What contributes to the success of the relationship between a public relations officer?

Many people only know of what PR is from Mad Men. Most have a vague understanding of what public relations mean, very few understand what PR firms and PR agencies do, and many even have a slight idea of what goes into it and the benefits it offers businesses. Very few, however, understand the true impact it has.

Public Relations is one of the most effective ways to build on marketing strategies and create a solid online reputation. Companies that have caught onto that are investing a tremendous amount of time and effort into staying on top of their PR strategies, and they’re seeing even larger returns with better ROI.

Public relations is about sending the right messages to the right place and the right people, creating a stronger brand reputation. PR agencies work alongside their clients to help them achieve this and promote them within their clients industries. PR is an area that can transform the future and profitability of a business. Used properly, PR can give a company the ability to overcome almost any obstacle it may face. This is some of what makes PR so essential.

Here are four ways PR is shaping the marketing world in 2022

PR Overview



Whatever the industry, trust plays a monumental role when it comes to determining the success of a business. Without trust, a business leaves potential sales on the table. To bridge that trust-gap between a business and its would-be clients or customers, the business can hire someone in public relations.

The expert works on increasing their credibility within their given industry and increasing their overall reputation. This is often done through thought leadership pieces, influencer connections and networking strategies.


PR isn’t complete without marketing.  A company that enhances its reputation through a range of unique PR practices makes it likely that new potential customers will find their way right to its door. Customers and clients will have more options to connect with the company through its business stories and press releases.

PR agencies make that possible by helping organizations to craft the right messages to resonate with their target customers in impactful ways. In the end, that means bigger profits.


The online world allows people to say whatever they want about a business, true or not, with the business being able to do very little about it. A large number of businesses get a bad reputation without doing anything to deserve it, while other businesses are not within easy online reach of their intended markets. Both circumstances are hardly ideal.

The most effective way to fix that is through PR campaigns. PR support and the right campaigns increase awareness for a brand while maintaining a positive and consumer-resonant image.

Audiences are also more likely to listen to a message coming from an objective source, as opposed to paid-for advertising. By leveraging their connections with influencers, PR agencies can gain trust for a company.


Everyone is digitally connected in today’s world, and PR helps companies to create a strong online presence that is highly visible to their target audience. PR agencies provide businesses with support and guidance to help them market themselves online while being constantly ready to step in when a disaster occurs or something threatens to damage the image the company has been building.

PR experts can identify the best channels and influencers to spread a company’s message to the right people, and they can use their experience and industry connections to maximize reach.

Press releases, social media and influencer connections with promotional content-publishing sites are some of the tools that PR companies use to help their clients to strengthen their brand image and increase their profitability. Plus, they are tools that can also be used to overcome challenges that may threaten a company’s success.

With the right PR company assisting them, the brands of today have a much higher chance of reaching the right audience effectively.

What are you doing in 2022 to maximize your PR?

March 15, 2021 Sally Dee

What contributes to the success of the relationship between a public relations officer?

Public relations can make a significant impact on your brand and company. Find out why public relations is important on the Playbook PR blog.

Public relations is the gateway to increase your public perception and sentiment. With a trusted public relations agency by your side, you can build a regular rhythm of PR activities that will elevate your brand and return on investment. Why public relations is important in your marketing mix comes down to five reasons why PR is a must.

  • Increases Brand Sentiment 

Need to shed some light on all the unique offerings your company or organization provides? Your business is most likely doing some incredible things that are timely, relevant, and interesting. But without public relations to help busy journalists, reporters, or editors, they might never know about it. PR helps to tell your story, distinguish you from the competition, and provide a stream of ideas for the media who are always on the hunt for content that speaks to their audiences. From your press release or pitch, they will then produce various types of content that help to promote your brand. PR helps in times of good or bad too. With the realities of online reviews, comments, and discussion websites, a business can face disgruntled consumers whether it is true or not. This is where a PR campaign can help to get sentiment back in the right direction and shed light on as well as reinforce brand values. 

  • Generates Leads, Sales, and Profits

Public relations builds relations with a multitude of audiences depending on your business’ focus. From building relationships with the media, investors, government, community, customers, and/or internally (think employees and their morale), PR gets a targeted message to your preferred audiences in impactful ways. Since third-party content about your business carries more credibility with consumers, PR gets people closer to buying decisions and quicker. For transforming your business and profitability, PR is an ally you need by your side.

  • Builds Credibility 

Consumers feel more comfortable with established brands. Online, this equates to showing a robust history of media coverage high up in the search rankings. TV segments, articles, interviews, social media posts, and more show credibility in your industry. Added to that, you can get more mileage out of these media mentions and have sales reps and business developers use this content in their follow-ups, as well as boost employee morale and future job candidates with the goodwill you’ve created by being active in PR.

  • Creates a Proactive Playing Field

When you collaborate with an experienced PR agency, you can establish a regular daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, and/or seasonal rhythm for your PR activities. By being in the driver’s seat with your PR instead of just doing it when crises emerge, you will generate lots of good press which results in a more proactive playing field. This trail of credibility and goodwill humanizes your company and helps in times of distress to point to the good that your company has done. A proactive PR plan helps you to leverage opportunities, plan for emergencies, and calculate your steps in advance.    

  • Connects to Coveted Audiences

With so many options for PR and already jam-packed schedules, marketers and business owners can easily feel overwhelmed. Expert PR agencies help to identify the best use of a business’ time and investment to get on the right platforms, publications and channels, and with the right authorities and influencers to boost their brand exponentially. Getting access to these coveted audiences is a crucial component to your growth. From small businesses to larger organizations, PR companies have the connections to reach these audiences. From tailoring the message to the audience to knowing which reporters cover which topics, savvy PR agencies can handle all these details so you can focus on other projects for the livelihood of your business. With each connection you make, your business stands to become a routine source for the media and others to call on, quote, and provide further insight on.


When public relations can be the quarterback to shine a light on your business, its goodwill and relevancy no matter what is happening in the marketplace, your business has the ability to flourish. As the public confidence in your brand stands the test of time, your business’ PR efforts create a lasting story about your business, personnel, services, products, and customer base. From this angle, public relations should be a mainstay in your marketing, not just a luxury when more sales are needed or crises emerge.

With more than 30 years of experience in marketing strategy, public relations, and project management, Playbook Public Relations takes the guesswork and stress out of PR for a wide variety of clients big and small. From leveraging media relationships to developing PR campaigns, Playbook is known for its high-quality standards, dedicated teams, and helping companies stand out from the competition. Contact Playbook Public Relations at (813) 789-7122 or online to elevate your PR and brand.

What makes a successful public relation officer?

Much relies on relationships and people skills so PR pros must be responsive, helpful, professional and friendly. These characteristics are essential to success.

What is the success of public relations?

Success in public relations reflects the success of your clients in achieving their objectives. To help your clients, you must develop the right skills, understand their requirements, deliver measurable results and become a trusted and respected adviser.

Why are public relations the key to the success of every business?

By keeping the press informed about your brand, services, and products, and generating outstanding exposure opportunities, PR people can help raise your company's authority, build relationships with key audiences, and ultimately take your business to the next level.

What connection can you make between public relations and enhancing a company's reputation?

Public relations provide correct Information about several things related to the organization, such as new legislation and the way a particular product is used at a time when there is a concealment of Information. This strengthens the credibility of the company and increases build trust.