What encryption algorithm is efficient requiring few resources and is based on complex algebra and calculations on curves?



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Terms in this set (40)

Symmetric algorithms support confidentiality, but not authentication and nonrepudiation.



AES uses a 128-bit key and is used in PGP encryption software.



Symmetric algorithms use two keys that are mathematically related.


Asymmetric algorithms are more scalable than symmetric algorithms.



ECC is an efficient algorithm requiring few hardware resources, so it's a perfect candidate for wireless devices and cell phones.



Cryptography is the process of converting plaintext, which is readable text, into unreadable or encrypted text called which of the following.


Which of the following is the process of converting ciphertext back into plaintext.


What type of cryptography is demonstrated by reversing the alphabet so A becomes Z, B becomes Y, and so on?

substitution cipher

If a security expert decides to study the process of breaking encryption algorithms, they are performing which of the following?


Which of the following is a mathematical function or program that works with a key?

encryption algorithm

Which of the following is a range of allowable value that is used to generate an encryption key?


What type of system converts between plaintext and ciphertext?


Which of the following refers to verifying the sender or receiver (or both) is who they clam to be?


Which function ensures that a sender and receiver cannot deny sending or receiving a specific message?


Cryptosystems that have a single key that encrypts and decrypts data are using what type of algorithm?


Whcih type of symmertic algorithm operates on plaintext one bit at a time?

stream ciphers

Which of the following encryption standards is part of the NSA's suite B cryptographic algorithms and is validated strong enough to protect classified data?


What encryption algorithm can be used for both encryption and digital signing, uses a one-way function, and is still widely used in e-commerce?


What encryption algorithm is efficient requiring few resources, and is based on complex algebra and calculations on curves?


Which of the following is a function that takes a variable-length string or message and produces a fixed-length string message digest?

hashing algorithm

A certificate contains a unique serial number and must follow which standard that describes the creating of a certificate?


In what type of attack does the attacker have the ciphertext of several messages that were encrypted with the same encryption algorithm, but has no access to the plaintext so he or she must try to calculate the key used to encrypt the data?


What type of attack is being performed when the attacker has access to plaintext and ciphertext, and can choose which messages to encrypt?


What type of attack is being conducted when the attacker has messages in both encrypted form and decrypted forms?

known plaintext

In what type of attack does the attacker need access to cryptosystem, and the ciphertext to be decrypted to yield the desired plaintext results?


What type of attack is being attempted when an attacker uses a password-cracking program to guess passwords by attempting every possible combination of letters?

brute force

When an attacker has access to a password file, they can run a password-cracking program that uses a dictionary of known words or passwords as an input file. What type of attack is this attacker performing?


What type of attack is being performed when an attacker intercepts the initial communications between a Web server and a Web browser while forcing a vulnerable server to insecurely renegotiate the encryption being used down to a weaker cipher?

SSL/TLS downgrade attack

Which of the following is a scripting language for Windows and Linux that performs repetitive tasks, such as password cracking?


What application is considered the original password-cracking program and is now used by many government agencies to test for pasword strength?


Uses two keys: one to encrypt data and one to decrypt data

asymmetric algorythim

Encryption algorithm used for the Data Encryption Standard


Uses a single key to encrypt and decrypt data

symmetric algorithm

A digital document that verififes the two parties exchanging data over the internet are really who they claim to be


Used for verification, takes a variable-length input and converts it to a fixed-length output string

hashing algorithm

Used to find the same has value for two different inputs and reveal any mathematical weaknesses in a hashing algorithm

birthday attacks

Operate on plaintext one bit at a time

stream cipher

A structure consisting of programs, protocols, and security policies for encrypting data and uses public key cryptography to protect data transmitted over the internet


A sequence of random bits generated from a range of allowable values


The use of random data alongside plaintext as an input to a hashing function so that the output is unique


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What is the most complex encryption algorithm?

The encryption method the scientists used to generate a problem to solve is called the RSA algorithm, named for its creators Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. In this algorithm, two parties encrypt information by using an almost unfathomably big number made by multiplying two prime numbers together.

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Three types of cryptography: secret-key, public key, and hash function.

Which type of algorithms takes a variable length string or message and produces a fixed length message digest?

A one-way hash function, also known as a message digest, is a mathematical function that takes a variable-length input string and converts it into a fixed-length binary sequence that is computationally difficult to invert—that is, generate the original string from the hash.

What is the most used encryption algorithm?

Today, AES is the most widely used encryption algorithm — it's used in many applications, including:.
Wireless security,.
Processor security and file encryption,.
SSL/TLS protocol (website security),.
Wi-Fi security,.
Mobile app encryption,.
Most VPNs (virtual private network), etc..


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