What is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations quizlet?

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This set contains the content understandings, applications, skills and nature of science syllabus statements for IB Biology topic 5.1: Evidence for Evolution.

Terms in this set (33)

Define "evolution".

Understanding: Evolution occurs when heritable characteristics of species change.

Evolution is the change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. Through evolution, new species may arise from pre-existing species.

Define "species."

Understanding: Evolution occurs when heritable characteristics of species change.

A species is defined as a group of individuals that actually (or potentially) interbreed to produce viable, fertile offspring.

Define "heritable trait."

Understanding: Evolution occurs when heritable characteristics of species change.

Heritable traits are those that are entirely based in genetics.

Define "fossil record."

Understanding: The fossil record provides evidence for evolution.

A fossil record is a group of fossils which has been analyzed and arranged in chronological and/or taxonomic order.

Define "strata" in relation to the fossil record.

Understanding: The fossil record provides evidence for evolution

Fossils are often contained in rocks that build up in layers called strata. The strata provide relative timeline, with layers near the top being newer and layers near the bottom being older.

Outline how fossils provide that evolution has occurred.​

Understanding: The fossil record provides evidence for evolution.

Fossils provide evidence for the existence of now-extinct past species. Fossils can help scientists reconstruct the evolutionary histories of present-day species by providing evidence of the species changing over time.

Explain the process of artificial selection using selective breeding.

Understanding: Selective breeding of domesticated animals shows that artificial selection can cause evolution.​

Selective breeding, also known as artificial selection, is a process used by humans to modify populations of organisms so they have desirable characteristics. Breeders choose which animal or plant males and females will sexually reproduce and have offspring together, yielding offspring with the desired traits and/or elimination of undesirable varieties. Selective breeding can lead to significant and rapid change over time from the original phenotype.

Outline how artificial selection can serve as evidence for evolution.

Understanding: Selective breeding of domesticated animals shows that artificial selection can cause evolution.​

Changes in genotype and phenotype that are due to selective breeding show that rapid change is possible when there is differential survival and/or reproduction in a population.

Use an example to explain how selective breeding has lead to evolution in an animal species.

Understanding: Selective breeding of domesticated animals shows that artificial selection can cause evolution.​

Farmers breed animals in order to improve productivity (and thus profits). For example, dairy farmers will look for the cows that can produce the most milk and only breed those cows. These cows then pass their genes that contribute to higher milk production onto their offspring, increasing milk productivity each generation.

Use an example to explain how selective breeding has lead to evolution in a plant species.

Understanding: Selective breeding of domesticated animals shows that artificial selection can cause evolution.​

B. oleracea is a wild mustard plant that grows in the Mediterranean region. To maximize the amount of food they got, farmers preferentially planted seeds from plants that grew more leaves. After many generations, the artificial selection produced a leafy version -kale.

Later, farmers selected for variants of the plant that produced enlarged leaf buds. After many generations, this led to plants with huge heads of tightly rolled leaves — cabbage.

Other farmers selected for enlarged flowering structures (creating broccoli and cauliflower), enlarged stems (kohlrabi), many small heads (brussels sprouts).

Define "homologous structure."

Understanding: Evolution of homologous structures by adaptive radiation explains similarities in structure when there are differences in function.​

A homologous structure is a biological structure (molecular or anatomical) that appears in different species of organisms. The commonality is evidence of descent from a common ancestor that also had the structure.

Contrast analogous structures and homologous structures.

Understanding: Evolution of homologous structures by adaptive radiation explains similarities in structure when there are differences in function.​

Homologous structures are structures that are similar in organisms because they were inherited from a common ancestor.

Analogous structures are structures that are similar but were not inherited from a common ancestor, the organisms independently evolved the characteristic (via convergent evolution).

Define "adaptive radiation."

Understanding: Evolution of homologous structures by adaptive radiation explains similarities in structure when there are differences in function.​

Adaptive radiation the process by which organisms evolve from an ancestral species into a multitude of new forms. Adaptive radiation often occurs when a change in the environment makes new resources available, creates new challenges, or opens new environmental niches.

Define "convergent evolution."

Understanding: Evolution of homologous structures by adaptive radiation explains similarities in structure when there are differences in function.​

Convergent evolution is when different species independently evolve structures to serve a common function. The similarities are not due to inheritance from a shared common ancestor, but rather because of similar selective pressures in the environment.

State an example of an analogous structure.

Understanding: Evolution of homologous structures by adaptive radiation explains similarities in structure when there are differences in function.​

The wings of birds, bats and butterflies are analogous. They serve a common function (flight) but are not due to inheritance of flight from a shared common ancestor.

State an example of a homologous structure.

Understanding: Evolution of homologous structures by adaptive radiation explains similarities in structure when there are differences in function.​

The wings of bats and the arms of primates are homologous. Although these two structures do not look similar or have the same function, they are due to inheritance of a limb structure found in their last shared ancestor.

Define "vestigial structure."

Understanding: Evolution of homologous structures by adaptive radiation explains similarities in structure when there are differences in function.​

Structures that have no apparent function and appear to be residual structures inherited from a past ancestor are called vestigial structures.

State an example of a vestigial structure.

