What can we say about the success of the Millennium Development Goals Quizlet

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Cedar Point is an amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio, owned by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company. Over 3.5 million people visit Cedar Point each year between May and October. It covers 364 acres and has more than 150 rides and attractions, including 16 roller coasters. Cedar Point is the second oldest continuously operating amusement park in the United States (the oldest is Lake Compounce in Connecticut). Millions of events occur at Cedar Point each year. The following items are possible events: May 1: Sell admission tickets, $150,000, cash May 3: Purchase merchandise inventory,$9,000, on account May 6: Rent lockers to guests, $700, cash May 8: Sign a letter of intent to switch electric suppliers starting in June May 15: Pay employees,$92,000, cash May 18: Make an offer of employment for a new position in the Merchandise & Games office May 20: Borrow money from the bank by signing a six-month note, of $400,000 Requirements 1. What criteria does an event have to meet to qualify as a financial transaction? Identify which of the listed events are financial transactions. 2. Journalize each of the transactions. 3. Indicate how the company’s assets, liabilities, and equity would be impacted by each transaction.

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Terms in this set (37)

How many items of clothing are produced globally each year?

100 billion

How could we counteract the impact of fast fashion?

Buy quality and consume less

Repurpose our clothes

Change our attitudes toward fast fashion

What are key difficulties of delivering on the hopes attached to the idea of sustainable development?

How to reconcile the fact that tough political decisions over equitable resource allocation need to be made even though policymakers might be distracted by other issues (such as terrorism and war)

Sustainable development has been defined as:

A contradiction in terms since current development practices are inherently unsustainable

Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

Sound environmental planning without sacrificing economic and social improvements

What happens to 60% of all clothing items within one year?

They end up in landfills

What was agreed at Rio+20?

To develop action-oriented, global, universally applicable sustainable development goals

Which of the following are examples of MDG successes?

The share of the population in developing regions living on less than $1.25 declined from nearly 50% in 1990 to 14% in 2015

Primary school net enrollment increased in developing regions

The maternal mortality ratio declined by 45% worldwide

The number of people living in extreme poverty declined substantially

What are reasons why in 2000 the UN General Assembly adopted the MDGs?

A growing recognition that the world was failing to reach most of the goals for a more sustainable society

Official development assistance from industrialized countries had declined between 1992 and 2000

Increasing concerns over globalization and emerging issues such as the HIV/AIDS pandemic

What can we say about the success of the Millennium Development Goals?

Progress was uneven across regions and countries

Who was responsible for crafting the Sustainable Development Goals?

A Group of UN officials who used the Millennium Declaration for guidance

While the MDGs included 8 goals and 21 targets, the SDGs include:

17 goals and 169 targets

What happened to the MDGs in the drafting of the SDGs?

The SDGs updated and enhanced the MDGs in their first six goals and then built on them

In 2015, the UN's ___________________ expired and were replaced by the ____________________.

Millennium Development Goals / Sustainable Development Goals

Who was responsible for crafting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)?

Governments negotiating in 13 meetings between 2013 and 2014

Which of the following are points of criticism made against the SDGs?

There are too many goals and targets for them to be effective

The SDGs are internally inconsistent because they don't acknowledge that global poverty and ecological decline are tied to extreme wealth, inequality, and overconsumption

The large number of goals makes them too unwieldy to implement or sell to the public

What set the SDGs apart from the MDGs right from the start?

In addition to including poverty eradication and sustainable development, the SDGs also include human rights, gender equality, women's and girls' empowerment, and peaceful and inclusive societies

The SDGs represent a much larger agenda

An inclusive ___________ is one that improves human well-being and builds social equity while reducing environmental risks and scarcities.

Green economy

According to the UN Environment Programme, what is the reason why an inclusive green economy is a necessary alternative to the current dominant economic model

The dominant model generates widespread environmental and health risks, encourages wasteful consumption and production, drives ecological and resource scarcities, and results in inequality

Which of the following are examples of how the Agenda 2030 was, in the 2019 words of UN Secretary General Guterres, "coming to life"?

The private sector came to understand that green business is good business

Extreme poverty and child mortality rates were falling

Access to energy and decent work was increasing

What is "greenwashing"?

When companies use greening initiatives as marketing ploys

Who are the stakeholders that need to align to convince a company to go green?

A company's management, investors, and consumers

What is the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and the SDGs?

Even where progress towards the SDGs had been recorded, the pandemic wiped these positive developments out in a matter of weeks

In rich and poor countries alike, the pandemic exposed and exacerbated existing inequalities

By the early 2000, what had happened to our output of plastic waste?

