What is the correlation between ewaste and Moores Law which has helped make electronic devices more affordable?

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What is the correlation between ewaste and Moores Law which has helped make electronic devices more affordable?

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What is the correlation between ewaste and Moores Law which has helped make electronic devices more affordable?

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What is the correlation between ewaste and Moores Law which has helped make electronic devices more affordable?

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What is the correlation between ewaste and Moores Law which has helped make electronic devices more affordable?

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What is the relationship between Moores Law and e waste?

Moore's Law is a technological law that states the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years and the cost of computers is halved. In layman's terms, this means that technology exponentially improves to the point where consumers need to buy new technology every 2-4 years.

What is the correlation between ewaste and Moore's Law which has helped make electronic devices more affordable?

Select the four components of a sustainable MIS infrastructure. What is the correlation between the fulfillment of Moore's law, which has helped make electronic devices more affordable, and ewaste? It has increasesd ewaste.

How does Moores Law influence the rapid technical advancement in computer technology?

Moore's Law has had a direct impact on the progress of computing power. What this means specifically, is that transistors in integrated circuits have become faster. Transistors conduct electricity, which contain carbon and silicon molecules that can make the electricity run faster across the circuit.

What is Moore's Law what does it apply to?

Definition. Moore's law is a term used to refer to the observation made by Gordon Moore in 1965 that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit (IC) doubles about every two years. Moore's law isn't really a law in the legal sense or even a proven theory in the scientific sense (such as E = mc2).