging affect memory?

With advancing age, individuals tend to remember fewer specific details of a story and more of the theme or meaning of the story.

Which of the following best defines the term creativity?

The ability to produce original, appropriate, and valuable ideas and/or solutions to problems.

Jose and Isabella want to repaint their entire house and renovate some of the rooms as well. They look at many paint samples, magazine pictures, and try out several different arrangements of furniture. This process represents what type of thinking?


From Developmental Science in the Workplace on page 409: According to data collected from interviews of successful and creative older adults, what was one of the consistent themes reported to enhance creativity?

Recognizing the value of accumulated knowledge and experience

Which of the following theorists viewed the issues of generativity and stagnation as critical issues that most middle-aged adults must deal with?

Erik Erikson

What is the term that Erikson uses to describe a desire to establish and guide the next generations?


According to Erikson, which of the following would cause a person to experience a mid-life crisis?

A sense of stagnation

What is Erikson's developmental task of middle adulthood?

Generativity versus stagnation

What does Erikson suggest is required for the expression of generativity?

Caring for others

Darryl is a teacher who volunteers his free time working in a homeless shelter. According to Erikson, what is Darryl experiencing?

A sense of generativity

In a study conducted by Snarey et al., what did they learn about the generativity of men with no children?

Those who rated high on generativity had found a non-relative child to nurture

Psychiatrist George Vaillant has identified a stage between intimacy and generativity. What is the name of this stage?

Career consolidation

Which of the following is one of the outcomes of a career-based social network according to Vaillant?


Georgina is a middle-aged woman who volunteers as a tour guide at the local art museum and at the Museum of Asian Culture. She does this because she believes that the arts are an important part of culture and must be preserved and passed on to future generations. What term would Vaillant apply to Georgina?

Keeper of the meaning

Which of the following is LEAST likely to prompt the mid-life crisis described by Daniel Levinson?

Purchasing a new home

Which of the following best expresses Daniel Levinson's idea about development at mid-life?

The developmental tasks of mid-life are likely to cause a crisis when an individual's ability to cope is overwhelmed.

Mrs. Jiminez has recently been promoted to administrator at the local nursing home, which means that she must be at work by 7:00 a.m. Mrs. Jiminez also believes that she should provide her children with breakfast and supervision before they get on the school bus at 7:30 each morning. What is Mrs. Jiminez experiencing?

Role conflict

Dorian just gave birth to her first child. When she first held the baby, Dorian wanted to scream in panic because she had no idea how to be a mother. Social scientists would suggest that Dorian is experiencing

role strain.

When a person is confronted with a task which they are compelled to perform but for which they are ill prepared, which of the following are they likely to experience?

Role strain

The person who is forced to take on responsibilities which are in constant competition with each other is experiencing which of the following?

Role conflict

When a couple has learned which strategies work best when resolving disagreements and therefore have a sense that they have control of the relationship, they have accomplished which of the following?

Marital self-efficacy

Which of the following is the best example of the skilled diplomacy that middle-aged couples use to maintain the stability of their relationship?

If a problem occurs in the Jones marriage, Mrs. Jones first confronts Mr. Jones with the issue and then she works to bring peace to their relationship.

An increase in life expectancy has caused one aspect of family life to change. Which of the following best illustrates this change?

Adults are likely to spend more years caring for both younger and older generations in their family.

What does the term sandwich generation refer to?

Middle-aged adults who provide assistance to both their children and their aging parents

Approximately what percentage of women in their 50s are multigenerational caregivers?


Approximately what percentage of women become grandmothers by their early 50s?


What percentage of grandparents express a high level of satisfaction with their role?


Which of the following is one of the types of grandparent relationships mentioned in your text?

Companionate relationships

The Fowler family lives in a duplex. Grandma Fowler lives in one half and Mr. and Mrs. Fowler and their children live in the other half. Every day when the children get off of the school bus, grandma meets them and prepares their afternoon snack. She helps them with their homework until their parents get home from work. What kind of relationship does Grandma Fowler have with her grandchildren?


