What instruction would a nurse include when planning anticipatory guidance for parents of a toddler?

Pediatric Environmental Health Toolkit

Section I:  Anticipatory Guidance and Environmental Health

What Is Anticipatory Guidance?

Anticipatory guidance is given by the health care provider to assist parents or guardians in the understanding of the expected growth and development of their children.  

Anticipatory guidance, specific to the age of the patient, includes information about the benefits of healthy lifestyles and practices that promote injury and disease prevention.

Common examples of anticipatory guidance include reminding parents to have their children use bicycle helmets and to use sunscreen.

Most physicians realize the importance of anticipatory guidance despite the serious time limitation they have.


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What instruction would a nurse include when planning anticipatory guidance for parents of a toddler?

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a nurse manager on a pediatric floor is preparing an education program on working with families for a group of newly hired nurses. Which of the following should the nurse include when discussing the developmental theory defines consistencies in how families change
a nurse is assisting a group of parents of adolescents to develop skills that will improve communications within the family. THe nurse hears one parent state, "My son knows he better do what I say." Whch of the following parenting sytles authoritarian
A nurse is performing family assessment. Which of the following should the nurse include medical history parent's education level support systems stressors
a nurse is preparing to assess a preschool age child. Which of the following is an appropriate action by the nurse to prepare the child allow the child to role play using miniature equipment
A nurse is checking the vital signs of a 3 yr old during a well child visit. which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider respirations 30/min
a nurse is assessing a child's ears. Which of the following is an expected finding cerumen is present bilaterally
a nurse is assessing a 6 month old which of the following reflexes should the infant exhibit plantar grasp
a nurse is performing a neurological assessment on an adolescent which of the following is an appropriate reaction by the adolescent when the nurse check the trigeminal cranial nerve clenching teeth together tightly detecting facial touches with eyes closed
a nurse is assessing a 12 month old infant at a well child visit which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider birth weight doubled
a nurse is performing a developmental screening on a 10 month old infant. which of the following fine motor skills should the infant be able to perform grasp a rattle by the handle use a crude pincer grasp move objects from hand to hand
a nurse is conducting a well baby visit with a 4 month old which of the following immunizations should the nurse administer to the infant Polio (IVP) Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV) Rota virus (RV)
a nurse is providing educations about introducing new foods to the parents of a 4 months old. TO best supply needed nutrients the nurse should recommend that the parents introduce whichof the following foods first iron fortified cereals
a nurse is providing teaching about dental care and teething to the parent of a 9 month old infant which of the following statements by the parent indicates an understanding of the teaching I should clean my babys teeth with a cool wet wash cloth
a nurse is assessing a 2 1/2 yr old toddler at a well child visit which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider head circumference exceeds chest circuference
a nurse is performing a developmental screening on an 18 month old which of the following skills should the toddler be able to perfomr throw a ball overahnd use a spoon without rotation
a nurse is providing teaching about age appropriate activiites to the parent of a 2 yr old. which of the following statements by the parent indicates a need for further teaching the soccer team my child will be playing on starts practicing next week
a nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to the parents of a toddler. WHich of the following should the nurse include develop food habits that will prevent dental caries expression of bedtime fears is common behaviors associated with negativism and ritualism
a nurse provding teaching about methods to promote sleep to the parent of a preschool age child which of the following statements by the parent indicates an understanding of the teaching i will keep a dim lamp on in my child's room during the night
a nurse is conducting a well child visit with a child who is scheduled to receive the recommend immunizations for 4-6 yr olds which of the following immunizations should the nurse administer DTaP IPV MMR
a nurse is preparing an education program about nutrition for preschool age children for a group of parents which of the following should the nurse include average daily intake should be 1800 calories
