What is the term for the set of Behaviours and tasks that a member of the group is expected to perform because he or she is member of the group?

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What is the term for the set of Behaviours and tasks that a member of the group is expected to perform because he or she is member of the group?

Human Resource Management

15th EditionJohn David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine

249 solutions

What is the term for the set of Behaviours and tasks that a member of the group is expected to perform because he or she is member of the group?

Human Resource Management

15th EditionJohn David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine

249 solutions

What is the term for the set of Behaviours and tasks that a member of the group is expected to perform because he or she is member of the group?

Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management

12th EditionBarry Render, Chuck Munson, Jay Heizer

1,698 solutions

What is the term for the set of Behaviours and tasks that a member of the group is expected to perform because he or she is member of the group?

Human Resource Management

15th EditionJohn David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine

249 solutions

101. Of what is worker autonomy in decision making an example?
A. Worker freedom
B. Greater worker negotiation
C. Worker empowerment
D. Increased worker power

102. To what does emotional intelligence refer?
A. How people view and understand the world.
B. How people view and understand themselves.
C. How people view and understand others.
D. How people view and understand themselves and others.

103. How does lateral communication in an organisation occur?
A. Information passes upwards.
B. Information passes downwards.
C. Information is a two-way process.
D. Information passes between different departments and functions.

104. What is the richest form of information?
A. Telephone
B. Face-to-face
C. E-mail
D. Video conference

105. How do you describe a work group that comprises workers with demarcated tasks and distant line managers?
A. Dependent
B. Independent
C. Interdependent
D. Collaborative

106. What is the term for the set of behaviours and tasks that a member of the group is expected to perform because he or she is a member of the group?
A. Group roles
B. Virtual teamwork
C. Synergy
D. Role making

107. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a team?
A. Minimal and formal knowledge sharing
B. Collective output
C. Individual and collective responsibility
D. Fluid dimension to roles and tasks

108. What is the term Tuckman uses for reaching consensus as a group?
A. Storming
B. Performing
C. Forming
D. Norming

109. According to Belbin (1981) an extroverted and enthusiastic person fits with what role?
A. Co-ordinator
B. Shaper
C. Resource investigator
D. Implementer

110. What are group norms?
A. Modes of behaviour that are acceptable to and shared by group members
B. Modes of behaviour that are shared by some members of the group
C. Modes of behaviour that challenge group values and beliefs
D. Modes of behaviour that are different of those of the other group members

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76.At the weekly managers meetings, Jamie, the advertising manager, is expected to update the memberson the company's future advertising efforts and strategies. In this case, Jamie is expected to conform tohis _____.

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AACSB: AnalyticBlooms: ApplyDifficulty: 3 HardJones - Chapter 15 #76Learning Objective: 15-03 Explain how different elements of group dynamics influence the functioning and effectiveness of groups and teams.Topic: Group Dynamics77.When managers see the need to modify the roles of members within an existing group, members ofthe group are encouraged to take on additional responsibilities. This is called _____.

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AACSB: AnalyticBlooms: RememberDifficulty: 1 EasyJones - Chapter 15 #77Learning Objective: 15-03 Explain how different elements of group dynamics influence the functioning and effectiveness of groups and teams.Topic: Group Dynamics78.The idea creation team for Universal-Smile Cards includes an artist whose job is to create and drawthe illustrations that will accompany new cards. The artist's job of creating and drawing illustrationsfor her development team is called _____.

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AACSB: AnalyticBlooms: ApplyDifficulty: 2 MediumJones - Chapter 15 #78Learning Objective: 15-03 Explain how different elements of group dynamics influence the functioning and effectiveness of groups and teams.Topic: Group Dynamics

What is term for the set of Behaviours and tasks that a member of the group is expected to perform because he or she is a member of the group?

a group norm. A group role is a set of behaviors and tasks that a member of a group is expected toperform because of his or her position in the group.

What is the term used for reaching consensus as a group?

35. Consensus simply means reaching a general agreement on an issue within a group. It could be thought of as the collective opinion of the group members reached through discussion and compromise. Defining Consensus.

What is the term Tuckman uses for reaching consensus as a group storming performing forming norming?

Bruce Tuckman refined his theory in 1975 and added a fifth stage to the 'Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing' model: Adjourning. This is also referred to as Deforming and Mourning.

What is the cumulative energy of team called?

Explanation: The cumulative action of a team in which an individual member keeps aside his/her interests and opinions to fulfill the objectives or goal of the group is known as teamwork. An empowered team showing teamwork is the characteristic of a successful organization.