What is the relationship between human resource planning and strategic human resource management quizlet?

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Good HR managers "____" human resources planning to the strategic planning for their organizations as a whole.

Strategic formulation

in this process whether a firm has the types and numbers of people available to pursue a given strategy

Strategic implementation

when a firm has devised its strategy, the company's executives must make resource allocation decisions to implement that strategy

First step in strategic planning

establishing a mission, vision, and values for an organization


the basic purpose of the organization as well as its scope of operations

strategic vision

a statement about where the company is going and what it can become in the future; clarifies the long-term direction of the company and its strategic intent

core values

strong and enduring beliefs and principles that the company uses as a foundation for its decisions

sounding board

by serving as a _____, HRM can play a key role when it comes to formulating, vetting, and fine-tuning a firm's mission, vision, and values.

how HRM embodies the firm's mission, vision, and values?

- communicating frequently informally/formally with organization

-recruiting & hiring employees with consistent values with organization (i.e. milennials)

-translating the mission, vision, and values into specific on-the-job behaviors and job descriptions + recognizing/rewarding workers

what are the six steps of strategic planning and human resources?

1. mission, vision, and values
2. external analysis
3. internal analysis
4. strategy formulation
5. strategy implementation
6. evaluation

environmental scanning

systematic monitoring of the major external forces influencing the organization

business environment

external factors in the general environment that a firm cannot directly control but that can affect its strategy

remote environment

forces that generally affect most, if not all, firms, such as economy, technological, demographic, and legal and regulatory changes

competitive environment

consists of a firm's specific industry, including the industry's customers, rival firms, entrants, substitutes, and suppliers

what are the 5 forces of framework in a competitive environment?

suppliers, new entrants, customers, substitutes, and rival firms

core capabilities

integrated knowledge sets within an organization that distinguish it from its competitors and deliver value to customers

value creation

what the firm adds to a product or service by virtue of making it; the amt of benefits provided by the product or service once the costs of making it are subtracted

how to sustain a competitive advantage thru people?

1. Resources must be valuable
2. Resources must be rare
3. Resources must be difficult to imitate
4. Resources must be organized

cultural audits

audits of the culture and quality of work life in an organization

What are the four types of corporate cultures?

1. the clan (close knit, loyal, cohesion, family-type feel)
2. the adhorcracy (high risk, entrepreneurship)
3. the market (encourages competition, result-oriented)
4. the hierarchical (formal structure, utility-type, well-established)

values-based hiring

the process of outlining the behaviors that exemplify a firm's corporate culture and then hiring people who are a fit for them

what are the three parts of HR forecasting?

1. forecasting demand for labor
2. forecasting supply of labor
3. balancing supply & demand considerations

trend analysis

quantitative approach to forecasting labor demand based on an organizational index such as sales

management forecasts

the opinions (judgements) of supervisors, department managers, experts, or other knowledgeable about the organization's future employment needs

staffing tables

graphic representations of all organizational jobs, along with the numbers of employees currently occupying those jobs and future employment requirements

markov analysis

method for tracking the pattern of employee movements through various jobs

quality of fill

a metric designed to measure how well new hires that fill positions are performing on the job

skill inventories

files of personnel education, experiences, interests, skills, and so on that allow managers to quickly match job opening with employee, backgrounds

replacement charts

listings of current job holders and people who are potential replacements if an opening occurs

succession planning

the process of identifying, developing, and tracking key individuals for executive positions

human capital readiness

the process of evaluating the availability of critical talent in a company and comparing it to the firm's supply

SWOT analysis

a comparison of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for strategy formulation purposes


the process of looking at your practices and performance in a given area and then comparing them with those of other companies

balanced scorecard

a measurement framework that helps managers translate strategic goals into operational objectives

organizational capability

the capacity of the organization to act and change in pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage

coordination flexibility

ability to rapidity reallocate resources to new or changing needs

resource flexibility

results from having resources that can be used different wars and people who can perform different functions in different ways


process of anticipating and providing for the movement of people into, within, and out of an organization

Quality of fill

A metric designed to measure how well new hires that fill positions are performing on the job

What's the key of forecasting?

Predict the number and types of people an organization needs to meet its objectives

trend analysis

Quantitative approach to forecasting labor demand based on an organizational index such as sales

Management forecasts

Qualitative approach to forecasting in the opinions of supervisors, managers, and experts knowledgeable about the organization's future employment needs

Delphi technique

Qualitative approach to decrease subjectivity of forecasts by soliciting and summarizing the judgements d a preselected group of individuals

What techniques used to forecast the supply of employees?

- staffing table
-Markov analysis

Human capital readiness

Process of evaluating the availability of critical talent in a company and comparing it to the firms supply

What elements does growth in hr planning hinge on?

A) increased employee productivity
b) greater number of employees
C) employees developing or acquiring new skills

Functional strategy include

Vertical fit/alignment & horizontal fit/alignment

Vertical fit/alignment

Focuses on the connection between the business' objectives and the major initiatives undertaken by HR

Horizontal fit/alignment

Ensures that their HR practices are all aligned with one another internally to establish a configuration that is mutually reinforcing

Organizational capability

The capacity of the organization to act and change in pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage

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What is the relationship between human resource planning and strategic human resource management?

Human resource planning is directly linked with strategic planning and institutional policies. It is the main tool which aims to connect the organizational goals to the programs and goals of human resource.

What is the relationship between strategic management and strategic human resource management?

This can be explained as the higher the level of strategic management, the higher the level of human resource management. In an institutionalized organization, tasks and processes are based on a model not individuals and it has a set values and principles with specific organizational goals and objectives.

What is the difference between human resource planning and strategic human resource planning?

There should be a distinction made here: the HRM strategic plan is different from the HR plan. Think of the HRM strategic plan as the major objectives the organization wants to achieve, while the HR plan consists of the detailed plans to ensure the strategic plan is achieved.

What is the relationship between business planning and human resource planning?

In the business planning process, HR ensures that executive focus includes the heart and core of the business. This is its vision and values. The HR professional position aligns the business' vision and values as a solid foundation for strategy. This guarantees they are highlighted in strategy discussions!


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