When grandparents seldom see their grandchildren, your text calls it a

remote relationship.

Chuck and Jeri live hundreds of miles from their children. They are retired and have busy lives of leisure. They seldom visit their children and have never developed a close relationship with their grandchildren. Behavioral scientists would say Chuck and Jeri have what type of relationships with their grandchildren?


Pauline and Leo call their grandchildren every week and drive the 300 miles to visit several times a year. They even text message their grandchildren on their cell phones occasionally, just for fun. Social scientists would say that Pauline and Leo have what type of relationship with their grandchildren?

Companionate relationship

Which of the following statements is true about companionate grandparents?

They have frequent contact and warm interactions with their grandchildren but typically do not discipline them.

According to research on grandparent-grandchildren relationships, what is the most common explanation for a remote relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren?

Physical distance

Approximately what percentage of children in the United States live with one or more of their grandparents?


Which of the following statements about the role of grandparents is correct?

Grandmothers have a broader and more intimate role with their grandchildren than grandfathers do.

Which of the following is a role that is normally assumed in middle adulthood?


What is stereotypically one of the most maligned relationships in U.S. culture?

The relationship between a woman and her mother-in-law

Which of the following is a recommended way to avoid conflict in the role of in-law?

Create rituals and celebrations that require the participation of family members on weekends and holidays.

Which of the following statements is most accurate about grandparenthood in the United States?

In recent years the incidence of custodial grandparenting has increased in all ethnic and socioeconomic groups.

Which of the following best describes the nature of friendship in middle adulthood?

The social circle is smaller, but the friendships are as intimate and close as at earlier ages.

Which of the following best describes best-friend relationships in mid-life?

The frequency of interaction decreases but the level of intimacy remains stable.

Which of the following statements about friendships in middle adulthood is true?

Mid-life friendships are just as intimate and close as those in the earlier years.

Which of the following is NOT one of the Big Five personality traits?


Which of the Big Five traits are likely to decline as adults age?

Openness, extraversion, neuroticism

Which of the following statements best summarizes the stability of personality over time?

For most people, personality traits tend to be stable over time, but within some individuals there may be relatively large changes.

What is the term for the trait characterized by a willingness to try new things?


What is the term for the trait characterized by a need for order in the environment?


What is the term for the trait characterized by sociability?


What is the term for the trait characterized by the ease with which a person gets along with others?


What is the term for the trait characterized by emotional negativity, pessimism, and irritability?


Which of the following is most likely to deal effectively with on-the-job stress?

Mabel, who is high in extraversion and conscientiousness

Which of the following is the best predictor of burnout in the work place?

Feeling as if one's work is not appreciated

Which of the following would be a typical response for a middle-aged man who is dissatisfied with his job?

Negotiate with his boss to try to change the working situation to better fit his needs

What is selective optimization with compensation?

Focusing on central tasks, maintaining abilities, and overcoming obstacles

What is the term Baltes & Baltes use to designate the ways workers narrow their job tasks to only the most important ones and delegate the rest to others?


Micah, age 55, used to write great op-ed pieces for his newspaper. Now he chooses the topic and lays out the main theme, but he assigns the actual copy-writing to a younger staff reporter. He then proofs the work, makes a few changes, and lets it go to print under his by-line. Baltes & Baltes would suggest that Micah is using which strategy?


Orland, age 50, has always been the top seller in her real estate company. In spite of this, she never rests on her laurels. Three times a year, she attends workshops on salesmanship, closing, and real estate law. Baltes & Baltes would suggest that Orland is using which strategy?


Many potential employers believe that middle-aged workers are less able to learn new computer skills than their young-adult counterparts. This is an example of which of the following?


According to the classification system of voluntary and involuntary career changers, an involuntary career changer is in transition for what reasons?


Based upon the classification system of voluntary and involuntary career changers, which of the following is a reason for an involuntary career change?

