What is defined as any form of impersonal paid communication in which the sponsor or company is identified?

  • question_answer 1)

    Define advertising, what are its main features? Explain.


    Advertising is defined as the impersonal form of communication which is paid form by the marketer to promote some goods or services. It is commonly use as the promotional tool of the company. The important features of advertising are as follows (i) Paid Form Advertising is a paid form of communication which means the sponsor has to bear the cost of communication with the prospects. (ii) Impersonality There is no direct face to face contact between the prospect and advertiser. It is therefore, referred as the impersonal method of promotion. (iii) Identified Sponsor Advertising is undertaken by some identified individual or company, who makes the advertising efforts and also bears the cost of it.

Advertising in Marketing Communication

Advertising is a type of communication through mass media, the firm will usually pay for this type of communication. Advertising is a ‘paid for’ communication. It is used to develop attitudes, create awareness, and transmit information in order to gain a response from the target market. We generally come across hundreds of advertising messages every day, which tell us about various products such as toilet soaps, detergent powder, soft drinks and services such as hotels, insurance policies, etc.

Advertising is perhaps the most commonly used tool for promotion. It is an impersonal form of communication, which is paid for by the marketers (sponsors) to promote some goods or service. The most common modes of advertising are ‘newspapers’, ‘magazines’, ‘television’, and ‘radio’.

The important distinguishing features of advertising are as follows:

(i) Paid Form: Advertising is a paid form of communication. That is, the sponsor has to bear the cost of communicating with the prospects.

(ii) Impersonality: There is no direct face-to-face contact between the prospect and the advertiser. It is, therefore, referred to them as the impersonal method of promotion. Advertising creates a monologue and not a dialogue.

(iii) Identified Sponsor: Advertising is undertaken by some identified individual or company, who makes the advertising efforts and also bears the cost of it.

Chapter 17—Advertising and Public Relations


1.Promotion is defined as any form of impersonal, paid communication in which

the sponsor or company is identified.


This defines advertising, which is a type of promotion.

PTS:1REF:608OBJ:17-1TOP:AACSB Reflective


KEY: CB&E Model PromotionMSC:BLOOMS Level I Knowledge

2.The advertising response function is a phenomenon in which increased spending

for advertising and sales promotion increases sales or market share up to a certain level but then

produces diminishing results.


TOP:AACSB Reflective ThinkingKEY:CB&E Model Promotion

MSC:BLOOMS Level I Knowledge

3.The goal of advertising is to change people's values.


Advertising cannot change a person's basic value system, moral code, or cultural influences.

Advertising instead tries to change consumers' attitudes about brands.

PTS:1REF:611OBJ: 17-1TOP:AACSB Reflective


KEY:CB&E Model PromotionMSC:BLOOMS Level II Comprehension

4.Historically, advertising in the United States has been oriented around

corporations, not products.


Historically, advertising in the U.S. has been product oriented.

PTS:1REF: 613OBJ:17-2TOP:AACSB Reflective


KEY:CB&E Model PromotionMSC:BLOOMS Level II Comprehension

5.A small, high-tech company has just launched a new writing pen that has a

memory, much like a small computer. The advertising campaign focuses on the innovativeness of

the new product. This is an example of pioneering advertising.


TOP:AACSB Reflective ThinkingKEY:CB&E Model Promotion

MSC:BLOOMS Level III Application

6.On Subway napkins, they compare the nutritional information for their 6-inch

What is a sponsor identified impersonal paid mass communication?

ANSWER: 1. Advertising is a form of impersonal, one-way mass communication that is paid for by the sponsor.

Is a paid and non personal communication by a sponsor to an audience?

Advertising is paid, nonpersonal communication regarding goods, services, organizations, people, places, and ideas that is transmitted through various media by business firms, government and other nonprofit organizations, and individuals who are identified in the advertising message as the sponsor.

Is any form of impersonal one

Advertising: Impersonal, one-way mass communication about a product or organization that is paid for by a marketer.

Which element of the promotional mix is based on personal paid communication between people?

The last part of the promotional mix is called personal selling. It is a purchase situation involving a personal, paid-for communication between two people with the end result being an influence of the individual in the specific target market.


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