What is the key reason why strong communication skills are important for your career quizlet?

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Terms in this set (101)

Communication is the process of

transferring information and meaning

Communication is a two-way process that begins with the sender and ends when the receiver acquires information and meaning

Which of the following is the process of transferring information between senders and receivers?


Improving your communication skills will enhance your career because
A) having great ideas won't help you much, unless you can communicate them effectively.
B) the higher you rise in an organization, the more important your communication skills will be.
C) you'll need to connect with decision makers outside of your area of expertise.
D) all of the above.

D) all of the above.

**Ambition and great ideas aren't enough. You'll need to communicate with people if you want to succeed in business. Employers expect employees to speak and write in a professional manner that is clear, direct, and free of slang, jargon, and other inappropriate terms.

Which of the following is one of the essential goals of communication?
A) Successful negotiations
B) Sharing
C) Data development
D) Engagement
E) Career development

B) Sharing

5) All of the following EXCEPT ________ will make your business messages more effective.
A) providing practical information
B) clarifying expectations and responsibilities
C) presenting information concisely and efficiently
D) discussing personal issues and complaining about problems

D) discussing personal issues and complaining about problems

6) How can strong communication skills lead to lower employee turnover in an organization?
A) Employees will create stronger ties in the marketplace
B) There is more opportunity to influence perceptions and trends
C) Employees will feel more engaged with their work
D) There will be fewer critical safety issues
E) There will be higher returns on investments

C) Employees will feel more engaged with their work

7) What is the name of all the parties affected by the actions of an organization?
A) Employees
B) Managers
C) The community
D) Stakeholders
E) The government

D) Stakeholders
**are those groups affected in some way by the company's actions: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, neighbors, the community, the nation, and the world as a whole.

8) What can communicators do to ensure facts, rather than vague impressions, are shared?
A) Provide practical information
B) Present information in a concise manner
C) Offer compelling arguments and recommendations
D) Identify areas of responsibility
E) Use concrete language with specific detail

E) Use concrete language with specific detail

9) If you start a company or become an executive in an established firm, you can expect to spend the majority of your time

C) communicating.

10) What can you do to show an audience how they will benefit from your message?

A) Offer compelling arguments and recommendations

11) If you have difficult or complex information to share, how can you help the audience understand and accept your message?

B) Use simple terms to explain the subject

12) What is the key reason why strong communication skills are important for your career?

C) You must be able to express your thoughts clearly and persuasively.

Improving your communication skills may be the single most important step you can take in your career. You can have the greatest ideas in the world, but they're no good to your company or your career if you can't express them clearly and persuasively

Which one of the following is NOT one of the traits possessed by professionals?

Meeting minimum qualifications

The quality of performing at a high level and conducting oneself with pride and purpose is known as


The term digital information fluency encompasses all of the following elements EXCEPT

D) using random methods to present ideas and information

Which of the following is one of the six distinct traits that best defines professionalism

Being a team player

**Professionalism can be broken down into six distinct traits: striving to excel, being dependable and accountable, being a team player, demonstrating a sense of etiquette, making ethical decisions, and maintaining a positive outlook

Every organization has ________, which encompasses all communication that occurs outside the lines of command in the company's organization structure.

an informal communication network

What communication network is being followed when ideas follow the lines of command in an organization?

D) Formal

An audience-centered approach to communication involves

C) respecting, understanding, and meeting the needs of your audience members.

When solving complex organizational problems, how does information flow between departments?

E) Horizontally

What is the informal communication network used when employees interact in a social setting?

The grapevine

What is the ability to relate to the needs of others?

Emotional intelligence

Who's driving the bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon? Why are information technology managers concerned about it?

Employees are pushing for bring your own device (BYOD) in the workplace. They want to access company networks and files via their personal smartphones and tablets, both in the office and away from it. However, accessing company systems via mobile devices can create a host of security concerns for corporate IT managers. For example, these devices don't always have the rigorous security controls that corporate networks need. Moreover, employees don't always use their personal devices in secure ways.

Companies are wrestling with the ________, in which employees want to use their personal tablets and smartphones to access company networks and files.

BYOD phenomenon

When governments work to ensure consumers know who is behind the information they receive through social media, what is the government promoting?


Which type of communication includes comments about others that are FALSE and potentially damaging?


Which of the following includes patents, copyrighted material, and trade secrets?

Intellectual property

**Intellectual property (IP) includes patents, copyrighted materials, trade secrets, and even Internet domain names

Which of the following can help employees determine the right course of action to take in an ethical dilemma?