Organizational restructuring that results in elimination of the job.

Lauren used to work as a telephone operator. Recently the phone company for which she worked decided to go to an automated system. Lauren was laid off, making her what your text would call

an involuntary career changer.

For individuals who are involuntary career changers, which of the following is most closely linked to improved health, emotional stability, and sense of well-being ?

Going to work at a new job

Phyllis has worked as an interior decorator for twenty years. Lately she finds little satisfaction in her work and wants to do something she believes is more meaningful, like counsel troubled youth. If Phyllis walks away from her interior design business, what would social scientists call her?

Voluntary career changer

Which of the following outcomes would be unusual in terms of the impact of a job loss on a marital relationship?

The level of problem-solving communication increases.

Which of the following is an effect commonly observed among adults who experience involuntary unemployment?

Heightened levels of anxiety and depression

Which of the Big Five personality traits contribute to the mental health of an involuntary career changer?

Neuroticism and openness

Which of the following is characteristic of a voluntary career changer?

Genetic predispositions

Your text suggests that it is not uncommon for retirement planning to begin how many year(s) in advance?


Which statement is true regarding the retirement of the cohort known as The Baby Boomers?

Baby Boomers are likely to be in retirement for 20 years - far longer than earlier generations.

Which of the following reflects the findings of Ken Dychtwald in a survey of more than 3,000 baby boomers?

Most plan to work into retirement, but to combine paid work with other pursuits.

Which of the following approaches is unlikely to characterize the non-work pursuits of Baby Boomers in retirement?

Spending most of their time sitting around with minimal activity

When I retire I plan to continue teaching one class per semester and spend the rest of my time doing whatever I please. Dychtwald would classify me as which type of retiree?

Leisure lifer

Max has not planned well for retirement. He is now 60 years old and is facing mandatory retirement in 5 - 7 years. He is deep in debt. According to Dychtwald, what type of retiree will Max likely be?

Stretched and stressed

Which of the following best describes the anxious idealist?

A retiree who would like to give money to charity but is unable to do so because they barely have enough income to make ends meet

The scientific study of aging is known as ______________.


At what point in the human life cycle do the greatest number of deaths occur?

In infancy and early childhood

In the United States today, the average 65 year old man will live to be how old?


In the United States today, the average 65 year old woman will live to be how old?


Which of the following is true regarding the life expectancies of African and White Americans by age 75?

Their life expectancies will be essentially equivalent.

If you are a centenarian, you

are at least 100 years old.

What is the fastest-growing segment of the population in the United States today?

Oldest old subgroup

Which of the following statements is true?

By 2050 it is estimated that the over-100 population will triple.

What is the single largest factor that determines the trajectory of an adult's physical or mental status beyond age 65?


Why will every industrialized nation in the world face a demographic crisis in the near future?

There will be fewer young and middle-aged workers to provide for the financial well-being of the elderly.

What does your text point out as a major factor in determining the overall well-being of older adults, even if they have a chronic disease?


Ninety-year-old Mrs. Gonzalez is no longer able to manage tasks such as bathing or using the toilet by herself. A gerontologist most likely would determine that Mrs. Gonzalez needs help with which of the following?

Only her activities of daily living

Which of the following terms applies to intellectually demanding tasks such as managing finances and paying bills?

Instrumental activities of daily living

Which of the following is correct about the relationship between disability and activity among older adults in the United States?

Nearly all those over age 85 report significant difficulty performing basic daily activities.

Which of the following terms applies to older adults whose physical and/or mental impairments are so extensive that they cannot care for themselves?

Frail elderly

Older individuals who have which of the following are two to three times more likely to experience functional disability than elders who do not?

Arthritis and hypertension

Which of the following chronic conditions is more common in men over 65 than women over 65?

Heart disease

Which of the following is true regarding heredity and longevity and health?

Of those whose parents died before 78, 40% had a chronic illness at age 65.

Which of the following seems to be even more important in older age as a contributor to longevity and good health?