a nurse is performing a developmental screening on a 3 yr old child which of the following skills should the child be able to perform ride a tricycle
a nurse is caring for a preschool age child who says she needs to leave the hospital because her doll is scared to be at home alone which of the following characteristics of preoperational thought is the child exhibiting animism
a nurse is discussing prepubescence and preadolescence with a group of parents of school age children which of the following information should the nurse include in the discussion growth differences between boys and girls become evident
a nurse is conducting a well child visit with a child who is scheduled to receive the recommended immunization for 11-12 yr olds which of the following immunizations should the nurse adminster TIV MCV -4 Tdap
a nurse is providing education about sleep and rest to a group of parents of school age children which of the following statements by a pt indicates a need for further teaching my childs family hx of sleep apnea influences the number of hours of sleep he needs
a nurse is teaching a course about safetly during the school age years to a group of parents which of the following information should the nurse include in teh course wearing helmets when riding bicycles or skateborading implementing firearm safety wearing seat belts
a nurse is providing teaching about expected changes during puberty to a group of parents of early adolescent girls which of the following statements by one of the parents indicates an understanding of the teaching girls ususally stop growing about 2 years after menarche
a nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to the parent of a 13 yr old the nurse should recommend which of the follwoing screening for the adolescent body mass index height weight scoliosis
a nurse is caring for an adolescent whose mother expressess concerns about her son sleeping such long hours. THe nurse should inform the mother that additional sleep is needed during adolescenence due to which of the following rapid growth
a nurse is teaching a class about puberty in males which of the following should the nurse include as the first manifestation of sexual maturation testicular enlargeent
a nurse is planning to administer the influenza vaccination to a toddler. Which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take place the child in the supine position
The nurse is preparing to administer an IM injection to a child Which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching ask the pharmacy to add flavoring to the medicaiton use the nipple of the bottle to administer the medicaiton hold the infant in an semireclining postiiton
a nurse is preparing to administer medicaiton to a toddler which of the following are appropriate actions for the nurse to take calculate the safe dose ask the toddler what toy he wants to hold during administration offer juice after the medicaiton.
a nurse is caring for an infant who needs otic medication which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take pull the pinna downward and straight back
a nurse is completing a pain assessment of an infant. which of teh follwoing pian scales should the nurse use FLACC
a nurse is planning care for a child following a surgical procedure. which of the follwoing interventions should be included in the plan of care administer IV analgesics on a schedule
a nurse is assessing an infant which of the following are clinical manifestations of pain in an infant loud cry lowered eyebrows rigid body
a nurse is preparing a toddler for an IV catheter insertion using atraumatic care. which of the following are appropriate interventions explain the procedure allow the child to make one choice regarding the procedure apply EMLA cream to three potential insertion sites
a nurse is planning care for an infant who is experiencing pain. which of the following should be included in the plan of care offer a pacifer use swaddling encourage kangaroo care
a nurse is caring for a preschooler which of the following is an expected behavior of a preschool age child relating fears to magical thinking
a nurse on a pediatric unit is caring for a toddler which of the following is behaviors efect of hospitaliztion experiences separation anxiety displays intense emotions exhibits regressive behaviors
a nurse is teaching a parent about parallell play in children. which of the following statements by the nurse should be included in the teaching the child play independently when in a group
a nurse is teaching a group of parents about seperation anxiety which of the following should b eincluded in the teaching kicking a stranger is an example
a nurs is caring for a child which of the follwoing are physical manifestations of impending death difficulty swallowing cheyne stokes respirations
a nurse is teaching a parent about complicated grief which of the following statements by the nurse is appropriate personal activities are affected when experiencing complicated grief
