What does the therapeutic management of cystic fibrosis CF patients include select all that apply


1. A lung transplant does not cure CF, but the transplanted lungs do not contain the CF genes. Although the new lungs do not contain CF, the sinuses, pancreas, intestines, sweat glands, and reproductive tract do. The new lungs are more susceptible to infection because of the immunosuppressive therapy that must be given post-transplant. Immunosuppressive drugs make it difficult for the body to fight infection, which can lead to lung damage.

2. A lung transplant does not cure CF, but it does offer the client an opportunity to live a longer life. The concerns are that, after the lung transplant, the child is at risk for rejection of the new organ and for development of secondary infections because of the immunosuppressive therapy.

3. The lung transplant does not reverse the damage that has been done to the child ' s other organs, but it does offer a chance of a longer life.

4. The average life span of a client with CF has risen over the years with the daily regimens of CPT, exercise, medications, and highcalorie, high-protein diets.

TEST-TAKING HINT: Answer 4 can be eliminated because of the word "only." There are very few times in health care when an answer will be "only." Answers 1 and 3 can be eliminated if the test taker has a basic knowledge of the pathophysiology of CF.


Clients with cystic fibrosis commonly die from respiratory problems. The mucus in the lungs is tenacious and difficult to expel, leading to lung infections and interference with oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. The client will likely need supplemental oxygen and respiratory treatments to maintain adequate gas exchange, as identified by the oximeter reading. The child will be on bed rest due to respiratory distress. However, although blood gases will probably be prescribed, the oximeter readings will be used to determine oxygen deficit and are, therefore, more of a priority. A diet high in calories, proteins, and vitamins with pancreatic granules added to all foods ingested will increase nutrient absorption and help the malnutrition; however, this intervention is not the priority at this time. Inserting an IV to administer antibiotics is important, and can be done after ensuring adequate respiratory function.

What are therapeutic procedures for cystic fibrosis?

Airway clearance techniques — also called chest physical therapy (CPT) — can relieve mucus obstruction and help to reduce infection and inflammation in the airways. These techniques loosen the thick mucus in the lungs, making it easier to cough up. Airway clearing techniques are usually done several times a day.

What are the nursing management for patient with CF?

Nursing care plan for clients with cystic fibrosis includes maintaining adequate oxygenation, promoting measures to remove pulmonary secretions, emphasizing the importance of adequate fluid and dietary intake, ensuring adequate nutrition, and preventing complications.

What are the primary nursing interventions in the management of a cystic fibrosis patient?

Nursing Interventions.
Improve airway clearance. ... .
Improve breathing. ... .
Prevent infection. ... .
Maintain adequate nutrition. ... .
Reducing the child's anxiety. ... .
Provide family support..

What is the daily treatment for cystic fibrosis?

My daily treatment consists of physiotherapy, physical exercise, rest, and medication. I take bronchodilator drugs, to open the airways of the lungs, every morning and evening, and also just before a physiotherapy session. I take antibiotics every day to control persistent lung infection, both orally and by nebuliser.