Which activity seems to be the most important health habit in old age?

Calorie restriction

Which of the following is a change that occurs in the brain during the adult years?

a reduction of brain weight.

Which of the following has been linked to minimized atrophy of the cerebral cortex of the brain?


What is the most likely cause of slower reaction time for everyday tasks and activities for an older individual?

Dendritic loss and slowing of synaptic speed

Which of the following terms refers to the redundancy in the nervous system that enables neural pathways to move from one set of neurons to another?

Synaptic plasticity

Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood?

The pupil does not widen or narrow as much or as quickly, which causes problems in adapting to variations in light and glare.

Mr. Cooper has great difficulty seeing now because the lenses inside his eyes have become clouded over. What is the name of this condition?


Macular degeneration is most likely to occur in __________.

late adulthood

Which of the following is a typical hearing difficulty experienced by older adults?

Difficulties in word discrimination

Grandpa Ezra complains that he frequently hears ringing or buzzing sounds in his ears. What is Ezra experiencing?


Auditory problems typically are experienced

by more men than women

Which of the following is likely to be true of older adults who are experiencing hearing loss?

They may be perceived as disoriented or forgetful.

Which of the following is an obstacle to good hearing among the elderly?

Increased production of ear wax, blocking the ear canals.

If you were to serve a loaf of freshly-baked cinnamon bread to a group of older individuals, which of the following comments would you be most likely to hear?

I can't smell a thing, dear.

Which of the following sensations results from decreased production of saliva?

Wooly mouth

About how long is the maximum human lifespan?

110-120 years

What is the Hayflick limit for human embryo cells?


The genetically programmed time limit for cell replication to which each species is theoretically bound is called

the Hayflick limit.

What is the name of the string of repetitive DNA at the tip of each chromosome in the body?


Which of the following is the name of the theory which says that aging is a result of species-specific genes?

Programmed senescence theory

Research on the cellular processes involving free radicals suggests that it may be beneficial to eat less of which of the following?

Fat and food additives such as preservatives

What effect do free radicals have on the body?

They enter into potentially harmful chemical reactions which cause irreparable cell damage.

Which of the following is a benefit of foods that are high in antioxidants?

Lower rates of heart disease

Which of the following suggests that all adults retain excellent function until their physical and mental functioning plummets in the few years before death?

The terminal drop hypothesis

What is the biggest single behavioral effect of age-related physical change in late adulthood?

A general slowing down

Which of the following would be less affected by the general slowing down that older adults experience?

Being a generally optimistic person

Which of the following is statistically true of older drivers?

They have more accidents per miles driven than younger drivers.

Your text suggests that burns are more common in late adulthood than earlier, why?

Loss of sensitivity to heat and a slower reaction time lead to increases in accidental burns.

How are sleep patterns typically affected by age?

Older adults must nap more during the day in order to accumulate the sleep they need.

Mr. Garrett often overeats, complaining that he feels hungry all the time. His doctor has suggested that this problem is due to a malfunction in the sensation associated with blood sugar levels known as


What is the most serious consequence stemming from the loss of balance among older adults?

An increase in falls

Which of the following activities would most likely help an older person sustain their sense of balance?

Tai Chi

What does your text suggest about older women's sexual behavior?

They are more sexually adventurous and willing to experiment.

Which of the following is likely to affect sexual activity in older age?


Which of the following is a neurological disorder that includes problems with memory and thinking that affect an individual's emotional, social, and physical functioning?


Which of the following are a group of neurological disorders that involve memory and thinking -- affecting social, emotional and physical functioning?

The dementias

Which of the following is the BEST definition of Alzheimer's disease?

A severe form of dementia for which the cause is unknown

What effect does Alzheimer's disease have on the eating habits of its sufferers?

Disruption of normal satiety mechanisms

In the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, you can expect the individual to show a

propensity toward repetitive conversation.

Which of the following is definitively diagnostic of Alzheimer's disease?

The presence of neurofibrillatory tangles in the brain

Which of the following is a common cause of dementia?

