What is another term for a methodical logical rule that guarantees solving a particular problem a heuristic B algorithm C insight d mental set e confirmation bias?

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What is another term for a methodical, logical rule that guarantees solving a particular problem? a. Heuristic b. Algorithm c. Insight d. Mental set e. Confirmation bias


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which of these is a term from methodical logical rule but guarantees solving a problem. A heuristic algorithm insights. Mental set confirmation bias. So let's start by ruling out the incorrect answers. So if I write down a B c d n a e confirmation bias. So this is a tendency to look for information that confirms what we already think and believe. So we pay more attention to things that confirm what we think rather than things that go against them. So seeking information that confirms what we already believe. So it's not bad. Mental set is also not mental set. Mental set is the tendency to keep trying the same thing. So something has worked in the past and keep trying it even though it's clearly not working on the problem you're looking at now. So it's a tendency to keep trying the same approach to a problem, insight is where you make a sudden leap in understanding. So it's um you're doing a problem and some of us just to jump and insight where you understand it much better by making some kind of connection to it. So it's a leap in understanding. Yeah. Okay now we have a heuristic algorithm. So these are both approaches to solving a problem. For me that is methodical and logical is called an algorithm. So an algorithm is a series of rules that will guarantee you solve that problem. So you might often find these in mathematics where if you want to solve a problem and you take the exact same steps you can guarantee that you will solve it. But this can take a while and it's very stiff. If you have a problem it's slightly different. Your algorithm might not work, but it's extremely good for that particular problem. So methodical and logical. Was a heuristic is defined by being very fast, very efficient. But it takes shortcuts, so a heuristic is based on the problems we've seen before and it takes shortcuts to try to be more like those problems. So a heuristic is fast and grateful when you initially look at a problem. But algorithm is more certain because it will guarantee that you can solve the problem and heuristic absolutely cannot.

Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9: Thinking and Language"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9: Thinking and Language
Clicker Questions Psychology, 11th Edition by David G. Myers & C. Nathan DeWall Slides by Melissa Terlecki, Cabrini College Chapter 9: Thinking and Language

2 1. A methodological rule or procedure that guarantees solving a problem is called a/an:
A. heuristic. B. algorithm. C. insight. D. prototype.

3 1. A methodological rule or procedure that guarantees solving a problem is called a/an: ANSWER
A. heuristic. B. algorithm. C. insight. D. prototype.

4 2. Which of the following is FALSE regarding decision making?
A. We tend to cling to our beliefs despite contradictory evidence. B. We tend to be more confident than correct. C. We tend to overestimate our judgments. D. We are more confident about successful decisions than unsuccessful decisions.

5 2. Which of the following is FALSE regarding decision making? ANSWER
A. We tend to cling to our beliefs despite contradictory evidence. B. We tend to be more confident than correct. C. We tend to overestimate our judgments. D. We are more confident about successful decisions than unsuccessful decisions.

6 3. Which of the following is TRUE regarding intuition?
A. Intuition is explicit. B. Intuition is adaptive. C. Intuition has minimal effects on judgment. D. Intuitive judgments take a long time.

7 3. Which of the following is TRUE regarding intuition? ANSWER
A. Intuition is explicit. B. Intuition is adaptive. C. Intuition has minimal effects on judgment. D. Intuitive judgments take a long time.

8 4. Which of the following creativity components emphasizes the role of well-developed knowledge?
A. Imagination B. Intrinsic motivation C. Expertise D. Venturesome personality

9 4. Which of the following creativity components emphasizes the role of well-developed knowledge? ANSWER A. Imagination B. Intrinsic motivation C. Expertise D. Venturesome personality

10 5. Which structural component of language is the smallest unit of distinctive sound?
A. Phoneme B. Morpheme C. Semantics D. Syntax

11 5. Which structural component of language is the smallest unit of distinctive sound? ANSWER
A. Phoneme B. Morpheme C. Semantics D. Syntax

12 6. At approximately what age do individuals begin to make two-word statements?
A. 4 months B. 1 year C. 2 years D. 10 months

13 6. At approximately what age do individuals begin to make two-word statements? ANSWER
A. 4 months B. 1 year C. 2 years D. 10 months

14 7. Which of the following is FALSE regarding deafness and language development:
A. Most deaf children are born to hearing parents. B. There exists a critical period for language development. C. Signing develops at the same rate as speaking. D. Losing audition does not enhance vision.