a nurse is teaching a parent of a preschool child about factors that affect the child's perception of death. which of the follwoing should be included in the teaching preschool children perceive death as temporary
a nurse often cares children who are dying. which of the follwoing is an appropriate action for a nurse to take to maintain their effectiveness reamin in contact with the family after their loss develop professional support system take time off from work
a nurse is caring for a child who has a termial illness and review palliative care with an assistive personnel which of the follwoing statements byt he AP indicates understanding of this review i will listen and respond as the family talks about their child's life
a nurse is caring for a client who has suspected meningitiis and a decreased LOC which of the follwoing actions by the nurse is appropriate place the client on NPO status
a nurse is caring for a 4 month old infant who has meningitis which of the follwoing finding is associated with this dx high pitched cry
a nurse is reviewing crebrospinal fluid analysis for a client who has suspected meningitis which of the follwoing results indicate viral menignitis negative gram stain normal glucose content normal protein count
a nurse is developing an inservice about viral meingitis. the nurse should include that the introduction of whichof the follwoing immunizations decrese the incidence of bacterial meiningitis PCV Hib
a nurse is caring for a school age child who possibly has reye syndrome which of the following is a risk factor for developing reye syndrome recent episode of gastroenterittis
a nurse is caring for a chidl who has absence seizures which of the following findings can the nurse expect loos of consciousness appearance fo daydreaming dropping fo held objects
a nurse is caring for a child who just experienced a generalized seizure which of the following is the priority action for the nurse to take maintain a side lying position
a nurse is providing teaching to the parent of a child who is to have an EEG which of the follwoing should be included decaffeinated beverages should be offered on the morning of the procedure
a nurse is teaching a group of parent about the risk factors for seizures. which of the following should be included in the teaching febrile episodes hypoglycemia sodium imbalances
a nurse is reviewing treatement options with the parent of a child who has worsening seizures which of the follwoing should be included in the discussion vagal nerve stimulation addiational antiepileptic medications corpus callostomy focal resection
a nurse is caring for a child who was admitted to the ER after a MV crash the child is unresponsive has spontaneous respiration of 22 and has a laceration on the forehead that is bleeding which of the following is the priority nursing aciton keep the neck stabalized
a nurse is caring for an adolescent who has sustained a closed head injury which of the follwoing are aclinical manifestations of ICP report of headache alteration in pupillary response incrased sleeping
a nurse is caring for a child who has ICP which of the follwoing are approriate actiosn by the nurse maintain a quiet environement adminsiter a stools softner maintain a body alignment
a nurse is assessing a child who has a concussion which of the follwoing are clinical manifestations fo a minor head injury vomiting drowsiness pallor confusion
a nurse is teaching a parent about decadron to treat a head injury which of the following should be included in the teaching it decreases cerebral edema
a nurse is planning to perform a peripheral vision test on a child which of the following is an appropriate action for th e nurse to take dave the child focus on an object while performing the test
a nurse is teaching the parent of a child who has strabismus. which of the follwoing should be included in the teaching placing a patch over the strong eye is needed
a nurse is assessing a hcild whichof the following are clinical manifestations of myopia headaches diffciult reading poor school performance
a nurse is assessing a toddler for possible hearing loss. which of the following are clinical manifestattions of a hearing impairment speaks loudly appears shy
a nurse is completing a physical assessment of a child with suspected glaucoma. which of the findinging confirms this dx epiphora blepharospsam report of pain
a nurse is teaching an adolescent to self administer a cortiocosteroid per dry powder inhaler which of the following should be included in the teaching rinse and expectorate after adinistration inhale with medicattion administration
a nurse is caring for a child who is receiving oxygen therapy and is on a continuous oxygen staturation monitor that is reading 89% which of the follwoing is the priority action for the nurse to take ensure proper placement of the sensor probe
a nurse is assessing a child which of the follwoing is an early indication of hypoxemia nasal flaring
a nurse is caring for a child who is receiving oxygen which of the follwoing is a clinical manifestation of oxygen toxicity unconsciousness