Multiple blows to the head

Which of the following is true regarding the incidence of Alzheimer's disease among people of African descent?

The disease is less prevalent in Africa, but in the United States African Americans exhibit higher rates than White Americans.

Which of the following is true regarding the risk factors for depression and dysthymia among the elderly?

Elders living in poverty are at a higher risk for depression than others.

Which of the following does research indicate to be the strongest predictor of depression among older adults?

Poor health

How are the length of time in the U.S., English language skills, and depression correlated among elderly Chinese and Mexican immigrants?

They are negatively correlated.

Some researchers suggest that African Americans have lower rates of depression than white Americans because African Americans are especially likely to utilize which of the following when dealing with emotional difficulties?

Their religious faith and their church

Which of the following is a likely reason that elderly men have higher rates of completed suicide than elderly women?

Men in declining health view themselves as a burden.

What is the most effective treatment for depression in older adults?

A combination of psychotherapy and antidepressant medication

The largest impairments in memory typically appear after what age?


What is currently the most widely accepted explanation for declines in memory among older adults?

Loss of speed in central nervous system processes related to information-processing and memory function

Which of the following is a cognitive characteristic that includes knowledge and its application to problem solving?


Which of the following is NOT one of Baltes's criteria for defining wisdom?

Understanding of mortality

Seventy-year-old Maybell enjoys making quilts for her family. Specifically she likes to make quilts that represent some aspect of the family's history. In which of Cohen's phases is Maybell?

The summing-up phase

In 2010, how long had the world's longest-married couple been together?

85 years

How did Erikson characterize the developmental task of late adulthood?

Ego integrity versus despair

At 83 years old, Claudette happily recalls life when she was younger. She also enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and their children. According to Erikson, what has Claudette achieved?

Ego integrity

Which of the following best describes ego integrity?

Coming to terms with the life one has lived and accepting the inevitability of death

Which of the following is correct regarding the role of reminiscence in human development?

Young adults use reminiscence for problem-solving.

As older adults reminisce about their life, which of the following describes the judgments they make about their past behavior?

Life review

What, according to activity theory, could older adults do to have the most psychologically and physically healthy response to old age?

Maintain the highest possible activity level and the largest possible number of roles

According to research, what is the most common effect of activity upon later life?

Greater life satisfaction and morale

When you contact a retired neighbor to ask if she is interested in participating in a charity fund-raiser, she tells you that she is no longer interested in activities such as this, and she is content to do as little as possible since she retired. Your neighbor's perspective is most consistent with which of the following views on aging?


Which of the following is an aspect of disengagement theory?

shrinkage of life space.

Gender roles tend to be least rigid in old age. This is reflective of which of the following aspects of disengagement theory?

Increased individuality

According to disengagement theory, which of the following is the tendency of people to interact with fewer and fewer people and fill fewer and fewer roles?

Shrinkage of life space

Frank worked as a professional cabinet maker most of his adult life. He very much enjoyed this work, but is now somewhat limited in his physical ability to handle large pieces of carpentry. Frank currently builds smaller pieces of furniture such as chairs and coffee tables. Which of the following explains Frank's behavior?

Continuity theory

Which of the following best summarizes the paradigm of successful aging proposed by Rowe and Kahn?

Successful aging integrates components of physical, cognitive, and social health that are influenced by earlier behaviors and decisions.

What is the term used by gerontologists to describe maintaining one's physical health, mental abilities, social competence and general satisfaction with life?

Successful aging

According to research in the United States and Japan, which factor might help individuals to recover from a health crisis such as a stroke or a fracture?

Adopting recovery goals proposed by rehabilitation specialists

Which of the following describes the component of successful aging that involves a willingness to learn new things?

Cognitive adventurousness

Which component of social support seems to be most meaningful to elderly adults?

The opportunity to reciprocate and give support as well as receive it

Which of the following is an effect of volunteerism upon older adults?

improved life satisfaction.

