What describes a pull factor that drew African Americans during the Great Migration 1 point?


During the Great Migration, millions of African Americans relocated from the rural South to cities in the North, West and Midwest. A variety of factors contributed to their movement including harsh segregation laws, better job opportunities, education and an overall improved way of life. As they settled in urban areas, they confronted economic, political and social challenges. This lesson focuses on the first migration that occurred in the early 1900s.



    Have students review the vocabulary terms in this lesson. They can do this on their own from the list or complete the vocabulary activity in the choice board. You may print this out or you may assign it to each student individually using Google Classroom, Schoology or another classroom platform. Be sure to make a copy before assigning to students.


    Students have options to view videos in this lesson and engage in related activities. They can save a copy of the accompanying choice board or make a copy of the handout, answer questions, complete activities and submit their work to you when they are finished. You can assign students specific clips to view or let them choose.

    CHOICE BOARD: The Great Migration (Google Slides)

    VOCABULARY ACTIVITY: The Great Migration (Google Slides)

    HANDOUT: The Great Migration (Google Doc)

    Students can view the following video clips to learn about the various aspects of the Great Migration.

    Video Clip 1: The Great Migration (1:19)

    Historian Spencer Crew talked about the Great Migration, during which over six million African Americans moved after World War I from the rural South to urban areas in the North and West.

    • Describe the shift in demographics in the South in the 1890-1930s.

  • Video Clip 2: Cities (2:34)

    Spencer Crew talked about the response in cities across the country to the migration.

    • Describe the reaction among people in cities to the arrival of African Americans from the South.

    • Explain the reaction among African Americans as Spencer Crew discusses.

  • Video Clip 3: Life in the South (2:42)

    Spencer Crew talked about the lives of slaves after the Civil War.

    • Why did formerly enslaved people say they needed land in order to earn a living?

    • Describe the system of sharecropping.

  • Video Clip 4: Reasons for the Great Migration (1:53)

    Spencer Crew talked about the reasons why African Americans moved to cities during this time.

    • Explain some of the pull factors that drew African Americans to the North after the start of WW1?

  • Video Clip 5: The Political Climate of the South (7:55)

    Spencer Crew talked about the political conditions of the south that contributed to the migration of African Americans to the north.

    • According to Spencer Crew, what effect did the Supreme Court's ruling in United States vs. Reese have on African Americans' ability to vote?

    • What was a Poll Tax?

    • Describe the requirements Mississippi instituted in 1890 regarding the right to vote.

    • What device did Louisiana enact in 1898 to affect a person's right to vote?

    • Explain the impact of putting these devices in place.

  • Video Clip 6: Jim Crow Laws (9:04)

    Spencer Crew talked about the origin of these laws, how they developed over time and the impact they had on the country.

    • What were the Jim Crow Laws?

    • Describe the segregation that began to develop in the country.

    • Explain the circumstances leading to Plessy vs. Ferguson and the significance of the case to the country.

  • Video Clip 7: Employment Networks (6:52)

    Spencer Crew talked about the ways African Americans learned about employment opportunities in the north.

    • How did northern industries encourage African Americans to move to their region?

    • What kinds of opportunities were becoming available to African Americans?

    • Explain the reaction among different groups to these opportunities.

    • What methods of communication did African Americans use to learn about employment opportunities in the North?

  • Video Clip 8: Living in the North (2:35)

    Spencer Crew talked about the life of African Americans after they moved to the North.

    • What kinds of jobs African Americans had in the North?

    • Describe the challenges with living conditions in cities in the North.

    • How did the education experience differ in the North?

  • Video Clip 9: Impact (1:52)

    Spencer Crew talked about how moving to the North impacted the lives of African Americans.

    • Describe what life in the North offered for African Americans as compared to the South.


    Students should consider the information found on their handout as well as in class discussions and select one of the following culminating activities (or they may choose one of their own) to complete in class and/or for homework:

    1. Write journal entries chronicling your experiences as you move from the rural South to an urban city in the North. You may consider writing about the people who you have met, how you have been treated, work or school experiences and living conditions.

    2. Write a letter back home to a friend detailing your experiences now that you have moved North. You may consider explaining some of the freedoms you have found, your lifestyle as compared to the rural South and the impact you are seeing in the community.

Additional Resources

  • Bell Ringer: The Great Migration and Black Representation in Congress
  • Lesson Plan: Reconstruction Era
  • Lesson Plan: Congress and the Antebellum South
  • Lesson Plan: Civil War Era and the Constitution
  • Lesson Plan: Langston Hughes

What was a pull factor for African Americans during the Great Migration?

A variety of push factors and pull factors were the cause of this massive migration. Blacks were “pushed” by Jim Crow law, rampant discrimination, segregation, and disenfranchisement, and lack of employment in the South and “pulled” by growing employment rates, industrialism and relative tolerance in the North.

What were the pull factors that attracted African Americans to the North?

African Americans came to Hartford for many different reasons during World War I. Some moved North in search of respite from Jim Crow laws, racial animosity, and vigilante violence in the Southern States. Others were seeking economic opportunities and alternatives to agricultural work.

What attracted African Americans to the North during ww1?

Those labor shortages provided black Southerners with jobs in the steel, shipbuilding, and automotive industries as well as in ammunition and meat packing factories. Many found the promise of economic opportunity irresistible, though this was not the only element pulling people northward.