What is a software that finds websites webpages images videos News maps and other information related to a specific topic?

NAIMMCQ ISDS A(n) ____ is software that finds websites, webpages, images, videos, news, maps, and other information related to a specific topic.

a. query app
b. online social network
c. search engine
d. browser

Answer: C

  • Is a software that finds websites webpages Images Videos News maps and other information related to a specific topic?
  • What delivers Web pages to the computer?
  • What is the most common activity on the Internet?
  • How do you communicate online properly?
  • What is the importance of online communication?
  • Why good communication in the online community is important to success?
  • How important is communication?
  • What is communication and why it is important?
  • How do you maintain effective communication?

Let’s make it clear: A browser is a piece of software that retrieves and displays web pages; a search engine is a website that helps people find web pages from other websites. Software that finds websites, webpages, images, videos, news, maps, and other information related to a specific topic.

Which of the following is a program that finds websites and webpages on the Internet?

IT Chapter 2 Review

A software program that finds websites and web pages Search Engine
A web page has a unique address called URL
A website that contains content that describes a cause, opinion or idea Advocacy

Which of the software is used to view Web pages?


What delivers Web pages to the computer?

Web server is the computer which is used for delivering the webpages which is requested with the help of computer or with the help of mobile devices.

Is the first page that a website displays?

A home page (also written as homepage) is the main web page of a website. The term can also refer to one or more pages always shown in a web browser when the application starts up. In this case, it is also known as the start page.

What are the Internet communication services?

E-mail. Short for electronic mail, e-mail is the transmission of messages over communications networks. The messages can be notes entered from the keyboard or electronic files stored on disk. Most mainframes, minicomputers and computer networks have an e-mail system.

What is the most common activity on the Internet?

Most popular online activities of adult internet users in the United States as of November 2019

Share of internet users
Using e-mail 90.3%
Watching video online 74.3%
Using online social networks 73.7%
Shopping, making reservations, or using other consumer services online 72.2%

What are 3 ways you can communicate clearly online?

5 effective skills for online communication

  • Follow ‘netiquette’
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Convey the right tone.
  • Provide thorough responses.
  • Build a favourable online persona.

How do you communicate clearly?

Seven Steps to Clear and Effective Communication

  1. Stay on Message.
  2. Make It a Two-Way Conversation.
  3. Making Sense Of It All.
  4. You’re Responsible for Any Failure to Communicate.
  5. Can You Hear Them Now?
  6. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition.
  7. Respect Your Audience as You Respect Yourself.

How do you communicate online properly?

Best Practices for Communicating Effectively Online

  1. Improve Clarity with Less Word Clutter.
  2. Apply the Same Logic to Your Meeting Invitations.
  3. Work in Batches, Not Long Chains.
  4. Remember That Most Communication is Two-Sided, At Least.
  5. Make Your Meetings Visual.
  6. Don’t Interrupt a Great Working Relationship.
  7. Build Your Confidence with Dedicated Practice.

What are the types of online communication?

The four most popular types of communication over the Internet are (in no particular order): e-mail, chat, instant messaging, and SMS.

Is online communication good or bad?

Happiness. Online communication is quick and easy. It’s particularly important for people who live away from family and friends. Researchers in China found that face-to-face time with friends and family was associated with better quality of life but this was not true for time spent interacting with others online [2].

What is the importance of online communication?

It saves both money and time. This is one of the best benefits of online communication. No matter where your teammate or partner is, you can connect with him/her from anywhere. Online communication has made it a lot easier for the business owners to connect with their clients and partners from any place in the world.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online communication?

The Pros and Cons of Internet Communication

  • OVERRULING CULTURES. While the Internet has connected the whole world, some cultures have consumed others.
  • PRIVACY. Although online communication is convenient, quicker and easier, privacy problems have emerged.

What are two types of online communication?

To begin, synchronous and asynchronous are two types of online communication. Synchronous communication occurs at the same time (real time) but in different places. A telephone is an example of synchronous communication. Other examples include chat, video conferencing, Skype, and a whiteboard.

Why good communication in the online community is important to success?

The goal of online communication is the same as that of face-to-face communication: building links; share information; be heard and be understood. When and how you communicate with your students helps foster a sense of community in your online classes, which helps them feel connected to you and their colleagues.

Why is communication important in class?

The better your communication skills, the more effectively you can perform these tasks. In turn, your students will make more academic progress. Therefore, effective communication between teachers and students is extremely important. It allows you to perform your job well, with positive results for your pupils.

Why is it important to communicate with your faculty?

Communication with your professors is very important. It will help you succeed not only when you are in college but also after graduation. In-class communication can help you to understand courses better and get a higher mark. Professors have outstanding knowledge in your field.

How important is communication?

Being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important life skills. Those with good interpersonal skills are strong verbal and non-verbal communicators and are often considered to be “good with people”. to learn. Communication is defined as transferring information to produce greater understanding.

What are the 3 importance of communication?

Importance of Communication:

  • Base for Action: Communication acts as a base for any action.
  • Planning Becomes Easy: ADVERTISEMENTS:
  • Means of Coordination:
  • Aids in Decision-Making:
  • Provides Effective Leadership:
  • Boosts Morale and Motivation:

What is the important of communication in our daily life?

Communicating helps people to express their ideas and feelings, and it, at the same time, helps us to understand emotion and thoughts of the others. As a result, we will develop affection or hatred toward other people, and positive or negative relationships will be created.

What is communication and why it is important?

Communication Skills. Also See: What is Communication? Being able to communicate effectively is perhaps the most important of all life skills. It is what enables us to pass information to other people, and to understand what is said to us.

What is communication in your own words?

Communication is a process where we share our feelings, thoughts, experience, ideas, suggestions, feedback etc. In process of communication receiver, message, sender, feedback etc are some of the important elements which has their own role and meaning. Usually the process of communication will not end in our life.

Why Effective communication is important?

It is crucial to communicate effectively in negotiations to ensure you achieve your goals. Communication is also important within the business. Effective communication can help to foster a good working relationship between you and your staff, which can in turn improve morale and efficiency.

How do you maintain effective communication?

Here are six key tips on how you can maintain effective communication with all your employees.

  1. Have Open Communication.
  2. Ensure that Your Attitude Makes You Approachable.
  3. Be Clear and Concise.
  4. Welcome Feedback and Take It Seriously.
  5. Set the Right Culture.
  6. Keep Your Employees Updated Regularly.

Why Effective communication is important in an organization?

Effective Communication is important for the development of an organization. It is something which helps the managers to perform the basic functions of management- Planning, Organizing, Motivating and Controlling. Good communication within a team also tends to boost employee morale.

What is the most important ingredient of communication?

And that is the MOST important ingredient in effective communication. Listening. First of all, understand that “Hearing” and “Listening” are two very different activities. Hearing is a sensory function.

What is the software that find website webpage image and other information called?

A web browser is a type of software that allows you to find and view websites on the Internet.

Which software is used to view the websites?

Browser: A software application used to locate and display Web pages. The two most popular browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

Which of the following is a program that find websites and webpages?

Browser is a Computer program that enable the internet users to access, navigate, and search World Wide Web sites.
The correct answer is website. Collections of many web pages are called websites.