What is an important consideration for the nurse who is communicating with a very young child?



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Terms in this set (10)

1. Which information should the nurse include when preparing a 5-year-old child for a cardiac catheterization?
a. A detailed explanation of the procedure
b. A description of what the child will feel and see during procedure
c. An explanation about the dye that will go directly into his vein
d. An assurance to the child that he and the nurse can talk about the procedure when it is over

*For a preschooler, the provision of sensory information about what to expect during the procedure will enhance the child's ability to cope with the events of the procedure and will decrease anxiety.

2. An important consideration for the nurse who is communicating with a very young child is to
a. Speak loudly, clearly, and directly.
b. Use transition objects, such as a puppet.
c. Disguise own feelings, attitudes, and anxiety.
d. Initiate contact with child when parent is not present.


A Speaking in this manner will tend to increase anxiety in very young children.
B Using a transition object, such as a puppet or doll, allows the young child an opportunity to evaluate an unfamiliar person (the nurse). This will facilitate communication with a child of this age.
C The nurse must be honest with the child. Attempts at deception will lead to a lack of trust.
D Whenever possible, the parent should be present for interactions with young children.

3. An effective technique for communicating with toddlers is to
a. Have the toddler make up a story from a picture.
b. Involve the toddler in dramatic play with dress-up clothing.
c. Use picture books.
d. Ask the toddler to draw pictures of his fears.


A Most toddlers do not have the vocabulary to make up stories.
B Dramatic play is associated with older children.
C Activities and procedures should be described as they are about to be done. Use picture books and play for demonstration. Toddlers experience the world through their senses.
D Toddlers probably are not capable of drawing or verbally articulating their fears.

4. What is the most important consideration for effectively communicating with a child?
a. The child's chronologic age
b. The parent-child interaction
c. The child's receptiveness
d. The child's developmental level

A The child's age may not correspond with the child's developmental level; therefore it is not the most important consideration for communicating with children.
B Parent-child interaction is useful in planning communication with children, but it is not the primary factor in establishing effective communication.
C The child's receptiveness is a consideration in evaluating the effectiveness of communication.
D The child's developmental level is the basis for selecting the terminology and structure of the message most likely to be understood by the child.

5. Which behavior is most likely to encourage open communication?
a. Avoiding eye contact
b. Folding arms across chest
c. Standing with head bowed
d. Soft stance with arms loose at the side

A Avoiding eye contact does not facilitate communication.
B Folding arms across the chest is a closed body posture, which does not facilitate communication.
C Standing with head bowed is a closed body posture, which does not facilitate communication.
D An open body stance and positioning such as loose arms at the side invite communication and interaction.

6. Which strategy is most likely to encourage a child to express his feelings about the hospital experience?
a. Avoiding periods of silence
b. Asking direct questions
c. Sharing personal experiences
d. Using open-ended questions

A Periods of silence can serve to facilitate communication.
B Direct questions can threaten and block communication.
C Talking about yourself shifts the focus of the conversation away from the child.
D Open-ended questions encourage conversation.

7. Which is the most appropriate question to ask when interviewing an adolescent to encourage conversation?
a. "Are you in school?"
b. "Are you doing well in school?"
c. "How is school going for you?"
d. "How do your parents feel about your grades?"

A Direct questions with "yes" or "no" answers do not encourage conversation.
B Direct questions that can be interpreted as judgmental do not enhance communication.
C Open-ended questions encourage communication.
D Asking adolescents about their parents' feelings may block communication.

8. What is the most appropriate response for the nurse to make to the parent of a 3-year-old child found in a bed with the side rails down?
a. "You must never leave the child in the room alone with the side rails down."
b. "I am very concerned about your child's safety when you leave the side rails down. The hospital has guidelines stating that side rails need to be up if the child is in the bed."
c. "It is hospital policy that side rails need to be up if the child is in bed."
d. "When parents leave side rails down, they might be considered as uncaring."

A Framing the communication in the negative does not facilitate effective communication.
B To express concern and then choose words that convey a policy is appropriate.
C Stating a policy to parents conveys the attitude that the hospital has authority over parents in matters concerning their children and may be perceived negatively.
D This statement conveys blame and judgment to the parent.

9. What is an appropriate preoperative teaching plan for a school-age child?
a. Begin preoperative teaching the morning of surgery.
b. Schedule a tour of the hospital a few weeks before surgery.
c. Show the child books and pictures 4 days before surgery.
d. Limit teaching to 5 minutes and use simple terminology.

A Preoperative teaching a few hours before surgery is more appropriate for the preschool child. Preoperative materials should be introduced 1 to 5 days in advance for school-age children.
B Preparation too far in advance of the procedure can be forgotten or cause undue anxiety for an extended period of time.
C Preparatory material can be introduced to the school-age child several days (1 to 5) in advance of the event. Books, pictures, charts, and videos are appropriate.
D A very short, simple explanation of the surgery is appropriate for a younger child such as a toddler.

10. When a child broke her favorite doll during a hospitalization, her primary nurse bought the child a new doll and gave it to her the next day. What is the best interpretation of the nurse's behavior?
a. The nurse is displaying signs of overinvolvement.
b. The nurse is a kind and generous person.
c. The nurse feels a special closeness to the child.
d. The nurse wants to make the child happy.


A Buying gifts for individual children is a warning sign of overinvolvement.
B Nurses are kind and generous people, but buying gifts for individual children is unprofessional.
C Nurses may feel closer to some patients and families. This does not make giving gifts to children or families acceptable from a professional standpoint.
D Replacing lost items is not the nurse's responsibility. Becoming overly involved with a child can inhibit a healthy relationship.

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What is an important consideration for the nurse who is communicating with a very young child quizlet?

(The nurse must be aware of the child's developmental stage to engage in effective communication. The use of both verbal and nonverbal communication should be appropriate to the developmental level. Although the child's physical condition is a consideration, developmental level is much more important.

What is the most important consideration for effectively communicating with a child?

What is the most important consideration for effectively communicating with a child? The child's developmental level is the basis for selecting the terminology and structure of the message most likely to be understood by the child. Which behavior is most likely to encourage open communication?

How do you effectively communicate with young children?

Suggestions include:.
Squat down to the same level as the child instead of towering over them..
Maintain eye contact with young children. ... .
Smile. ... .
Avoid talking to them when your back is turned or when you are walking away from them..
Use a gentle tone of voice, especially if tempers are starting to fray..

How should a nurse communicate with a child?

Nursing strategies appropriate for children at this stage include the use of touch; speaking in a high pitched, gentle voice; maintaining eye contact with the infant; and using play appropriately (e.g., “peekaboo”).