It rose more in a single decade than it had in the previous 40 years

Which of the following are direct drivers of species extinction?

Overexploitation (e.g. overfishing)

Humans' growing appetite for meat and fish

Which uninhabited island in the South Pacific has been described as having the highest density of plastic waste in the world?

Henderson Island

How many species are at risk of extinction in the next decade?

1 million

How much plastic waste a year do we produce today?

About 300 million tons (close to the equivalent of the entire human population)

Which of the following countries was one of the first to ban plastic bags country-wide?


Why is plastic pollution such a big environmental problem?

The material lasts much longer than a human lifetime and therefore its impact, too, lasts a lifetime

Plastic is virtually indestructible, and it does not break down easily

If current trends continue, our oceans could contain more plastic than fish by 2050

Only ten rivers in the world carry more than 90% of the world's plastic waste. Which of the following are among them?


Which of the following are benefits of the African "Great Green Wall"?

Tree roots hold water in soil
Helps fight the effects of climate change

What benefits can be gained from having green roofs?

They save millions of gallons of storm water runoff because the water is absorbed by the soil and the plants

They reduce the building's energy consumption

What percentage of the world's population lives in cities?


Which of the following are problems associated with megacities?


Housing shortage

Aging infrastructure (e.g. mass transit and highways)

The President of the Republic of Ghana and the Prime Minister of Norway point out:

The pandemic has utterly exposed fundamental weaknesses in our global system

The pandemic has shown beyond doubt how the prevalence of poverty, weak health systems, lack of education, and above all sub-optimal global cooperation, is exacerbating the crisis

What are megacities?

Metropolitan areas with more than 10 million people

Which of the following are sustainability projects covered in the report on 'The Future of Cities'?

A fog catcher to collect water from the air in Peru

Water bottles turned into solar lightbulbs in Manila, Philippines

Bricks made out of discarded plastic in Karachi, Pakistan

An electric rickshaw that residents in Santiago de Chile can ride for free

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A personal watercraft (PWC) is a vessel propelled by water jets, designed to be operated by a person sitting, standing, or kneeling on the vessel. In the early 1970s, Kawasaki Motors Corp. U.S.A. introduced the JET SKI watercraft, the first commercially successful PWC. Today, jet ski is commonly used as a generic term for personal watercraft. The following data show the weight (rounded to the nearest 10 lbs.) and the price (rounded to the nearest $50) for 10 three-seater personal watercraft (Jetski News website, 2006). $$ \begin{matrix} \text{Make and Model} & \text{Weight (lbs.)} & \text{Price (\$)}\\ \hline \text{Honda AquaTrax F-12} & \text{750} & \text{9500}\\ \text{Honda AquaTrax F-12X} & \text{790} & \text{10500}\\ \text{Honda AquaTrax F-12X GPScape} & \text{800} & \text{11200}\\ \text{Kawasaki STX-12F Jetski} & \text{740} & \text{8500}\\ \text{Yamaha FX Cruiser Waverunner} & \text{830} & \text{10000}\\ \text{Yamaha FX High Output Waverunner} & \text{770} & \text{10000}\\ \text{Yamaha FX Waverunner} & \text{830} & \text{9300}\\ \text{Yamaha VX110 Deluxe Waverunner} & \text{720} & \text{7700}\\ \text{Yamaha VX110 Sport Waverunner} & \text{720} & \text{7000}\\ \text{Yamaha XLT1200 Waverunner} & \text{780} & \text{8500}\\ \end{matrix} $$ What does the scatter diagram developed indicate about the relationship between weight and price?

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What is a success of the Millennium Development Goals?

Between 1990 and 2015, there were successes globally in: (1) MDG 4: child mortality had dropped by 53%, (2) MDG 5: MMR declined by 43%16 and (3) MDG 6: the number of people on ART increased from less than 0.2 million in 2000 to 7.5 million in 2010 and more than 17 million in 201517 and the malaria and tuberculosis ...

What can you say about Millennium Development Goals?

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight goals with measurable targets and clear deadlines for improving the lives of the world's poorest people. To meet these goals and eradicate poverty, leaders of 189 countries signed the historic millennium declaration at the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000.

Would you consider the Millennium Development Goals a success?

A – halving the share of the world population living in extreme poverty – is a particularly important one and while most people are not aware of it, the world has actually achieved this goal. The achievement of MDG 3 meant that the gender disparity in education was closed at the global level.

What is the most important goal of the Millennium Development Goals?

Millennium Development Goal 1: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.


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