What is the purpose of the miscellaneous type vehicle endorsement in personal auto policies quizlet?

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What is the purpose of the miscellaneous type vehicle endorsement in personal auto policies quizlet?

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Which coverages are typically provided in a boatowners policy?

Hull and collision

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Property, liability, and medical payments

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Recommended textbook solutions

What is the purpose of the miscellaneous type vehicle endorsement in personal auto policies quizlet?

Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition

10th EditionEugene F. Brigham, Joel Houston

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What is the purpose of the miscellaneous type vehicle endorsement in personal auto policies quizlet?

Mathematics with Business Applications

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What is the purpose of the miscellaneous type vehicle endorsement in personal auto policies quizlet?

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What is the purpose of the miscellaneous type vehicle endorsement in personal auto policies quizlet?

Mathematics with Business Applications

5th EditionMcGraw-Hill Education

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Bob had a Personal Auto Coverage Form with liability limits of 100/300/50. In an accident for which Bob was liable, there were BI claims in the amounts of $80,000; $105,000; $115,000; and PD claims of $20,000 and $35,000. How much will his policy pay?

A. $300,000 BI and $50,000 PD
B. $280,000 BI and $50,000 PD
C. $280,000 BI and $50,000 PD, less the insurer claim expenses
D. $300,000 BI and $50,000 PD, less the insurer claim expenses

BI = $80,000+100,000+100,000 = 280,000; P. D. = maximum of $50,000.

Liability Limits:

BI 80,000+100,000+100,000= 280,000
(Limit for property 50,000)

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Liability coverage is not provided for any insured who:
-Intentionally causes bodily injury or property damage.
-property damage to property he or she owns or is transporting.
-responsible for causing bodily injury to an employee (of that insured) during the course of employment by that insured.
-causes property damage to property rented to, used by, or in the care of that insured. An exception exists for damage to a residence or private garage
-Owns or is operating a vehicle while it's being used as public or livery conveyance (meaning it has been hired out to the general public). A vehicle used in a share-the-expense car pool is not considered a public or livery conveyance.
-Is employed or engaged in the business of selling, repairing, servicing, storing, road testing or parking motor vehicles. An exception exists if the vehicle is being used by an insured, a family member, or a partner or employee of these. For example, Mary's son is a mechanic. If he's test-driving Mary's car and crashes it, the exception to the exclusion applies - meaning he has coverage. However, if his co-worker crashes Mary's car, the exception doesn't apply because the co-worker is not related to Mary, nor is he her partner or employee.
Is using a vehicle while employed or engaging in business. However, a coverage giveback applies to private passenger autos, pickups, vans, and owned trailers used with such vehicles.
Is using a vehicle without the reasonable belief that he or she is entitled to drive it. Family members always have a reasonable belief of entitlement to drive a "your covered auto" under this coverage.

Liability coverage is not provided for the ownership, maintenance, or use of:
Vehicles that have fewer than four wheels, such as motorcycles
Vehicles designed mainly for use off public roads, such as snowmobiles or ATVs. An exception applies for off-road vehicles used by an insured in a medical emergency, "trailers," or non-owned golf carts
Vehicles owned by the insured that are not insured on this policy OR not owned by the insured but are furnished to the insured or available for the insured's regular use, such as a company car
Vehicles owned by a family member that aren't insured by this policy OR not owned but are furnished to a family member or available for the family member's regular use, such as a company car
Vehicles located inside a racing facility for the purpose of competing, practicing, or preparing for a race or speed contest

-he amounts of coverage for bodily injury and property damage are separate. Split limits are expressed using 3 separate limits: a bodily injury (BI) limit per person, a bodily injury (BI) limit per accident, and a separate limit for property damage (PD) per accident.
-If Part A of a policy is written with limits of 100/300/50, the policy will provide coverage of $100,000 per person for BI with a maximum BI aggregate limit of $300,000 per accident. Additionally the policy will provide a $50,000 limit for PD per accident.
Ex: An insured causes a car accident that leaves the driver of the other car and 2 passengers suffering injuries of $30,000 each and $15,000 in damage to the other vehicle. The insured's policy has limits of 25/50/10. Based on the limits of liability, the policy will pay $25,000 BI per person (maximum $50,000 per accident) and will only pay $10,000 in PD.

bodily injury sustained by an insured is NOT covered under the following circumstances when an insured:
Is occupying a vehicle with fewer than 4 wheels.
Is occupying a vehicle being used as a public or livery conveyance. A share-the-expense car pool is NOT public or livery conveyance.
Is occupying any vehicle that is located for use as a residence or premises - for example living in one's car or a permanently located motor home or trailer used as a residence.
Sustains bodily injury in the course of employment and workers' compensation benefits are either required or available.
Is occupying or struck by a vehicle owned by the insured that is not a "your covered auto" and is either owned by the insured OR furnished to the insured or available for the insured's regular use, such as a company car.
Is occupying or struck by a vehicle owned by a family member that is not a "your covered auto" and is either owned by a family member OR furnished to a family member or available for the family member's regular use, such as a company car.
Is using a vehicle without having a reasonable belief that he/she is entitled to drive the car.
Is using a vehicle while engaged in business; however, a coverage giveback applies to private passenger autos, pickups, vans, and owned trailers used with such vehicles. This exclusion applies to the business use of trucks and other commercial vehicles.
Injuries sustained because of, or as a result of, any type of war or nuclear hazard or action.
Injuries sustained when occupying a vehicle located inside a racing facility for the purpose of competing, practicing, or preparing for a race or speed contest.

-provides coverage on open perils basis, includes:
missiles, falling objects, fire, theft/larceny, explosion/earthquake, windstorm, hail/water/flood, VMM, riot, contact with animal, breakage of glass

-Any private passenger auto, pickup, van, or trailer not owned by, furnished, or available for the regular use of the named insured or a family member, while being used by the named insured or a family member.
-Any auto or trailer being used as a temporary substitute for the covered auto, while the covered auto is out of normal use due to: breakdown, repair, servicing, loss, destruction

changes the policy by adding a definition for "miscellaneous type vehicle," which means a motor home, motorcycle, or other similar type vehicle, ATV, dune buggy, or golf cart. In addition, to the definitions section of the policy, the endorsement amends "your covered auto" and "newly acquired auto" to include any "miscellaneous type vehicle" shown on the endorsement. The definition does not include snowmobiles.
Various exclusions under Parts A, B, and D are also amended to remove exclusions for damage to, and injuries arising out of, vehicles having fewer than 4 wheels and vehicles designed mainly for off-road use. The endorsement excludes coverage for any non-owned vehicles, other than a temporary substitute vehicle.

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