a nurse is caring who is receiving a brochodilator medication by neublized aerosol therapy. which of the follwoing are appropriate actions for the nurse to take obtain vital signs prior to the procedure tell the child to take slow deep breaths determine if the child should use a mask attach the device to an air source
a nurse is caring for a child who has brochiolitis which of the follwoing are appropritae actions for the nurse to take administer humidified oxygen suction the nasopharynx as needed
a nurse is teaching a group of parents about flu which of the follwoing should be included in the teaching oseltamivir should be given within 48 hours of onset of symptoms
a nurse is caring for a hcild hwo is in th eposteperative period follwoing a tonsillectomy. which of the following is a clinical finding of postoperative bleeding frequent swallowing and clearing of the throat
a nurse is caring for a child in the postoperative period follwoing a tonsillectomy. which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take administer analgesics on a schedule
a nurse is assessing a child which of the follwoing are clinical manifestations of epilottitis hoarseness and difficulty speaking difficulty swallowing drooling stridor
a child has asthma which of the following are indications of deterioration in the child's respiratory status wheezing retraction of sternal muscles nasal flaring
a nurse is teaching an adolescent about the appropriate use of hsi astma medications which of the follwoing should the client be instructed to take as needed before exercise albuterol
a nurseis planning care for a child who has asthma which of the follwoign interventions should be included in the plan of care place the child in an upright position monitor the oxygen saturation administer bronchodilators
a nurse is teaching a child who has asthma how to use a peak flow meter which of the follwoing should be included in teh teaching zero the meter before each use performe three attemps
a nurse is caring for a child who is suspected of having cystic fibrosis which of the following tests should the nurse prepare to administer to confirm this diagnosis sweat chloride
a nures is admiting a child who has cystic fibrosis which of the follwoing medications should the nurse anticipate including in the plan of care tobramycin fat soluble vitamins albuterol dornase alfa
a nurse is caring for a child who has cystic fibrosis which of the follwoing are expected findings wheezing clubbing of fingers and toes barrel shaped chest
a nurse is planning care for achild who has cystic fibrosis which of the following interventions should she include in the plan of care administer pancreatic enzymes with meals and snacks
a nurse is caring for an infnat which of the follwoing are clinical manifestations of coarction of the aorta weak temporal pulses cook skin of lower extremities heart failure
a nurse is assessing an infant which of following should the nurse recognize as clnicial manifestations of heart failure cool extremities peripheral edema nasal flaring
a nurse is providing teaching to the mother of an infant who is start taking digoxin which of the follwoing instructions should the nurse include give the correct dose of medications at regularly scheduled times
a nurse is caring for a 2 years old child who is cyanotic and is in the hospital for a cardiac cathertization to repair cardiac defects the child will be transeferred to the pediatric ICU follwoing the procedure. check for iodine or shellfish allergies prior to the procedure
a nurse is caring for a child suspected of having rheumatic fever which of the follwoing mainfestations suppor this dx erythema marginatum elevated CRP
a nurse is providing teaching about the management of epistaxis to a child and his family which of the following positions should the nurse instruct the child to take when experiencing a nose bleed sit up and lean forward
a nurse is providing teaching about epistaxis to the parent of a school age child. which of the follwoing shoudl the nures include as an appropriate action to take when managing an episode of epistaxis press the nares together at least 10 mins pack cotton or tissue into the naris that is bleeding insert petroleum into the naris after the bleeding stops
a nurse is providing teaching to the parent of a child who has a new prescripton of liquid oral iron which of th efollwoing statements by the parent indicates an understanding of the teaching my child should take the supplement through a straw
a nurse is planning to adinister iron dexrarn IM to a school ages child who has iron deficiency anemia which of the follwoing actiosn by the nurse is appropriate use the z track method when administering the dose
a nurse is caring for an infant whose screening test reveals that he may ahve sickle cell disease which of the follwoing should be performed to distinguise if the infant has the trait or the disease hemoglobin electrophoresis
a nurse is caring for a child who has watery diarrhea for the past 3 days which of the follwoing is an appropriate action for th enurse to take initiate oral rehydration therapy
