What factors influence whether a person behaves ethically or unethically explain all relevant factors?

There are three important factors that can influence ethical decision making, which are individual, organizational, and opportunity factors. All three of these factors can weigh heavily on a person during the decision making process, especially in the work place. Many people look to friends or associates for guidance when making questionable decisions. Sometimes a person may make a decision based on the opportunity they are put into. Some people make decisions based on their own moral beliefs and the way they were raised. No matter how a person comes to make a decision, there are usually three factors that influence a person’s ethical decision making process. The first factor in the ethical decision making process is called the individual …show more content…
Ferrell, & L. Ferrell, 2011, p. 185). The next factor is the organizational factor. The organizational factor can be defined as a set of values or norms that is shared by members or employees of an organization (Thorne, O. Ferrell, & L. Ferrell, 2011, p. 190). The last factor is the opportunity factor. This can be defined as a situation that encourages or discourages a person (Thorne, O. Ferrell, & L. Ferrell, 2011, p. 193). Individual factors can affect a person greatly when making ethical or unethical decisions. Every person will have a slightly different belief when it comes to individual factors. It is always best to talk with an employee or consult the code of ethics before making individual decisions. Organizational factors can affect decision making if all of the employees or associates have negative views and make unethical decisions. Organizational factors can be affected by the people closest to the decision maker. If the organization and all of the employees believe in a code of ethics, then most likely the decision will be ethical. Opportunity factors are based on whether there are opportunities to make ethical or unethical decisions. If the company promotes the do whatever it takes motto, then

Several researches have been conducted to identify factors that influence individuals’ ethical behaviours. According to the researches, personal, situational, organisational, and external factors influence an individual’s ethical behaviour (Phillips, 2003).

For effective management and leadership in an organisation, managers must comprehend these factors. Extensive comprehension of these factors will aid managers to monitor and control their companies with ease. Equally, leaders should understand how to address issues related to ethical behaviours within their organizations.

Notably, an individual’s personality and background play a huge role in determining whether an individual behaves ethically or unethically. Similarly, an individual’s personality determines his or her acts and traits. Psychologists suggest that our personalities influence how we perform our daily activities.

On the other hand, individuals’ backgrounds can have an influence on their attitudes. Equally, attitude determines whether an individual behaves ethically or unethically. In addition, psychologists assert that both attitudes and backgrounds determine individuals’ behavioural patterns.

Another major factor that determines an individual’s ethical behaviour is organisational factors. Researchers assert that organisational factors such as employees’ behaviour, attitudes, and morals play a huge role in influencing employee’s ethical behaviour. Equally, an organisational decision history can influence ethical decisions among the employees. It is believed that our past decisions influence our current decisions making processes.

According to researchers, socialization, just like the personality and background influences an individual’s ethical behaviour. The people we socialize with affect our attitudes and behaviours largely. Similarly, our age, social class, religion, and nationality determine our ethical behaviours. Another factor that determines the way a person behaves is ethical philosophy.

Ethical philosophy affects an individual in a number of ways. In an organisation, individual rights are largely governed by ethical philosophy. In general, individual’s behaviour in an organisation is determined by both individual and situational factors.

In an organisation, encouraging ethical behaviour among the employees requires a manager with appropriate leadership skills (Brown, 2005). To enhance ethical behaviours, an organisation might be forced to adjust its organisational structures, training processes, and remuneration systems. It is with these reasons that the enhancement of ethics in an organisation is considered as a complex endeavour. In this regard, ethical management initiatives in an organisation depend on the Manager’s leadership skills and commitment.

Primarily, managers should portray ethical behaviours in their daily activities to foster ethical behaviours within their organisations. According to Ranken, an organisation’s ethical behaviour is determined through the Manager’s ethical behaviour (Phillips, 2003). This implies that unethical managers should not expect ethical behaviours from their subordinates.

Therefore, managers should realize that as the leaders of an organisation they are mandated to behave and act as role models. By doing so, they would influence their subordinates to follow suit.

During the employment sessions, managers and those who are involved in the employment processes are expected to screen job applicants to identify ethical behaviours exhibited by their potential employees. For effective screening, managers should adopt the appropriate screening techniques depending on their costs and benefits. Through this process, managers should consider investigating their potential employees’ backgrounds. This can be achieved by contacting their referees or through private investigators.

Similarly, managers should develop and implement logical codes of ethics in their organisations. For an effective code of ethics, its expectations, procedures, and consequences should be realistic. In the same way, every employee within an organisation should understand the intentions of codes of ethics.


Brown, M. T. (2005). Corporate integrity: rethinking organisational ethics, and leadership . New York: Cambridge University Press.

Phillips, R. (2003). Stakeholder theory and organisational ethics. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.

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What factors influence whether an employee in an organization behaves ethically or unethically explain all relevant factors?

Individual, social, and opportunity factors all affect the level of ethical behavior in an organization. Individual factors include knowledge level, moral values and attitudes, and personal goals. Social factors include cultural norms and the actions and values of coworkers and significant others.

What are the factors that can determine ethical or unethical behaviors?

The individual factors that determine the ethical standards of a person are moral development, personal values, family influences, Peer Influences and Life experiences.

What can influence people to act unethically?

There are three major factors that can affect your ethical behavior: Individual factors, such as knowledge, values, personal goals, morals and personality. Social factors, such as cultural norms, the Internet and friends and family.

What are the factors that influence ethical decisions?

There are three important factors that can influence ethical decision making, which are individual, organizational, and opportunity factors. All three of these factors can weigh heavily on a person during the decision making process, especially in the work place.