What is the process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through effective use of people and other resources?

4 funtions of managment planning, controlling, implementing, organizing
mid-manager A manager who spends most of the time on one management function or is responsible for a specific part of the company’s operations
Hawthorne effect Elton Mayo discovered what effect related to working conditions
foreign countries countries that have an advantage when it comes to production efficiency
management The process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources is
implementing The function being performed when a manager is carrying out plans and helping employees work effectively
planning Analyzing information and making decisions about what needs to be done is the management function
management requirements regularly complete all four management functions have authority over other jobs have authority over other people
supervisors People in the first (or beginning) level of management in a company
Industrial Revolution Classical management was widely accepted and implemented in businesses around this historical movement
50% projected percentage of women in the workforce in the near future
Western Europe The Industrial Revolution began in
team work a common method used by businesses to complete jobs or projects
controlling Reviewing previous financial statements is part of which management function
implementing Helping employees work effectively
organizing Dividing a large sales territory into two smaller territories and assigning managers and salespeople to the territory
planning Determining the types of raw materials to use in order to develop a high-quality product
planning, organizing, implementing, controlling A mid-manager completes which management functions
about 60% percentage of job openings require some education beyond high school
Fredrick Taylor originated the idea of paying employees using a piece rate
Hawthorne effect The response of people behaving differently when they are receiving attention
management strategy A carefully developed overall approach to leading an organization.
quality management A total commitment by everyone in an organization to improve the quality of procedures and products by reducing waste, errors, and defects
implementing Carrying out plans and helping employees to work effectively
behavioral management Management theory directed at organizational improvement through understanding employee motivation and behavior
administrative management Management theory that identifies the most effective practices for organizing and managing a business
classical management Management theory that studies the way work is organized and the procedures used to complete a job in order to increase worker productivity
manager Person who completes all four management functions on a regular basis and has authority over other jobs and people.
management science The careful, objective study of management decisions and procedures in order to improve the operation of businesses and organizations.
competition The rivalry among companies for customers

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controlling Determines to what extent the business is accomplishing the goals it set out to reach in the planning stage.
Core Values The important principles that will guide decisions and actions in the company.
ethical business practices Ensures that appropriate standards of conduct are maintained by everyone who is a part of the business and with anyone affected by the business.
formal influence Power based on a leader's position within the formal structure of an organization.
Human Relations The way people get along with each other.
Implementing The effort to direct and lead people to accomplish the planned work of the organization.
influence Enables a personal to affect the actions of others.
informal influence Power resulting from the personal characteristics of a leader rather than the formal structure of an organization.
leadership The ability to motivate individuals and groups to accomplish important goals.
management The process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources.
management style The way a manager works with and involves employees.
organizing Identifying and arranging the work and resources needed to achieve the goals that have been set.
planning Analyzing information, setting goals, and making decisions about what needs to be done.
Staffing All the activities involved in obtaining, preparing, and compensating the employees of a business.

Mrs. Harrington

Business Educator

Tri-County High School

Wolcott, IN
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Is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish the goals of an organization quizlet?

Terms in this set (26).
Management. Process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals. ... .
Planning. ... .
Organizing. ... .
Leading. ... .
Controlling. ... .
What are the 4 functions of Management? ... .
What are the 4 different levels of Managers? ... .
Top-level managers..

What is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish the goals of an organization group of answer choices?

Term Management
Definition the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals
Term organizing
Definition assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals (getting them to act usefully in an intelligent way)
Management Test Ch 1 Flashcardswww.flashcardmachine.com › management-testch1null

What is the process of working with and through others to achieve organizational objectives in a changing environment called?

Management is the process of working with and through others to effectively achieve organisational objectives by efficiently using its limited resources in the changing environment.

What is the ability to motivate individuals and groups to accomplish goals?

Management and Leadership.


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