Understanding: Evolution of homologous structures by adaptive radiation explains similarities in structure when there are differences in function.​

Examples of vestigial structures include the pelvic bone of a whale, rudimentary leg spurs on some snakes and the wings of flightless birds.

Define "population."

Understanding: Populations of a species can gradually diverge into separate species by evolution.​

A population is organisms of the same species that live in a particular geographic area at the same time.

Define "speciation."

Understanding: Populations of a species can gradually diverge into separate species by evolution.​

Speciation is the process by which populations evolve to become distinct species that are reproductively isolated (no longer capable of interbreeding with each other to produce fertile offspring).

Describe the process of gradual speciation.

Understanding: Populations of a species can gradually diverge into separate species by evolution.​

In gradual speciation, populations diverge slowly over time, accumulating changes in small steps. Eventually there is so much accumulated change that the populations are no longer capable of interbreeding with each other to produce fertile offspring. The original populations have become separate species.

Define "continuous variation."

Understanding: Continuous variation across the geographical range of related populations matches the concept of gradual divergence.

Continuous variation within a population is when a characteristic changes gradually over a range of phenotypes.

Define "cline."

Understanding: Continuous variation across the geographical range of related populations matches the concept of gradual divergence.

A cline is a the continuous variation of a single biological trait of a species across its geographical range.

Explain how continuous variation across geographical ranges is evidence of evolutionary change.

Understanding: Continuous variation across the geographical range of related populations matches the concept of gradual divergence.

Natural selection causes adaptation to the local environment, resulting in different genotypes or phenotypes being favoured in different environments.

Through natural selection acting on populations in localized regions, genetic differences between populations may accumulate. The populations will gradually diverge. If the differences between populations become great enough, it may lead to speciation.

Define "ring species."

Understanding: Continuous variation across the geographical range of related populations matches the concept of gradual divergence.

Ring species are a distinct type of cline where the geographical distribution of a population is circular in shape, so that the two ends of the cline overlap with one another. The adjacent populations and the ends of the ring rarely interbreed due to the cumulative effect of the many changes in phenotype along the cline.

State an example of recognizably different populations of the same species across a geographical range.

Understanding: Continuous variation across the geographical range of related populations matches the concept of gradual divergence.

The ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) occupies a broad geographic range in western North America. Needles of ponderosa pines in the Rocky Mountains are bundled into groups of two or three, and cones of these trees are more than 9 cm long.

In contrast, needle of ponderosa pines in southern Arizona and northern Mexico are bundled in groups of five, and their cones are less than 9 cm long.

Despite the geographic variation, the two groups belong to the same species because they could produce fertile offspring if their geographic separation were overcome. They are different populations of the same species which are gradually diverging from each other.

Define "pentadactyl limb."

Application: Comparison of the pentadactyl limb of mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles with different methods of locomotion.

Many vertebrates have a very similar bone structure despite their limbs looking very different on the outside. This structure is known as the pentadactyl limb. This suggests that many vertebrates descended from the same common ancestor.

List the bone structures present in the pentadactyl limb.

Application: Comparison of the pentadactyl limb of mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles with different methods of locomotion.

The pentadactyl limb has a single proximal bone (humerus), two distal bones (radius and ulna), a series of carpals (wrist bones), followed by a series of metacarpals (palm bones) and phalanges (digits).

Identify pentadactyl limb structures in diagrams of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Application: Comparison of the pentadactyl limb of mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles with different methods of locomotion.

Although the limbs of frogs, crocodiles, birds, whales, horses, bats and humans all look very different they share the same five fingered bone structure.

Relate differences in pentadactyl limb structures to differences in limb function.

Application: Comparison of the pentadactyl limb of mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles with different methods of locomotion.

The number of bones and the size of the bones in a pentadactyl limb can vary but each pentadactyl limb has the same general components no matter what the function of the limb is. This homologous structure is evidence that the organisms have a common ancestor. Each pentadactyl limb is adapted differently to help each species survive in their habitats.

Human arms are adapted for tool manipulation and grasping

Bird and bat wings are adapted for flying

Horse hooves are adapted for galloping

Whale and dolphin fins are adapted for swimming

Define "industrial melanism."*

Application: Development of melanistic insects in polluted areas.

Industrial melanism is defined as the proportional increase of dark-colored varieties of animals (especially moths) in industrial areas (with soot pollution) where they are better camouflaged against predators than paler forms.

Explain how natural selection leads to changes in the melanistic variety of insects in polluted areas.

Application: Development of melanistic insects in polluted areas.

In a population with a variety of coloration phenotypes, there will be selection for the color varieties that are best able to survive and reproduce. In a soot-polluted environment, moths with darker color variations are more likely to avoid predation by birds. Over generations, the proportion of the dark variety will increase in the population.

Propose a mechanism that explains the pattern found in vertebrate limb structure yet allows for the specialization of different limb functions.

Nature of Science: Looking for patterns, trends and discrepancies- there are common features in the bone structure of vertebrate limbs despite their varied use.

The common bone structure of vertebrate limbs is due to evolution from a common vertebrate ancestor. The limbs are homologous. Natural selection has lead to the same bones and joints being adapted for different uses in different environmental conditions (such as walking, running, flying, jumping, digging, swimming and grasping).

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What is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations?

Evolution is the change in heritable traits of biological populations over successive generations. Evolutionary processes give rise to diversity at every biological organization level.

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