a nurse is caring for a child who is suspected to have Enterobius vermicularis which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take perform a tape test
a nurse is assessing a child who has a rotavirus infection which of the follwoing are expected findings fever vomiting water stools
a nurse is teaching a group of parents about Salmonella which of the follwoing should be included in the teaching it is a bacterial infection bloody diarrhea is common antibiotics are used for treatment
a nurse is teaching a group of parents about E.coli which of the follwoing should be included in the teaching severe abdominal cramping occurs it can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome it is a foodborne pathogen
a nurse is assessing an infant which of the follwoing are clinical manifestations of hypertrophic pyloric stenossi projectile vomiting dry mucous membranes constant hunger
a nurse is caring for a child who has Hirschsprung ds which of the follwoing is an appropriate action for the nurse to take prepare the family for surgery
a nurse is caring for an infant who is postoperative following cleft lip and palate repair which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take place the infant prone
a nurse is teaching a parent of an infnat about gastroinstetinal reflux disease which of the following should be included in the teaching offer frequent feedings position baby upright for 1 hour after feedings
which of the following are clnical manifestations for Meckel's diverticulum abdominal pain mucus, bloody stools`
a nurse is assessing an infant who has a suspected UTI which of the following are anticpated findings Irritabilty vomiting fever
a nurse is assessing a child who has a UTI which of the follwoing are clinical manifestations of a UTI swelling of the face pallor fatigue
a nurse is teaching a parent of a child who has a UTI which of the following should the nurse include in teh teaching avoid bubble baths empty bladder completely with each void provide information about clinical manifestations of infection
a nurse is planning care of a child who has a UTI which of the following should the nurse include encourage frequent voiding
a nurse is caring for a child with enuresis which of the follwoing is a complication of enuresis emotional problems
a nurse is caring for an infant who has a hydrocele which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take explain to the parents that this will self resolve
a nurse is caring for a male infant which of the following are clinical manifestatiosn of an episadias bladder exstrophy widened pubic symphysis broad spade like penis
a nurse is caring for an infant who has ambiguous genitalia which of the following are appropriate actions for the nurse to take prepare for surgery obtain a detailed family history refer to genetic counseling explain the need for a chromosomal analysis
a nurse is caring for an infant which of the follwoing are clinical manifestations of obstructive uropathy UTI Hydroenphrosis
a nurse is caring for a child which of the following are clinical manifestations of nephrotic syndrome edema in the ankles hyperlipidemia anorexia
which of the following are clinical manifestations of poststreptcoccal glomerulonephritis periobital edema ill appearance hypertension
a nurse is caring for a 10 yr old child who has acute glomerulonephritis which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider serum crea 1.3
a nurse is caring for a 10 yr old child who has nephrotic syndrome which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider serum protein 5.0
a nurse is caring for a child who is in a plaster spica cast which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take apply moleskin to the edges of the cast
a nurse is teaching a group of parents about fractures which of the following should be included in the teaching epiphyseal plate injuries may result in altered bone growht
a nurse is caring for a child who sustained a fracutre which of the following are appropriate actions for the nurse to take elevate the affected limb assess neurovascular status frequently stablize the injury
a nurse is caring for a child who has a fracture which of the follwoing are clnical manifestations of a fracture crepitus edema pain ecchymosis
a mother of a toddler asks why is he not in a Pavlik harness for his hip displasia the pavlik harness is used for infants less than 6 mo old
a nurse is completeting preoperative teaching with an adolescent who is going to receive spinal insturmentation for scoliosis which of the following info should the nurse include in the teaching you will need to receive blood
a nurse is assessing a child which of the follwoing are clinical manifestations of Legg Calve Perthes disease hip stiffness limited ROM limp with walking
a nurse is caring for a preschool child which of the following assessments should the nurse use to assess the developmental dysplasia of the hip trendelenburg sign
a nurse is caring for a child which of the follwoing diagnositc procedures should the nures prepare the child for to determine if the child has LEgg Clave disease radiography