A code of ethics

The term ________ describes the ability to send vast amounts of data instantly, constantly, and globally.

radical connectivity

As a sender, which of these is an important step you can take to help reduce information overload?

Don't send unnecessary messages

Which of these can companies use to increase user engagement by incorporating game-playing aspects in an activity or process?


By providing ________, such as facility maps and property information, mobile technology can allow users to experience more of their environment and access information instantly.

location-aware content

People who've grown up with ________ expect to have immediate access to information and the ability to stay connected to their various social and business networks.

mobile communication technology

All of the following EXCEPT ________ are characteristics of social media and mobile communication.

creating countless opportunities but few meaningful challenges

Two or more people who share a mission and the responsibility for working to achieve a common goal are called a​ __________.


​__________ is working together to meet complex challenges. It is an expected skill in a wide range of professions.


Clarify individual responsibilities, select collaborators carefully,give your team time to bond before diving in, and agree on project goals before you start will all ______

aid in collaborative communication

Instead of focusing on the people​ involved, _________ should be used to focus on the process and outcomes of communication.

constructive feedback

________ is a step needed to ensure productive team​ meetings?

Choose the correct venue and time

​________ should be taken in order to record the important information presented and the decisions made at a meeting.


Situation in which peer pressure causes individual team members to withhold contrary or unpopular opinions.


Private, counterproductive motives, such as a desire to take control of the group.

Hidden agenda

Special type of website that allows anyone with access to add a new material and edit existing material.


_____________ and ____________ assemble to resolve specific issues and then disband when their goals have been accomplished.

Problem-solving teams, task forces

Are formal teams that usually have a long life span and can become a permanent part of the organizational structure.


What are the advantages of teams?

1.) Increased information and knowledge
2.) Increased diversity of viewpoints
3.) Increased acceptance of solutions
4.) Increased levels of performance

What are the disadvantages of teams?

1.) Groupthink: pressure to conform, affects decision quality
2.) Hidden Agenda: restricts interaction, limits productivity
3.) High Cost: Aligning Schedules, arranging meetings

The effort to involve employees in the company's decision making.

Participative Management

What are the characteristics of effective teams?

1.) Clear objective and shared purpose
2.) Strong sense of trust
3.) Open and honest communication
4.) Consensus decision making
5.) Creative thinking
6.) Skill at resolving conflicts

Assuming Team Roles:

- Controlling
- Withdrawing
- Attention-seeking
- Diverting

Dysfunctional Self-Oriented

Assuming Team Roles:

- Encouraging
- Harmonizing
- Compromising

Functional Team Maintenance

Assuming Team Roles:

- Initiating
- Information Giving or Seeking
- Coordinating
- Procedure Setting

Functional Task- Oriented

From the Hawaiian word meaning quick, is a website that allows anyone access to add new material and add existing material.


Collaboration via Mobile Devices:

What creates unified communication?

Voice and video calling
- Voice and video conferencing
- Instant messaging
- Real-time collaboration

When offering constructive criticism:

- Focus on the process and outcomes
- Provide clear guidelines for improvement

What are the 4 types of listening?

1.) Content
2.) Critical
3.) Empathic
4.) Active

Is to understand and retain the information in the speaker's message.

Content Listening

What are the 5 steps in the listening process?

1.) Receiving or Hearing the Message
2.) Decoding or Assigning Meaning
3.) Remembering the Message
4.) Evaluating Information Quality
5.) Responding to the Message

What are some aspects of Nonverbal communication?

- Facial Expression
- Vocal Characteristics
- Touching Behavior
- Gestures and Posture
- Personal Appearance
- Time and Space

The interactions and processes that take place among the members of a team

Group Dynamics

Holding ______________ can dramatically reduce costs and resource usage, reduce wear and tear on employees, and give teams access to a wider pool of expertise.

virtual meetings

Most people speak at about _________ to _________ words per minute, but listeners can process audio information at up to ____________ words per minute or more.

120 to 150; 500

Is the interpersonal process of sending and receiving information, both intentionally and unintentionally, without using written or spoken language.

Nonverbal communication

selective perception

leads listeners to mold messages to fit their own conceptual frameworks

selective listening

one of the most common barriers to effective listening

active listening

making a conscious effort to turn off their own filters and biases to truly hear and understand what the other party is saying

Why is business etiquette important?

the impression you make on others and your ability to help others feel comfortable will be major contributors to your success

What can poor etiquette do?

hinder team efforts
drain morale and productivity
drive away customers and investors
limit your career potential

As an approach to resolving conflict during team activities, a ________ proposes that both sides can satisfy their goals (at least to some extent) and seeks to minimize losses for everyone involved.

win-win strategy

In participative management

employees are involved in the company's decision making.

