What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?

This sample chapter from CCNP and CCIE Enterprise Core ENCOR 350-401 Exam Cram reviews the configuration and verification of network device access control with usernames and passwords.It also covers authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA), and looks at the configuration and verification of network device access control on Cisco IOS devices using TACACS+ and RADIUS.

This chapter is from the book

This chapter is divided into two sections. The first section looks at the configuration and verification of network device access control with usernames and passwords. It also covers the configuration and verification of role-based access control (RBAC) using privilege levels. The second section covers authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA). It looks at the configuration and verification of network device access control on Cisco IOS devices using TACACS+ and RADIUS.

Cisco IOS CLI Session Overview

Cisco IOS software provides several features that you can use to implement basic security for network devices’ command-line sessions. These features include:

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Using different levels of authorization for CLI sessions to control access to commands that can modify the status of the networking device and for commands that are used to monitor the device

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Assigning passwords to CLI sessions

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Requiring users to log in to a networking device with a username

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Changing the privilege levels of commands to create new authorization levels for CLI sessions

You can establish IOS CLI sessions on Cisco IOS devices in two ways:

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Local CLI sessions: Local CLI sessions require direct access to the console port of the networking device. Local CLI sessions start in user EXEC mode. All of the tasks needed to configure and manage a networking device can be done using a local CLI session. The most common method for establishing a local CLI session is to connect a laptop to the console port of the networking device and then launch a terminal emulation application, like Putty, on the computer. The type of cable and connectors required and the settings for the terminal emulation application depend on the type of networking device that you are configuring. Some devices have an auxiliary (aux) port for remote administration through a dial-up modem. In most cases, this should be disabled with the no exec command under line aux 0.

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Terminal lines and remote CLI sessions: A remote CLI session is created between a host and a networking device by using a remote terminal access application, such as Telnet or SSH. Most of the tasks required to configure and manage a networking device can be done using a remote CLI session. The exceptions are tasks that interact directly with the console port (such as recovering from a corrupted operating system by uploading a new OS image over the console port) and interacting with the networking device when it is in ROMMON mode. SSH is a more secure alternative to Telnet. SSH provides encryption for the session traffic between the local management device and the networking device you are managing. Encrypting the session traffic with SSH prevents anyone who may have intercepted the traffic from decoding it.

With Cisco IOS networking devices, the word “lines” is used to refer to the software components that manage local and remote CLI sessions. You use the line console 0 global configuration command to enter line configuration mode to configure options such as a password for the console port. Remote CLI sessions use lines that are referred to as vty lines. You use the line vty line-number [ending-line-number] global configuration command to enter line configuration mode to configure options such as a password for remote CLI sessions. Once you are in the line configuration mode, you can set the protocol you will be connecting over (for example, SSH).

Example 6.1 shows the console, auxiliary, and vty lines in the running configuration that are available on R1.

EXAMPLE 6.1 Console, Auxiliary, and vty Lines in the Running Configuration

R1# show running-config | section line
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4

Before we look at how to protect access to Cisco IOS EXEC modes, let’s take a look at the five different types of passwords available in Cisco IOS:

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Type 0 passwords: Type 0 passwords are not encrypted and are stored in plaintext in the device configuration. The enable password command uses type 0 passwords. Type 0 passwords should not be used in a production environment.

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Type 5 passwords: Type 5 passwords use an MD5 hashing algorithm. These passwords are easily reversible with tools available on the Internet. The enable secret and username username secret commands use type 5 passwords.

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Type 7 passwords: Type 7 passwords uses the Vigenère cipher encryption algorithm, which is known to be weak. These passwords are easily reversible (in under 1 second) with tools available on the Internet. Type 7 password encryption is enabled with the service password encryption command.

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Type 8 passwords: Type 8 passwords use a Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) with a SHA-256 hashed secret. Type 8 password security is considered good.

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Type 9 passwords: Type 9 passwords use the SCRYPT hashing algorithm. Type 9 passwords are considered the best passwords and should be used when supported.

Type 4 passwords were deprecated in IOS 15.3(3). The type 4 password hash was weaker than the type 5 (MD5) hash. Therefore, type 4 passwords should never be used. IOS 15.3(3) introduced support for type 8 and type 9 passwords, and these password types should always be used when supported.

Protection of Access to Cisco IOS EXEC Modes

This section looks at the steps you can take to secure both user and privileged EXEC modes.