Which of the following is one of the components of successful aging outlined in your text?

Mental activity

Mahmoud's grandparents have him to help them buy a computer and teach them how to use the internet. Which of the following terms describes Mahmoud's grandparents' readiness to learn something new?

Cognitive adventurousness

Which of the following is a characteristic that is known to predict high life satisfaction among older adults?

Self-ratings of health

Which of the following is the tendency to turn to religious beliefs and institutions for support in times of difficulty?

Religious coping

Which of the following is a true statement?

African Americans suffering from cancer are less likely to be depressed if they are involved in a religious community.

Which of the following individuals is more likely to turn to religion for comfort in times of stress?

Della Reed, an African American grandmother who is 83 years old

Which of the following is the best definition of spirituality?

A general tendency to focus on aspects of life which transcend one's physical existence

What is the term used for living in a noninstitutional environment to which appropriate modifications have been made for the elderly individual?

Aging in place

Which of the following is correct regarding the nature of marital status and living arrangements in late adulthood in the United States?

The normal expectation for a woman is that she will eventually be without an intimate partner or spouse.

Which of the following is unlikely to be an important factor to consider when an aging adult must decide whether or not to live with an adult child?

Social network access

An independent living community is one in which all residents are

over a certain age.

Mrs. Barnes is a 74-year-old healthy widow who has a good retirement pension. She most likely lives


Mr. Jones is a healthy 75-year-old widower who lives independently on his comfortable pension. What factor is most likely to cause a change in his independent living status?

Development of a significant health problem

Nick and Kathy love to play golf and swim. They recently moved to an apartment complex in Florida where everyone is about their age or perhaps a little older. They live autonomously but share common interests with their many neighbors and enjoy socializing on an almost daily basis. Nick and Kathy are probably living in which of the following?

An independent living community

Bertie is pretty spry and she likes her independence, which is considerable for a 94-year-old. Still, she is not able to cook for herself anymore and has some difficulty with certain activities of daily living. Miss Bertie might be a good candidate for living in which of the following?

An assisted living facility

Which of the following is for elderly adults who need more assistance than is available at an independent living community, but are not in need of constant supervision?

Assisted living

Which of the following describes a common belief in Asian cultures which holds that children have the responsibility to care for their aging parents?

Filial piety

Which of the following is another name for a nursing home?

Skilled nursing facility

Which of the following offers a continuum of care ranging from independent living to skilled nursing care?

Continuing-care retirement communities

Which of the following represents the normal expectation for a man in late adulthood?

That he will live with a spouse or intimate partner until he dies

Which of the following is the normal expectation for a woman in late adulthood?

That she will live alone, even if she experiences health problems or mild to moderate disability

Which of the following is true regarding elder abuse in the United States?

Financial dependency of the abuser on the victim is a risk factor for abuse.

According to current estimates, approximately what percentage of U.S. elders are physically abused?

Between 2% and 10%

Which of the following is unlikely to be a risk factor associated with elder abuse?

Significant financial resources controlled by the abuser

Which of the following is an accurate description of partner relationships in later life?

Older couples report lower levels of conflict in their relationships than do middle-aged couples

Which of the following individuals is more likely to remarry after the death of a spouse?

Robert, age 69, who has a modest retirement income

Which of the following is true regarding the positive effects of marriage on physical and psychological functioning of older adults?

They occur among both women and men, but are generally greater for men than women.

Which statement most accurately describes the relationships of older adults and their children?

Good relationships and regular contact between older adults and their children are not essential for happiness or life satisfaction in old age.

Which of the following best summarizes the research findings regarding older adults' relationships with their children?

Healthy relationships with their children contribute to happiness and well-being, but are not necessary for it.

About 65% of the elderly in the United States live ________ of at least one of their children.

within about an hour

Compared to the relationship between an older adult and her adult children, the relationship between an older adult and her friends is more likely to

be reciprocal or equitable.

Why are sibling relationships likely to become more important in late adulthood?

