What is the problem with input flows greater than 10 to 15 L min in an infant Oxyhood quizlet?

-Flow 1/4 to 8 L/min < 2 L/min on infant
-Range 21 to 44%
-Variable Fi02
-Easy to use on adults, children, infants
-Unstable , easy to dislodge, cause dryness/bleeding, deviated septum block flow
-Stable patients, home care patients, long term patient requiring oxygen
-Difficult to insert , back flows increase back pressure, cause gagging , deviated septum block flow, air swallowing

-Low (<35%)
Fixed...air-entrainment mask, air-entrainment nebulizer, blending system, isolette/incubator (infant)
Variable...nasal cannula, nasal catheter, transtracheal catheter
-Moderate (35-60%)
Fixed...air-entrainment nebulizer, blending system, oxyhood (infant)
Variable...simple mask, air-entrainment nebulizer, tent (child)
-High (>60%)
Fixed...blending system, oxyhood (infant)
Variable... partial rebreather, nonrebreather

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- PaO2 greater or equal to 60 mm Hg:
--ventilatory depression (stop breathing) may occur rarely in spontaneously breathing patients with elevated PaCO2 (COPD)

-With FiO2 greather than .5:
--absorptions atelactasis, O2 toxicity, or depression of ciliary or leukocyte function may occur

-Premature infants, PaO2 greater than 80 mm Hg (may contribute to retinopathy of prematurity)

-In infants with certain congenital heart lesions (hypoplastic left heart syndrome):
--high PaO2 can compromise the balance btwn pulmonary & systemic blood flow

-In infants O2 flow directly at the face may stimulate alteration in respiratory pattern

-Increased FiO2 can worsen lung injury in patients with paraquat poisoning or patients receiving bleomycin

-During laser bronchoscopy or tracheostomy, minimal FiO2 should be used to avoid intratracheal ignition

-Fire hazard increased in the presence of high FiO2

-bacterial contamination can occur when nebulizer/humidifier is used (water, heat)

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