The first step in creating secure network device access is to protect the user EXEC mode by configuring passwords for local and remote CLI sessions. You start by entering line configuration mode by selecting the line number for the console port (for example, line console 0). Once you are in that mode, you use the password command to assign a password to line console 0. You use the login command at line console 0 to enable password checking at login.

Next, let’s look at configuring a password for remote CLI sessions. After a password is configured for remote CLI sessions, the IOS device prompts for a password the next time you establish a remote CLI session with that device. Cisco IOS networking devices require that a password be configured for remote CLI sessions. If you attempt to start a remote CLI session with a device that does not have a password configured for remote CLI sessions, you get a message indicating that a password is required and that the password is not set. The remote CLI session will be terminated by the remote host.

To configure a password for remote CLI sessions, you start by entering the line configuration mode and selecting the vty line (for example, line vty 0 4). When you are in that mode, you use the password command as you do for the console line. You use the login command at the vty line to enable password checking at login.

Example 6.2 shows how to assign a password to the console, auxiliary, and vty lines and verify it in the running configuration.

EXAMPLE 6.2 Configuring and Verifying Line Passwords

R1# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
R1(config)# line con 0
R1(config-line)# password Cisco123
R1(config-line)# login
R1(config-line)# line aux 0
R1(config-line)# password Cisco123
R1(config-line)# login
R1(config-line)# line vty 0 4
R1(config-line)# password Cisco123
R1(config-line)# login
R1(config-line)# end
R1# show running-config | section line
line con 0
 password Cisco123
line aux 0
 password Cisco123
line vty 0 4
 password Cisco123

The previous section covers protection of access to both local and remote CLI sessions in user EXEC mode using line passwords. Now let’s look at how to protect access to privileged EXEC mode. To add an additional layer of security, particularly for passwords that cross a network or that are stored with the configuration on a TFTP server, you can use the enable secret global configuration command.

Cisco recommends the use of the enable secret command over the enable password command because it uses an improved encryption algorithm. When you configure the enable secret command, it takes precedence over the enable password command. The two commands cannot be in effect simultaneously.

Let’s look at the use of the enable password command to configure a password for privileged EXEC mode. The password you enter with the enable password command is stored as plaintext in the device’s running configuration. You can encrypt the password for the enable password command in the configuration file of the networking device by using the service password-encryption command. However, the type 7 encryption level used by the ­service password-encryption command can be decrypted using tools available on the Internet, so it is not recommended for production deployments. The recommendation is to use the enable secret command because it provides strong encryption by hashing the password using type 5 passwords by default. However, on modern platforms, you can use type 8 or 9 passwords as well. You configure a password in privileged EXEC mode by using the command enable secret [level level] unencrypted-password | encryption-type encrypted-password. You can use the show privilege command to display the current level of privilege.

Example 6.3 shows the configuration and verification of protection of privileged EXEC mode using the enable password command. Note in the verification that the password is stored in the running configuration in plaintext. This is because the default password, of type 0, was used. You can also set a type 7 password or set the EXEC level here. The command service password-encryption would make the password unreadable in the running configuration.

EXAMPLE 6.3 Protecting Privileged EXEC with enable password

R1# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
R1(config)# enable password ?
  0      Specifies an UNENCRYPTED password will follow
  7      Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow
  LINE   The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) 'enable' password
  level  Set exec level password
R1(config)# enable password ExamCram123 WARNING: Command has been added to the configuration using a type 0 password. However, type 0 passwords will soon be deprecated. Migrate to a supported password type R1(config)# *Oct 28 23:00:00.922: %AAAA-4-CLI_DEPRECATED: WARNING: Command has been added to the configuration using a type 0 password. However, type 0 passwords will soon be deprecated. Migrate to a supported password type
R1(config)# do show run | include password enable password ExamCram123 R1(config)# R1(config)# service password-encryption R1(config)# do show run | include password enable password 7 106B11180834000A01557878 R1(config)# end R1#

Example 6.4 shows the configuration and verification of protection of privileged EXEC mode using the enable secret command. This provides stronger encryption and is the recommended method to use. This example uses type 9 encryption. When using type 9, you need to type in the encrypted password or use the algorithm-type command to hash a plaintext enable secret. Note that the verification output shows the encrypted type 9 password.