Siblings share reminiscences and companionship and provide each other emotional support.

Which of the following represents a common bias found in the research regarding social networks and older adults?

The research tends to focus more on the frequency of contact than the quality of the relationships.

Which of the following is true regarding racial differences in the social networks of older adults?

Fictive kin may be an important source of emotional support for elders of all ethnic groups.

What important legislative action was taken in the 1980s regarding retirement?

The practice of mandatory retirement was made illegal.

Professor Smith is 70 years old. She is considering retirement, but has decided instead to move to Hawaii and teach one on-line class per semester. This is an example of which of the following?

A bridge job

Which of the following is likely to retire earliest?

An individual in poor health

Who is likely to retire latest?

An individual whose work is challenging and interesting

Which of the following is unlikely to be a factor that influences an individual's decision to retire?

Personality traits

Which of the following is an important factor in determining when a woman will retire?

The possibility of higher earnings that will augment her retirement income

Which of the following is most likely to express retirement satisfaction?

Herrmann, who has worked continuously throughout his adult life

What is the largest source of income for most elderly adults in the United States?

Social Security

Statistically, which of the following is most likely to be living in poverty as an older adult?

African American women

Which of the following is a contributing factor to declining poverty rates among the elderly in the United States?

Cost-of-living increases in Social Security

What effect is retirement likely to have on health?

Little or no effect

Research suggests that those who respond most poorly to retirement are those who

had the least control over the process.

Louise and Woodrow moved to a retirement community on a lake because they like to fish and ski. According to Longino, their move could be considered to be which of the following?

Amenity move

Which of the following describes a move away from family that is aimed at benefiting from a particular feature of the location?

Amenity move

When Aunt Ruth began to lose her eyesight, she could no longer live alone. She was invited to move in with her niece Anne. Ruth's move would be considered to be which of the following?


Which of the following is the best example of a kinship move after retirement, as described by Charles Longino?

When Mrs. Short became disabled by arthritis and could no longer live independently in her home, she decided to move into an apartment in the town where her daughter lived.

Which of the following is suggested by your text as perhaps the greatest obstacle to employment for older adults?

Which of the following is suggested by your text as perhaps the greatest obstacle to employment for older adults?

How are older adults typically evaluated by management in the work place?

As being more reliable than younger employees

Which form of death occurs at the point at which family members and medical personnel treat the deceased person as a corpse?

social death

Which form of death has occurred in circumstances where rescue is still possible, even though there is no
evidence of brain function, the heart has stopped, and breathing has stopped?

clinical death

Which form of death has occurred in circumstances where there is no electrical activity in the brain and the person no longer has reflexes or responds to vigorous external stimuli?

brain death

When Darius stopped breathing, his eyes were still open. The nurse closed his eyes and pulled the bed sheet over his head. These activities marked which of the following?

social death

What circumstances permit the determination that a person is legally dead?


Which of the following is an approach to caring for the terminally ill that focuses on individual and family control over the process of dying?

hospice care

In which country did hospice care originate?


In the U.S., what percentage of deaths takes place in the decedent's home?


In the United States and other industrialized countries, where do most adults die?

in a hospital

Which of the following is an aspect of the philosophy behind hospice care?


Which type of care focuses on relieving a terminally ill patient's pain, rather than curing the illness?


In which type of hospice programs are family caregivers supported by specially-trained health care work


In which of the following would you find a small number of patients who are cared for by specially-trained health care workers in a home-like setting?


According to research, which of the following attitudes was commonly reported by the loved ones of a terminally ill patient who chose a home-based hospice program?

They reported feeling a greater sense of burden

What would be the most likely age of a child who said, "My cat died, but if I get her some medicine, she will feel better tomorrow?"

5 years

Which of the following most accurately characterizes what a child younger than five years of age would understand or believe about death?

that death is reversible

A child's understanding of the permanence of death correlates with which stage of Piaget's theory?

concrete operations

Which of the following would serve to speed up a child's understanding of death?


