What is considered a central factor in the success of diversity management initiatives?

What is considered a central factor in the success of diversity management initiatives?

A)clear policies that standardize nonmanagement staff behavior
B)encouragement of employees to solve problems independently without management involvement
C)an environment that is not overly diverse
D)top management's commitment to diversity
E)ensuring every employee receives the same positive outcomes

So, how can your organization start an effective inclusion and diversity management in the workplace program? Here are the seven fundamental movements that make up a powerful, game-changing inclusion and diversity management system for the modern workplace. 

Identify Resources for Diversity and Inclusion Programs

First, start thinking about what type of resources your diversity and inclusion programs need. 

Do you need a dedicated D&I employee in the organization (as so many organizations have these days), or will it be part of your human resources efforts? What kind of budget do you need to set aside to enable managing for diversity efforts? Do you need to invest in building out employee resource groups or a supportive intranet or website page? How about a Diversity and Inclusion-focused online resource—like GlobeSmart or the Inclusive Behaviors Inventory? 

Could a consultant help? Sit down with key stakeholders throughout the organization and plot out how best to develop the tools you need to enable your diversity management programs. 

Be Intentional: Set Diversity Goals and Accountability for Change

The second part of the “how to manage diversity” question? Be intentional with your efforts. Set concrete diversity goals throughout the organization based upon optimistic (but still realistic) benchmarks, and hold your organization accountable to them. 

Additionally, don’t make these goals hidden in obscure corporate memorandums. Share them with the company as a whole, so your employees know exactly what you’re doing—and how you’re holding your organization accountable for diversity and inclusion efforts. 

Seek Out Different Mindsets – Recruit Diverse Talent

One of the best places to start with diversity management strategies is right at the start of the employee journey—the recruiting and hiring process. Set clear goals, expectations, and outlines for your recruiters and human resource professionals to bring in the diverse talent that makes a difference in the workplace. 

Note that this should not only be for entry-level positions, either; make sure your diversity and inclusion efforts go all the way up through mid-level employees to upper management (and the board of directors, if there is one). 

Set up Inclusion and Diversity Training

Diversity management training is a critical element of overall diversity management. Achieving authentic diversity in the workplace is a journey, not just a quick check of a box. Establish continuing education and diversity programs for all of your employees, and make sure these programs get tied into their annual goals 

Build a Diverse Leadership Team

A diverse management team provides the forward-thinking leadership that your modern organization demands. Diversity and inclusion should start at the very top of the organization; if your leadership team, board members, and upper management don’t possess the degree of management diversity that the world around them offers, how can they accurately reach a global customer base? Make it a priority, when looking at diversity in business management, to start with the very top of your organization.  

Determine Initiatives

One huge part of how to manage diversity in the workplace is determining the initiatives that your organization will undertake. Again, this process will involve stakeholders throughout the organization—from the top on down. Meet with leadership and employees to determine what is working, what isn’t, and what initiatives you should start on for an authentic management effort. 

Every company will be different; there is no “one size fits all” solution for your diversity management efforts (especially for global organizations). It will take careful planning, thought, and execution—but it will be worth it. 

Prioritize Inclusion Processes and Policies

The final part of managing a diverse workforce? Making diversity and inclusion efforts a priority—and sticking to them. Far too many organizations institute diversity and inclusion efforts just to check a few boxes on their corporate goals or to satisfy regulatory and compliance regulations. 

Don’t let your inclusion processes and policies become dusty old statements written in long-forgotten employee handbooks; keep them active, keep them top-of-mind, and change them as the times (and the environment) demands. It’s something that everything important to your success—your employees, your customers, and the world you live in—demands.

What are the factors of diversity management?

Primary dimensions of diversity include age, ethnicity and culture, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, and capabilities (Schwind, Das, & Wagar, 2007). Secondary, diversity includes mainly factors such as socio-economic sta- tus, education, religion, geographical affiliation and marital status (Sweetman, 2004).

Which factor is essential for the success of a diversity and inclusion initiative?

Which factor is essential for the success of a diversity and inclusion initiative? Rationale: Strong and consistent support of top executives is essential for the sustaining an organization's diversity and inclusion efforts.

What factors can contribute to success of diversity at workplace?

What are the best ways to promote diversity?.
Educate Managers on the Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace..
Create More Inclusive Workplace Policies..
Communicate Clearly and Create Employee-Led Task Forces..
Offer Meaningful Opportunities for Employee Engagement..
Create Mentorship Programs..

What is the key to managing diversity effectively?

Some of the skills needed are: an understanding and acceptance of managing diversity concepts. recognition that diversity is threaded through every aspect of management. self-awareness, in terms of understanding your own culture, identity, biases, prejudices, and stereotypes.