EXAMPLE 6.4 Protecting Privileged EXEC with enable secret

R1# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
R1(config)# enable ?
  algorithm-type  Algorithm to use for hashing the plaintext 'enable'
  password        Assign the privileged level password (MAX of 25
  secret          Assign the privileged level secret (MAX of 25
R1(config)# enable algorithm-type scrypt secret ? LINE The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) 'enable' secret level Set exec level password
R1(config)# enable algorithm-type scrypt secret ExamCram123 R1(config)# do sho run | include secret enable secret 9 $9$QlfhhreZrBM56f$VX4YG.yR/jHO/3gLFfTPqAw. cdraNRDSKJoEOtCrC3Q R1(config)# end R1#

After you have protected access to user EXEC mode and privileged EXEC mode by configuring passwords for them, you can further increase the level of security on the device by creating usernames. You configure usernames to limit access to CLI sessions to a networking device to specific users. This is especially important if you are configuring a device to allow first-line technical support user access. These users typically would not need to run all commands available in privileged EXEC mode. For example, suppose you want technical support staff to be able to view the configuration on a device that will help them to troubleshoot network problems without being able to modify the configuration. In this case, you can create a username, configure it with privilege level 15, and configure it to run the show running-config command automatically. When a user logs in with the username, the running configuration will be displayed automatically.

There are three ways you can configure a username on a Cisco IOS device:

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Using the command username username password password configures a plaintext password (type 0).

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Using the command username username secret password provides type 5 encryption.

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Using the command username username algorithm-type [md5 | sha256 | scrypt] secret password provides type 5, type 8, or type 9 encryption, respectively.

The last option provides the highest level of security since it allows for the highest level of password encryption (type 8 or type 9). If the final option is not supported on a network device, then the second option should be used since it provides MD5 encryption. The first option should be avoided because it configures a plaintext password.

When you enable password authentication on a line by using the password command, you need to enable password checking. You do so by using the login command. This is what allows password use on the line. Once you have an alternate connection to the device, you can test the login. It is a good idea to have an alternate connection to a device if there is a problem logging in again using the line you made the changes on. The login local command allows for username/password pairs stored locally on the router to be used for the lines. By using the command login local, you can disable any password configured on lines.

To enable username and password authentication on a line, you need to do the following configuration:

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Create the user with the username command in global configuration mode, using one of the three options listed earlier in this section.

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Use the login local command in line configuration mode.

For remote CLI sessions, you can further protect the lines by using the transport input command. This command controls what protocols are allowed to access the vty lines. This can be configured with the command transport input {all | none |telnet | ssh}. The all option allows both Telnet and SSH access; none blocks Telnet and SSH; telnet allows only Telnet; and ssh allows only SSH access. Using telnet ssh allows both Telnet and SSH access. For the most secure access, the vty lines should be limited to SSH.

Example 6.5 shows the configuration and verification of usernames. The user user1 is configured with a type 0 password, admin1 is configured with a type 9 password, tier1admin is configured with a type 9 password (scrypt in this case), and tier2admin is configured with a type 8 password (sha256 in this case). The login local command is configured under the vty lines to tell it to use the router local user account database for authentication.

In this example, take note of the configured user accounts and the password types. user1 with the type 0 password is shown in running configuration in plaintext. Privilege level 15 gives access to all commands, such as the reload command, and allows a user to make configuration changes on the device.

EXAMPLE 6.5 Configuring Usernames and Passwords

R1# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
R1(config)# username user1 password weakpassword
 WARNING: Command has been added to the configuration using a type 0
password. However, type 0 passwords will soon be deprecated. Migrate
to a supported password type
R1(config)# username admin1 privilege 15 secret admin1secret
R1(config)# username tier1admin algorithm-type scrypt secret
R1(config)# username tier2admin algorithm-type sha256 secret
R1(config)# line vty 0 4
R1(config-line)# login local
R1(config-line)# end
R1# show running-config | include username
username user1 password 0 weakpassword
username admin1 privilege 15 secret 9 $9$iVS2wE3FxvTvDv$6k.
username tier1admin secret 9 $9$bIFEJkC8eW9Xyf$vXBZD.8ZSiHTcjpNVfuMWwX
username tier2admin secret 8 $8$PLF4/9DTLkfoTf$820AEmeaZA2mNh2oNJjAYk6

Example 6.6 shows how to establish a Telnet session from R2 to R1 by using username-based authentication with the tier1admin username and type 9 password created earlier. You can see here that you can successfully connect and authenticate by using the tier1admin account.

