What is the compound interest on Rs 64000 for 1 ½ years at 5% pa compounded half yearly?

What is the compound interest on Rs 64000 for 1 ½ years at 5% pa compounded half yearly?

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  • Compound Interest Exercise 14.1
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  • Compound Interest Exercise 14.5

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RD Sharma Solutions Class 8 Mathematics Solutions for Compound Interest Exercise 14.1 in Chapter 14 - Compound Interest

Question 7 Compound Interest Exercise 14.1

Roma borrowed Rs. 64000 from a bank for 1 ½ years at the rate of 10% perannum. Compare the total compound interest payable by Roma after 1 ½ years, ifthe interest is compounded half-yearly.


Given details are,

Principal (p) = Rs 64000

Rate (r) = 10 % = 10/2 % (for half a year)

Time = 1 ½ years = 3/2 × 2 = 3 (half year)

By using the formula,

A = P (1 + R/100)^n

= 64000 (1 + 10/2×100)^3

= 64000 (210/200)^3

= Rs 74088

∴ Compound Interest = A – P = Rs 74088 – Rs 64000 = Rs 10088

Video transcript

hello students welcome to lero's question and answer classroom my name is shaista firozi class and today we are going to find out the amount compound interest for the questions so let's see what the question says the question says roma borrowed rupees 64 000 from a bank so he said she's borrowing 64 000 this is a principal amount for one and a half years so the time period is one and a half years at the rate of 10 percent per annum so my rate of interest is 10 percent per annum compare the total compound interest payable by roma after one and a half years if the interest is compounded half yearly so we want to take the interest for half yearly so let's quickly calculate for half yearly so my uh i will be jotting down whatever the details is being provided to us so let's quickly write down whatever details is given to us uh the principal amount as i told you that it is 64 000. then it is for half an one and a half years so my rate of interest is ten percent per annum since it is ten percent per annum and i want it for uh okay so i want it for half yearly what i am going to do is i am going to convert it into half yearly so half yearly means i have to divide by 2 okay so that becomes for half yearly now it is let's see the time period now as you can see my time or my n it is one and a half years so one and a half years since this is a mixed fraction i'll convert it into improper fraction which becomes three upon two years now again once again i'll say that since it is for half yearly i am going to convert it into half yearly so therefore i will be multiplying by two to convert it into half yearly which gives me three half years okay so these are the informations which are provided to us and we need to find out the compound interest so let's quickly write down the formula for compound interest as you all know that compound interest is equals to amount minus principle but we don't know the amount we have the principle we don't know the compound interest so we need to find out the amount so before we will find out the amount so let's quickly jot down the formula for amount and calculate the amount so as to get our compound interest so our amount formula is amount is equals to principle 1 plus r that is rate of interest upon 100 raised to n that is the time period so principle is 64 000 so i'm writing 64 000 instead of principle 1 plus my rate of interest is 10 by 2 so i'll write down 10 upon 2. in 200 which is our formula and n n is our three half years so i'm writing three half years okay so sixty four thousand one plus 10 upon 2 into 100 gives you 200 raised to 3 so my answer would be 64 000 now i need to calculate this whole bracket since you can see that you have to take an lcm of 200 and there's nothing so one so i'm going to take an lcm as 200 and i'm going to solve this bracket so on taking lcms 200 i am going to get 210 upon 200 raised to 3 and on solving this whole bracket 210 upon 200 raised to 3 or cubed i am multiplying it twice and multiplying with 64 000 so on solving or simplifying the whole thing i am going to get as rupees seventy four thousand and eighty eight so this is my amount i have got my amount at seventy four thousand eighty eight so now let's quickly uh jot down in the formula for compound interest and so as you can see that my compound interest would be equal to amount which is nothing but seventy four thousand and eighty eight so i'm writing seventy four thousand eighty eight minus my principle is 64 000 so i'm writing 64 000 and on subtracting this i am going to get 1088 rupees so this is my compound interest so i've got my compound interest for half yearly that is ten thousand and eighty eight so all right that's our answer subscribe to lido for more update and do comment don't forget to subscribe and don't forget to come in hope you have all understood see you all next time bye bye take care

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