During the group development process, the ________ phase is reached when a consensus is reached and the team finds a solution that all members are willing to support.


A ________ usually has a long life span and typically deals with regularly recurring tasks.


Which one of the following is an indication of a dysfunctional team role?


Explanation: Controlling, withdrawing, attention seeking, and diverting are dysfunctional, self-oriented roles that mainly fulfill individual rather than team needs.

(YES)Groupthink refers to

the willingness of individual group members to withhold contrary or unpopular opinions, even when those objections are legitimate, and to favor majority opinion.

During the ________ of the group-development process, the members of a problem-solving team would begin to discuss their positions and become more assertive in establishing their roles

conflict phase

________ are informal standards of conduct that members share and that guide member behavior.


In the ________ phase of team evolution, team members reach a decision and find a solution that is acceptable enough for all members to support (even if they have reservations).


Cross-functional teams perform several roles, even though they contain employees from the same department or division.
(True or Fasle)


In the phenomenon of groupthink, the team may arrive at poor-quality decisions and even act unethically
(True or False)


Writing for websites often involves the use of ________, which organize and control content and support teamwork.

content management systems

"Virtual offices" that give everyone on a team access to the same set of resources and information are called

shared workspaces.

________ focuses on the process and outcomes of communication, whereas ________ delivers criticism with no guidance to stimulate improvement.

Constructive feedback;
destructive feedback

During the ________ phase of group development, the team clarifies and summarizes the agreed-upon solution, and team members receive their assignments for carrying out the group's


One of the main advantages of collaboration via mobile devices is


An extranet is

extranet is a controlled private network allowing customers, partners, vendors, suppliers and other businesses to gain information, typically about a specific company or educational institution, and do so without granting access to the organization's entire network. An extranet is often a private part of a website.

All of the characteristics and experiences that define each of us as individuals is called __________.


The term ethnocentrism is defined as __________.

the tendency to judge all other groups according to the standards, behaviors, and customs of one's own group

When you are adapting to a new business culture, you should NOT __________.

treat people the way you want to be treated


​Julia's company has recently reassigned her to work in another country. Julia feels very uncomfortable and is afraid to travel within the country since she is fearful of strangers and foreigners. This is an example of which of the​ following?

Kayla has been assigned to work in another country. She is constantly comparing the living conditions in the country to those in her home country and concluding that conditions in her home country are far superior. This is an example of which of the​ following?


Which of the following sentences uses an idiomatic phrase?

Put yourself in the shows of your customer and then react

A(n) __________ is one in which people rely on the context of nonverbal actions and environmental setting to convey meaning.

high-context culture

A(n) __________ is one in which people rely more on verbal communication and less on circumstances and cues to convey meaning.

low-context culture

Which of the following is true of writing for multilingual audiences?

avoid words with multiple meanings

Which of the following terms can be ascribed to this assumption that Latin Americans do not speak good English?


__________ is a set of oversimplified generalizations about a group that allows others to categorize them.


Which of the following BEST describes the difference between xenophobia and​ ethnocentrism?

Both describe tendencies to consider​ one's own culture superior to​ others, but xenophobia is a more​ extreme, more fearful attitude than ethnocentrism.

Which generation in the United States is the youngest generation in the workforce and is characterized by a high comfort level with social​ media?

Generation Y

Which of the following is a recommendation for writing to people whose first language is not​ English?

cite numbers and dates carefully

The following are all general guidelines for improving cultural competency EXCEPT

embrace the 'golden rule'.

Valerie uses the expression "more bang for your buck" in a letter to a foreign investor. This is an example of which of the following?

use of slang

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What is the key reason why strong communication skills are important for your career?

Communication is vital to both team and individual success in the workplace. Clear communication at work can help you avoid misunderstandings, develop strong relationships with your coworkers and establish yourself as a vital member of the team.

Why is communication important to your career quizlet?

Why are communication skills important to your career? A person who speaks well and listens effectively is more likely to be hired and promoted than a person who lacks these skills.

Why is effective communication important to career success quizlet?

Effective human relations and communication skills build lasting client relationships, accelerate professional growth, and promote a positive work environment.

Which of the following is one of the benefits of strong communication skills quizlet?

Which of the following is one of the benefits of strong communication skills? respecting, understanding, and meeting the needs of your audience members.


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