a nurse is caring for a child who has cerebral palsy which of the following medications should the nurse expect to administer to treat painful muscle spasms baclofen diazepam
a nurse is caring for a school age child who has juvienile idiopathic arthritis which of the follwoing are appropriate home are instructions sleep on a firm mattress take frequent rest periods throughout the day perform range of motion exercises
a nurse is teaching a group of parents about possibile manifestations of down syndrome which of the follwoing should she include in teh teaching protruding abdomen broad short feet and hands hypotonia
a nurse is caring for a child who has muscular dystrophy for which of the follwoing finding should the nurse assess muscular weakness in lower extremities unsteady wide based or waddling gait
a nurse is caring for an infant who has a myelomeningocele which of the follwoing should she include in the plan of care apply a moist dressing to the site
a nurse is assessing an infnat who has scabies which of the following are expected finding pencil like marks on hands blisters on the soles of the feet pimples on the trunk
a nurse is teaching a group of parents about preventing insect bites which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching avoid areas of tall grass wear insect repellent check house pets frequently
a nurse is teaching a parent of a child who has pediculosis capitis which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching use an OTC medication containing 1% permethrin
a nurse is caring for child who has cellulitis on the hand which of the follwoing is an appropriate action for the nurse to take apply hot compressess
a nurse si planning care for a child who has tinea capitis. which of the follwoing should the nurse include in the plan of care treat infected house pets use selenium sulfide shampoo
a nurse is teaching the parent of an infant who has seborrheic dermatitis which of the following should be included in the teaching the cause is unknown and not contagious
a nurse is caring for a child who has contact dermatitis due to poisen ivy. WHich of the follwoing should be incuded in the plan of care remove the clothing over the rash apply calamine lotion to the skin
a nurse is caring for an infant who has diaper dermatitis. Which of the following should be included in the plan of care. allow the buttocks to air dry apply zinc oxide ointment to the affected area
a nurse is assessing an infant who has eczema which of the follwoing are clinical manifestations of exzema in an infant genralized distriubution papules crusting lesions
a nurse is caring for a cliet who has a superficial partial thickness burn which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take apply cool wet compresses to affected area
a nurse is caring for a client who has major burns and suspected septic shock. which of the follwoing findings are consistent with septic shock increased body temperature alerted sensorium decreased urinary output
a nurse is caring for a client who has a major burn and is experiencing severe pain. Which of the follwoing is an appropriate nursing intervention to manage the client's pain administer moriphine sulfate IV via continuous infusion
a nursing is caring for a client who has a skin graft. which of the following clinical manifestations indicate infection green color to subcutaneous fat unstable body temperature subeschar hemorrhage change in skin color around the afftected area
a nurse is caring for a client who has a moderate burn. which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take initiate a high protein high calorie diet
a nurse is reviewing a sick day management with a parent of a child who has type 1 DM which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching monitor blood glucose levels every 3 hrs test urine for ketones call the health care provider if blood glucose is greater than 240
a nurse is teaching a child who has type 1 DM about self care. which of the following statements by the child indicates an understanding of the teaching i should drink a glass of milk when i am feeling irritalbe.
a nurse is caring for a child with type 1 DM which of the following is a clinical manifestation of diabetic ketoacidosis dehydration mental confusion fruity breath
a nurse is teaching an adolescnet who has diabetes about foot care. which of the following should the nurse include in the teaching you can use cornstarch on your feet
a nurse is teaching an adolescent who has DM about clinical manifestations of hypoglycemia. which of the following should be included in the teaching hunger irritability sweating and pallor
a nurse is caring for a child who has short stature which of the following diagnostic test should be completed to confirm GH deficiencty CT scan of the head bone age scan GH stimulation test Serum IGF:1
a parent of a school age child with GH deficiencty asks the nurse how long will his son need to take injections for his growth delay injections should be continued until there is evidence of epiphyseal closure
