What is the first step of the prep method of justifying your views in a presentation quizlet?

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    • How do you want to study today?
    • When you prepare a speech or presentation your first step involves?
    • What is one of the purposes of the preview in a presentation quizlet?
    • When planning a business presentation the last step in Antwans planning should be to gain a deeper understanding of the needs of his audience?
    • What is the purpose of an overview quizlet?

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The various communicator styles are sensers, feelers, thinkers, and intuitors. Sensers will appreciate your ability to stay on point and discuss immediate goals. Emotionally and analytically, they are attracted to action-oriented and results-oriented language and logic. Feelers will appreciate your ability to discuss business relationships—such as benefits to work teams and colleagues and loyalty to customers and clients. Emotionally, feelers will connect to you with your use of "we" language and other relationship-centered terms. Analytically, feelers will connect with your holistic approach to business benefits. They are attracted to business logic that includes more than just bottom-line measures of performance. Thinkers will appreciate your ability to provide all of the facts and avoid rushing to judgment about conclusions. Thinkers generally pride themselves on a dispassionate (nonemotional) approach to decision making and may be turned off by what they consider blatant and irrelevant appeals to emotion. However, this in no way implies that emotional appeal is unimportant to thinkers. Thinkers are often emotionally connected to precise language; well-designed and conceptualized charts, models, and other figures; and the ability to handle tough questions. Intuitors will appreciate your ability to present visionary ideas. Emotionally, they connect to out-of-the-box thinking and emphasis on strategic initiatives. They want to feel a part of something larger than themselves. Analytically, they respond to discussing concepts first and facts last.

● Limit the amount of information on any given slide. Readers should be able to grasp the content within 10 to 15 seconds. For text, rarely should you use more than ten words per line and more than five to six lines.
● Use font sizes that all audience members can read easily. For titles, use at least 24- point fonts; for body text, use at least 18-point fonts.
● Focus on and highlight key information. Use bold, italics, and other formatting features to make key phrases or key components in figures stand out.
● Use plenty of white space. White space is effective for borders and between items and text on slides; it provides an uncluttered appearance.
● Use high-contrast backgrounds and colors. Make sure backgrounds do not obscure text. For dark text, use light backgrounds. For light text, use dark backgrounds.
● Use compelling images in moderation. You can images to convey powerful messages efficiently and with emotional power, especially for the visual learners in your audience. But make sure you are selective. Too many pictures, poor-quality pictures, or off-message pictures may detract from your message.
● Develop simple charts and diagrams. Charts and diagrams can be particularly helpful for simplifying complex data relationships. Make sure to use charts and figures that the audience can process in a matter of seconds. Otherwise, they have to spend an excessive amount of time trying to understand the chart or diagram and they're not paying attention to you.
● Get professional design help when possible. For high-stakes presentations, consider getting help from public relations or design specialists.

Sets with similar terms

When you prepare a speech or presentation your first step involves?

The first step is to figure out the one message you want audience members to take away with them. Then compose a one-sentence summary that links your subject and purpose to your audience's frame of reference.

What is one of the purposes of the preview in a presentation quizlet?

A compelling preview helps the audience listen to the whole presentation. It is important to ensure that your slides are the primary focal point throughout your presentation. In order to design your presentation slides for ease of processing, limit the amount of information on any given slide.

When planning a business presentation the last step in Antwans planning should be to gain a deeper understanding of the needs of his audience?

When planning a business presentation, the last step in Antwan's planning should be to gain a deeper understanding of the needs of his audience. influence key decision makers in your audience. Reinaldo's first task in planning his presentation is to identify the two or three key messages he wants to convey.

What is the purpose of an overview quizlet?

What is the purpose of an overview? audience members form quick impressions about you and your message during this time.

When you prepare a speech or presentation your first step involves?

The first step is to figure out the one message you want audience members to take away with them. Then compose a one-sentence summary that links your subject and purpose to your audience's frame of reference.

When planning a business presentation the last step in Antwans planning should be to gain a deeper understanding of the needs of his audience?

When planning a business presentation, the last step in Antwan's planning should be to gain a deeper understanding of the needs of his audience. influence key decision makers in your audience. Reinaldo's first task in planning his presentation is to identify the two or three key messages he wants to convey.

What is one of the purposes of the preview in a presentation quizlet?

A compelling preview helps the audience listen to the whole presentation. It is important to ensure that your slides are the primary focal point throughout your presentation. In order to design your presentation slides for ease of processing, limit the amount of information on any given slide.

What is the purpose of the preview in a presentation?

Previewing the presentation allows you to see the presentation, listen to the audio, watch video and test quiz questions before launching the presentation in its final format.


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