EXAMPLE 6.6 Verifying Username-Based Authentication for vty Lines

R2# telnet
Trying ... Open
User Access Verification
Username: tier1admin Password:
! Password entered is not displayed by the router R1>
R1# R1# show line Tty Typ Tx/Rx A Modem Roty AccO AccI Uses Noise Overruns Int * 0 CTY - - - - - 0 0 0/0 - 1 AUX 9600/9600 - - - - - 0 0 0/0 - * 578 VTY - - - - - 2 0 0/0 - 579 VTY - - - - - 0 0 0/0 - 580 VTY - - - - - 0 0 0/0 - 581 VTY - - - - - 0 0 0/0 - 582 VTY - - - - - 0 0 0/0 -
Line(s) not in async mode -or- with no hardware support: 2-577 ! the * in the output of the showline command indicates that the first vty (0) is in use ! vty 0 is mapped to vty 578 automatically

Secured Access with SSH

SSH is a far more secure option than Telnet. Although Telnet is the most popular protocol used to access Cisco IOS devices, it is an insecure protocol. Its session packets are carried in plaintext, making it easy for someone to sniff and capture session information as it traverses the network. SSH provides encryption for session traffic between a device and a terminal access application. This prevents others from being able to intercept and decode the traffic.

SSH is available in two versions:

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    SSH Version 1 (SSHv1): SSHv1 should be avoided because there are some flaws in its implementation, including its weak CRC-32 integrity check.

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    SSH Version 2 (SSHv2): SSHv2 should be used when it is supported. The SSHv2 enhancement for RSA supports RSA-based public key authentication for a client and a network device. SSHv2 is not compatible with SSHv1.

Let us now take a look at the steps that are needed to set up a Cisco IOS device to run SSH:

  1. Configure a hostname for the device, using the hostname hostname command.

  2. Configure a domain name for the device, using the ip domain-name domain-name command.

  3. Generate an RSA crypto key. Generating a key pair on the IOS device automatically enables SSH. When you generate an RSA key, you are prompted to enter a modulus length. A longer modulus length takes longer to generate, but it is more secure. You generate an RSA key with the crypto key generate rsa command.

Those three steps are mandatory. After you have taken those steps, you may need to set SSH to Version 2 because it is at SSHv1 by default on some platforms. You do this with the ip ssh version 2 command. The other settings you can configure for the SSH service running on a device are the SSH timeout value and the authentication retries number. You do so with the command ip ssh timeout seconds authentication-retries number. Next, you set the transport input at the vty lines by using the transport input ssh command. Finally, also at the vty lines, you use the login local command to cause the local username and password on the router to be used for authentication.

For verification, you can use the show ip ssh command to view the version and configuration information for the SSH server. We can also use the show ssh command to show the status of the SSH server.

Example 6.7 demonstrates how to configure SSH, secure the vty lines to allow only SSH access, and verify connectivity from R2 to R1.

EXAMPLE 6.7 Configuring and Verifying vty Access with SSH

R1# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
R1(config)# username admin2 secret Cisco123
R1(config)# ip domain-name cisco.com
R1(config)# crypto key generate rsa
The name for the keys will be: R1.cisco.com
Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 4096 for
your General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may
take a few minutes.
How many bits in the modulus [512]: 2048 % Generating 2048 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable... [OK] (elapsed time was 2 seconds)
R1(config)# ip ssh version 2 R1(config)# line vty 0 4 R1(config-line)# login local R1(config-line)# transport input ssh R1(config-line)# end R1#
R2# ssh ? -c Select encryption algorithm -l Log in using this user name -m Select HMAC algorithm -o Specify options -p Connect to this port -v Specify SSH Protocol Version -vrf Specify vrf name WORD IP address or hostname of a remote system
R2# ssh -l admin2 -v 2
Password: ! Password entered is not displayed by the router

Finally, you can set a timeout for EXEC sessions that are left idle, which may pose a security risk. Under the line confirmation mode, you can use the exec-timeout minutes seconds command to set the timeout. The default setting is 10 minutes. Using exec-timeout 0 0 and no exec-timeout disables the EXEC timeout. You should not use these commands this way in a production environment.

The absolute-timeout minutes command in the line configuration mode sets the interval for closing the EXEC session after a specified time has elapsed. This session is closed even if it is being used at the time of termination. You can use the logout-warning seconds command with the absolute-timeout ­command to notify users of an impending logout. By default, the user is given 20 seconds’ notice before the session is terminated.