a nurse is assessing a child wiht short stature which of the follwoign finding would indicate a GH defieicency proportional height to weight
a nurse is teaching the parent of child who has a GH defieicency which of the follwoing are complications of untreated GH deficiency delayed sexual development premature aging short stature
a nurse is preparing to administer immunizations to a 6 mo old which of the following is an appropraite action for the nurse to take in providing atraumatic care provide sucrose on the pacifier
a nurse is planning to administer immunizations to a 2mo old which of the following should the nurse anticipate giving rota virus DTaP Hib PCV
a nurse is planning to administer immunizations to a 4 yr old who is up to date which of the following should the nurse anticipate giving IPV MMR VAR DTaP
a nurse is preparing to administer varicella vaccine to an adolescnet which of the following questions should the nurse ask to determine whether there is a contraindication to administering the vaccine are you currently taking cortiocosteroids medication
a nurse is teaching a group of parents about complicaitons of communicable diseases which of the following communicable disease may lead to pneumonia rubeola (measles) pertusiss varicella
a nurse is caring for an adolescent who has mono the nurse assess fever fatigue swollen lymph nodes sore throat and a sore upper abdomen, which of the follwoing instrucitons hsould the nurse discuss with the adolescent and her parents drink plenty of liquids avoid participating in strenous activities allow for periods of rest gargle with saltwater every 2-3 hrs
a nurse is teaching the parent of a child who has hand foot and mouth disease which of the following should be included in the teaching your child can be contagious when the symptoms are gone
a nurse is assessing a pt who has pertusis which of the following are clinical manifestations of pertusis runny nose mild fever whooping sound cough
a nurse is teaching a group of parents about communicable diseases which of the follwoing is the most appropriate method to prevent a communicale disease obtaining immunizations
a nurse is caring for a toddler who has acute otitis media which of the follwoing is the priority action for the nurse to take administer analgesics
a nurse is caring for a 2 yr old child hwo has had three ear infectiosn in the past 5 months the nurse should know that the child is at risk for developing which of the following as a long term complication speech delays
an infant who has clinical manifestations fo acute otits media is brought to an outpat facilty by his parents the nurse should recognize that which of the following factors places the infant at risk for ottis media attends day care 4 days per week history of cleft palate repair parents smoke cigarettes outside
a nurse is caring for a toddler who has rhinitis cough and diarrhea for 2 days upon assessment it is noted that hte tympanic membrane has an orange discoloration and decreased movement which of the following is an appropriate statement for the nurse to ma your child could experience transient hearing loss
a nurse is assessing an infnat which of the follwoing findings are clinical manifestations of acute otitis media rolling head side to side loss of appeptite crying
a nurse is teaching a parent of a child who had HIV which of the following should be included obtain yearly Flu vaccines avoid individuals who have colds provide nutritional supplements
a nurse is caring for a child who has AIDS which of the follwoing isolation precautions should the nurse implement standard
a nurse is admitting a child who has HIV which of the following are clinical manifestations of a child who is mildly symptomatic dermatitis hepatomeglay lymphadenopahty
a nurse is teaching a group of adolescents about HIV/AIDS which of the following should be included in the teaching the incubation period can be months to years
a nurse is admitting a child who has HIV which of the following are clinical manifestations of a child who is severly symptomatic wasting syndrome Kaposi's sarcoma pulmonary candidiasis
a nurse is teaching the parent of a child who has a neuroblastoma which of the following statments should the nurse include in the teaching half of the children who have a neuroblastoma have metastataic ds your child will need a bone marrow bx your child will need surgery for resection of the tumor
a nurse is caring for a toddler who has a Wilms tumore which of the following should be included in the plan of care preparation of surgery
a nurse is teaching the parent of a child who has a wilms tumor which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching surgery is done usually within 48 hours of dx palpating th etumor could cause spread of the cancer further treaments will start immediately after surgery
a nurse is caring for a pt who is postoperative following surgical removal of a wilms tumore which of the following assessments is an indication to continue NPO status absent bowel sounds