Which of the following contributes to adolescent suicidal behavior?

Unrealistic ideas about personal death

Which of the following terms explains a young adult's belief that she is too lucky to die, even though she knows that death can happen to other people?


For most adults, which of the following is the most significant meaning of death?


When faced with Impending death, which of the following groups would want to spend more time with loved ones?

Mexican Americans

According to research, who would be least afraid to die?

75 year-old Mr. Jackson

Who does research suggest would be most afraid to die?

45 year-old Mrs. green

Which of the following is NOT a stage in Elizabeth Kubler-Ross model of the psychological preparations for death?


According to Kubler-ross, what is the purpose of reactions such as denial or bargaining?

These responses are defense mechanisms that aid the person in coping with the reality of impending death

Which of the following are two major criticisms of Kubler-Ross theory of dying?

Her methodology and her claim that these processes are culturally univeral

which of the following concepts did Freud believe to be most useful for coping with death and grief?

Defense mechanisms

While Bowlby suggests that the first stage of grief is numbness, Sanders suggests that it is which of the following?


While sanders suggests that the final stage of grief is healing and renewal, Bowlby believes it is


Which of the following is NOT a pattern of grieving identified by Wortman and Silver?


Which of the following does research suggest is the most difficult death to recover from?

The death of a spouse

What is a significant predictor of health variations in middle age?

social class

Examples of good aging include all except:


Which of the following is Erickson's stage in Early Adulthood?

Intimacy vs. Isolation

Alzheimer's Disease, which of the following is true?

early stages become evident slowly

What percentage of grandparents report being in involved relationships with their grandchildren?


According to Sternberg's theory, what are the key components of love ?

Intimacy, Commitment, Passion

According to the textbook, __________is the normal loss of visual acuity with aging, making it harder to focus the eyes on near objects, and __________ is the normal loss of hearing, especially high-frequency tones.

presbyopia, presbycusis

What are the three things necessary for successful aging ?


Which individual is most likely to retire the latest?

An individual who enjoys their work and is stimulated

In late adulthood, what factors influence the psychological well being of the adult?

control vs. dependency, health and social support

Leila's husband had a stroke and a brain aneurysm. He could not walk properly. They lived on the 3rd floor of an apartment building. Eventually, They moved to an apartment on the 1st floor and the landlord had to put a ramp on the front steps. What is this called?

aging in place

What personality traits have been linked to possibly causeing poor cardiovascular health problems in middle adulthood?


All of the following are examples of ageism EXCEPT:

when older adults are asked to serve as "grandparents" for teenage parents

Mr. Smith is in a nursing home due to falling that resulted in him breaking his left leg and other health concerns. He needs assistance with his ADL's but even so, Mr. Smith insists that he is well enough to do them himself and even refuses the assistance from his nurses. Why might this be?

Mr. Smith and other older adults rate their health as good

Kübler-Ross believed there were five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Which emotion do researchers most commonly observe?


When the African American community in New Orleans celebrates a person's death with a parade is an example of:

death ritual

One of the main cons considered in hospital based Hospice Care for dying elderly patients is:


In the past 6 months Ivan has had three different jobs. Hoping for new experience he goes in search of a new job. Though he is satisfied at first, after only a few weeks he grows tired of the job and quits in search of a better place. Ivan is most likely experiencing..

Honeymoon hangover effect

According to Erikson, what is the primary psychosocial task of middle adulthood?


All of these changes are part of the four main physical changes of the brain and nervous system EXCEPT:

Increase in neuron stimulation

In which phase of dying do heartbeat, circulation, breathing and brain functioning stop, but resuscitation is still possible?

clinical death

John recently found out he was dying and was going through denial. Right after denial, he moved on to feeling depressed about his situation, and soon after he felt angry and then felt depressed again. This unstable change from feeling denial to depression to anger and back to depression supports ________'s view of death.

Edwin Shneidman

Which of the following are pyschological consequences of divorce on a child ?

more aggressive, defined, or depressed behavior

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