What element of the interactive model consists of the beliefs attitudes values and experiences each participant brings to a communication event?

What element of the interactive model consists of the beliefs attitudes values and experiences each participant brings to a communication event?

What is communication?

Although people often think of communication skills as “just intuition,” it’s actually anything but.

We all come to communication classes with a lifetime of hands- on experience communicating,

and we bring with us different skill sets and abilities.

-But personal experience isn’t the same as systematic training.

We define communication as the process through which people create messages, using a

variety of modalities and sensory channels to convey meanings within and across contexts.

-Communication is a process that unfolds over time through a series of actions that

connect the participants.

-Create messages to convey meanings. A message is the “package” of information that is

transported during communication. When people exchange a series of messages, the

result is called an interaction

-To convey meanings, communicators choose from many different modalities—or forms

—for exchanging messages.

-People transmit information through various sensory channels when communicating.

Sensory channels include auditory (sound), visual (sight), tactile (touch), olfactory

(scent), or oral (taste).

-Communicators convey meanings within and across a seemingly end- less assortment

of contexts, or situations.

Linear Communication Model

-communication is an activity in which information flows in one direction, from a starting

point to an end point

-message and a channel, there must be a sender (or senders) of the message—the in-

dividual(s) who generates the information to be communicated, packages it into a

message, and chooses the channel(s) for sending it.

-it. But the transmission of the message may be hindered by noise —environmental

factors that may impede mes- sages from reaching their destination. Noise includes

anything that causes our at- tention to drift, such as poor reception during a cell- phone

call or the smell of fresh coffee nearby. Lastly, there must be a receiver —the person for

whom a message is intended and to whom the message is delivered.

Interactive Communication Model

-also views communication as a process involving senders and receivers. However,

according to this model, transmission is influenced by two additional factors: feedback

and fields of experience. Feedback is composed of the verbal and nonverbal messages

(such as eye contact, utterances such as “Uh- huh,” and nodding) that recipients convey

to indicate their reaction to communication. Fields of experience consist of the beliefs,

attitudes, values, and experiences that each participant brings to a communication

event. People with similar fields of experience are more likely to understand each other

compared to individuals who lack these commonalities.

transactional Communication model

Which of the following elements is part of the Interactive Model of communication?

Interactive Model of Communication requires different following components for the communication process to work: Encoder-Source-Decoder: The person who originates a message is the source. The encoder and decoder are the same person/source. The second source is also encoder as well as decoder.

Which component of the definition of communication suggests that human communication is dynamic and changing quizlet?

Terms in this set (15) Interpersonal communication competence consists of communicating in appropriate, effective, and ethical ways. True. According to the text, interpersonal communication is dynamic, meaning it is constantly in motion and changing over time.

Which aspect of communication competence is characterized by the ability to use communication in ways that follow social norms?

What is interpersonal communication competence? Interpersonal communication competence means communicating with others in ways that are appropriate, effective, and ethical. People use self-monitoring to observe and judge the appropriateness of their communication as it relates to norms.

What are the five features that characterize communication?

A basic communication model consists of five components: the sender and receiver, the medium, contextual factors, the message, and feedback.