15 7. Which of the following is FALSE regarding deafness and language development: ANSWER
A. Most deaf children are born to hearing parents. B. There exists a critical period for language development. C. Signing develops at the same rate as speaking. D. Losing audition does not enhance vision.

16 8. Which brain area controls the expression of language?
A. Broca’s area B. Wernicke’s area C. Temporal lobe D. Auditory cortex

17 8. Which brain area controls the expression of language? ANSWER
A. Broca’s area B. Wernicke’s area C. Temporal lobe D. Auditory cortex

18 9. Which of the following is TRUE regarding animal cognition and language?
A. Many animals display comprehension and communication. B. Many animals can use categories and concepts. C. Many animals display insight and use tools to solve problems. D. All of the above.

19 9. Which of the following is TRUE regarding animal cognition and language? ANSWER
A. Many animals display comprehension and communication. B. Many animals can use categories and concepts. C. Many animals display insight and use tools to solve problems. D. All of the above.

20 10. Which mental technique may assist in achieving one’s goal?
A. Outcome simulation B. Process simulation C. Linguistic determinism D. Telegraphic speech

21 10. Which mental technique may assist in achieving one’s goal? ANSWER
A. Outcome simulation B. Process simulation C. Linguistic determinism D. Telegraphic speech

22 Critical Thinking Questions

23 11. Brett recognizes a robin as fitting in to the category “bird” quicker than he does a penguin. This is because “robin” is a _____. A. concept B. heuristic C. prototype D. insight

24 11. Brett recognizes a robin as fitting in to the category “bird” quicker than he does a penguin. This is because “robin” is a _____. ANSWER A. concept B. heuristic C. prototype D. insight

25 12. Mikayla wants to break up with her boyfriend
12. Mikayla wants to break up with her boyfriend. She seems to only notice instances of her relationship not working out, and forgets the good times. This would be an example of a/an: A. confirmation bias. B. mental set. C. intuition. D. availability heuristic.

26 12. Mikayla wants to break up with her boyfriend
12. Mikayla wants to break up with her boyfriend. She seems to only notice instances of her relationship not working out, and forgets the good times. This would be an example of a/an: ANSWER A. confirmation bias. B. mental set. C. intuition. D. availability heuristic.

27 13. Lashaun is looking to buy a new car
13. Lashaun is looking to buy a new car. Because he read about a Ford car explosion in the news last week, he is hesitant to look at Ford models. This is an example of (the): A. belief perseverance. B. availability heuristic. C. framing. D. confirmation bias.

28 13. Lashaun is looking to buy a new car
13. Lashaun is looking to buy a new car. Because he read about a Ford car explosion in the news last week, he is hesitant to look at Ford models. This is an example of (the): ANSWER A. belief perseverance. B. availability heuristic. C. framing. D. confirmation bias.

29 14. Cole is stuck on the side of the road and must pour gasoline fluid into his gas tank. He has no funnel, so has difficulty creating a makeshift nozzle out of the materials found in his car. This is an example of (a): A. mental set. B. intuition. C. availability heuristic. D. confirmation bias.

30 14. Cole is stuck on the side of the road and must pour gasoline fluid into his gas tank. He has no funnel, so has difficulty creating a makeshift nozzle out of the materials found in his car. This is an example of (a): ANSWER A. mental set. B. intuition. C. availability heuristic. D. confirmation bias.

31 15. Saleem is suffering from an aphasia where he has difficulty speaking, but can comprehend language. Which area of the brain likely has damage? A. Auditory cortex B. Temporal lobe C. Frontal lobe D. Wernicke’s area

32 15. Saleem is suffering from an aphasia where he has difficulty speaking, but can comprehend language. Which area of the brain likely has damage? ANSWER A. Auditory cortex B. Temporal lobe C. Frontal lobe D. Wernicke’s area

What is another term for a methodical logical rule?

Algorithm. A methodical, logical rule or procedure that guarantees solving a particular problem.

What is another term for a methodical logical rule that guarantees solving a problem?

Algorithm: a methodical, logical rule or procedure that guarantees solving a particular problem. Heuristic: a simple thinking strategy that often allows us to make judgments and solve problems efficiently; usually speedier but also more error-prone than algorithms.

What effect do heuristics have on problem solving quizlet?

Heuristics, on the other hand, are short cuts or simple strategies that allow us to solve problems more efficiently and quickly, usually faster, although more errors may result.

Which of the following problem solving strategies allows us to solve problems quickly?

A problem-solving strategy that is also designed to be faster than an algorithm is a heuristic. Heuristics are basically educated guesses, based on general knowledge of the world, which can help us solve problems faster.


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