Example 6.8 shows how to configure EXEC and absolute timeouts and logout warning. For line con 0, a timeout value of 4 minutes is configured. For the vty lines, a value of 3 minutes and 30 seconds is configured. For the vty lines, an absolute timeout of 10 minutes is configured, with a 120-second logout warning.

EXAMPLE 6.8 Configuring EXEC and Absolute Timeouts

R1# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
R1(config)# line con 0
R1(config-line)# exec-timeout 4 0
R1(config-line)# line vty 0 4
R1(config-line)# exec-timeout 3 30
!next we configure absolute timeout and logout warning
R1(config-line)# absolute-timeout 10
!logout warning is configured in seconds
R1(config-line)# logout-warning 120
R1(config-line)# end

Privilege Levels and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Now that we have examined the various ways of securing user and privileged EXEC modes, let’s take a look at the use of privilege levels and RBAC. By default, Cisco IOS devices have three privilege levels:

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Privilege level 0: Privilege level 0 allows for the use of five commands: enable, disable, help, logout, and exit.

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Privilege level 1: Privilege level 1 is the user EXEC mode that you saw configured earlier in this chapter, in the section “Protection of Access to Cisco IOS EXEC Modes.” In this mode, it is not possible to make configuration changes.

  • What is the main security weakness associated with the service password-encryption command?
    Privilege level 15: Privilege level 15 is the privileged EXEC mode you saw configured earlier in this chapter, in Example 6.5. (It is also configured in the next example.) In this mode, all of the IOS CLI commands are available.

The commands that you can run in user EXEC mode at privilege level 1 are a subset of the commands that you can run in privileged EXEC mode at privilege 15. You can configure additional privilege levels from 2 through 14 to provide customized access control. For example, you might want to allow a group of technical support staff to configure only a specific set of interface-level commands on interfaces while preventing device-wide configuration privileges. You could configure this in global configuration mode by using the command privilege mode level level [command string]. After you create that technical support user and assign this privilege, the user will be allowed to enter the interface and execute the commands specified in the command string. You can verify the configuration with the show privilege command.

Example 6.9 shows how to set up privileges to allow a network operation staff member to do basic manipulation of an interface. This example shows how to create the user user1noc with a type 9 password and privilege level 5 configured. In this particular case, a user with the user1noc username will be allowed to shut, unshut, and assign an IP address on the interface because these are the only commands this configuration allows in privilege level 5 in interface configuration mode. A user who tries to type a command that is not allowed (such as the description command) gets the message “Invalid input detected.”

EXAMPLE 6.9 Configuring and Verifying a Username and a Privilege Level

R1# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
R1(config)# username user1noc privilege 5 algorithm-type scrypt secret
R1(config)# privilege exec level 5 configure terminal
R1(config)# privilege configure level 5 interface
R1(config)# privilege interface level 5 shutdown
R1(config)# privilege interface level 5 no shutdown
R1(config)# privilege interface level 5 ip address
R1(config)# end
R2# telnet Trying ... Open
User Access Verification
Username: user1noc Password:
R1# show privilege Current privilege level is 5 R1# R1# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/0
!The options to configure on the interface are limited R1(config-if)# ? Interface configuration commands: default Set a command to its defaults exit Exit from interface configuration mode help Description of the interactive help system ip Interface Internet Protocol config commands no Negate a command or set its defaults shutdown Shutdown the selected interface
R1(config-if)# description test ^ % Invalid input detected at '^' marker. R1(config-if)# end R1#

What is the service password

service password-encryption This command obscures all clear-text passwords in the configuration using a Vigenere cipher. You enable this feature from global configuration mode. Now a show run command no longer displays the password in humanly readable format.

Why is it not necessary to use the enable password password command?

So why don't we use the enable password command in most cases? The answer is simple: it's an outdated format that anyone can have ample opportunity to take advantage of.

Which of the following commands is used to secure privileged EXEC mode?

There are two options available, the enable password and the enable secret. Both of these commands accomplish exactly the same thing. They allow you to configure a password that the user must enter, in order to access the Privileged EXEC Mode.

Which command is used for setting all password as encrypted in switch?

With enable secret command, password is encrypted but is visible on the terminal when you type the password. To mask the password on the terminal, use the masked-secret global configuration command.