a nurse is assessing a child who has neuroblastoma of the adrenal gland which of the following are clinical manifestations of mestatsis from the primary site bone pain periorbital exxhymoses proptosis ill appearance
a nurse is assessing a pt who has leukeima which of the follwoing are early manifestations of leukemai anorexia petchiae unsteady gait
a nurse is caring for a pt who has thrombocytopenia which of the following are appropraite actions for the nurse to take monitor signs of bleeding avoid peripheral venipunctures
a nurse is caring for a pt who is receiving chemotherapy which of the following are clinical manifestations of neuropathy constipation foot drop jaw pain
a nurse is caring for a child who has oral mucositis which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take offer soft foods use a soft disposable toothbrush for oral care encourage gargling with a warm saline mouthwash
a nurse is planning care for an infant who has been prescribed a lumbar puncture which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take restrain the infant during the procedure to prevent movement
a nurse is caring for a child following an above the knee left leg amputation which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take prepare the child for a prosthesis fitting
a nurseis caring for an adolescent who has been dx with osteosarcoma which of the following actions should the nurse to take spend time with the adolescent to answer any questions he may have
a nurse is teaching a parent of a child who is receiving chemo for bone cancer which of the following should be included in the teaching signs of infection bleeding precautions hand hygiene nutritional requirements
a nurse is assessing a child who has rhabdomysarcoma of the nasopharyns which of the following are clinical manifestations of this disorder enlarged neck lymph nodes pain epistaxis
a nurse is assessing a child who has rhabdomyosarcoma of an extremitiy which of the following manifestations of this condition pain lymph node enlargement paplable mass
a nurse is caring for a child who has respiratory distress whichof the following are early clinical manifestations tachycardia diaphoresis restlessness
a nures is preparing to admit an infant who experience an apparent life threatening event which of the follwoing prescriptions by the provider should the nurse anticipate EEG ECG blood culture
a nurseis teaching a parent about acetaminophen poisoning which of the following statements by the nurse should be included in this teaching Pallor can appear as early as 2 hrs after ingestion
a nurse is caring for a child who has swallowed paint thinner the child is lethargic, gagging and cyanotic which of the following is an appropriate action for the nurse to take prepare for intubation with a cuffed endotracheal tube
a nurse in the ER is assissting iwth the admission of a child who experience an obstructed airway in which the parent performed CPR which of the following statements by the parent requires clarification i used my finger to check my son's mouth
a nurse is teaching a group of parents about infants who have fialure to thrive which of the following characteristics should be included in the teaching they exhibit develoopmental delays
a nurse is providing instructions to the teacher of a child who has ADHD which of the following classroom strategies should be included in the teaching allow for regular breaks combine verbal instructions with visual cues est consistent classroom rules decrease stimuli in the enviroment
a nurse is teaching a parent about posttraumatic stress disorder which of the following should be included in the teaching children who have PTSD require psychotherapy a clinical manifestation of PTSD is phobias PTSD develops following a traumatic event
a nurse is providing teaching to a parent of a child who has ADHD the nurse should include which of the following as a characteristic of impulsiviity frequently interrupts
a nurse is caring for a child who has depression which of the following findings are associated with this dx weight loss report of low self esteem sleeping more than usual

What instruction would the nurse include when planning anticipatory guidance for parents of a toddler quizlet?

parallel. The nurse planning anticipatory guidance for parents of a toddler would include which instruction? Limit-setting should include praise.

What advice should the nurse provide the parent of a toddler regarding how do you handle temper tantrums?

During a temper tantrum, the advice is for the parent to ignore the behavior but ensure the toddler is safe. Rewarding temper tantrums can teach the toddler that tantrums are an effective method of interaction. Ignoring tantrums teaches the toddler that tantrums are ineffective.

What will the nurse advise a parent to do when introducing solid foods?

What will the nurse advise a parent to do when introducing solid foods? Introduce each new food 4 to 7 days apart.

Which is the best way for parents to aid a toddler in achieving the developmental task?

The best way for parents to aid a toddler in achieving his developmental task would be to: allow him to make simple decisions.