What is the term used to describe unwanted software that installs along with downloaded software?

This page provides an overview of the most common malware applications. For specific steps you can take to protect against malware, see our Protect Against Viruses & Security Threats pages.

What is Malware?

Malware is a catch-all term for various malicious software, including viruses, adware, spyware, browser hijacking software, and fake security software.

Once installed on your computer, these programs can seriously affect your privacy and your computer's security. For example, malware is known for relaying personal information to advertisers and other third parties without user consent. Some programs are also known for containing worms and viruses that cause a great deal of computer damage.

Types of Malware

  • Viruses which are the most commonly-known form of malware and potentially the most destructive. They can do anything from erasing the data on your computer to hijacking your computer to attack other systems, send spam, or host and share illegal content.
  • Spyware collects your personal information and passes it on to interested third parties without your knowledge or consent. Spyware is also known for installing Trojan viruses.
  • Adware displays pop-up advertisements when you are online.
  • Fake security software poses as legitimate software to trick you into opening your system to further infection, providing personal information, or paying for unnecessary or even damaging "clean ups".
  • Browser hijacking software changes your browser settings (such as your home page and toolbars), displays pop-up ads and creates new desktop shortcuts. It can also relay your personal preferences to interested third parties.

Facts about Malware

Malware is often bundled with other software and may be installed without your knowledge.
For instance, AOL Instant Messenger comes with WildTangent, a documented malware program. Some peer-to-peer (P2P) applications, such as KaZaA, Gnutella, and LimeWire also bundle spyware and adware. While End User License Agreements (EULA) usually include information about additional programs, some malware is automatically installed, without notification or user consent.

Malware is very difficult to remove.
Malware programs can seldom be uninstalled by conventional means. In addition, they ‘hide’ in unexpected places on your computer (e.g., hidden folders or system files), making their removal complicated and time-consuming. In some cases, you may have to reinstall your operating system to get rid of the infection completely.

Malware threatens your privacy.
Malware programs are known for gathering personal information and relaying it to advertisers and other third parties. The information most typically collected includes your browsing and shopping habits, your computer's IP address, or your identification information.

Malware threatens your computer’s security.
Some types of malware contain files commonly identified as Trojan viruses. Others leave your computer vulnerable to viruses. Regardless of type, malware is notorious for being at the root, whether directly or indirectly, of virus infection, causing conflicts with legitimate software and compromising the security of any operating system, Windows or Macintosh.

How do I know if I have Malware on my computer?

Common symptoms include:

Browser crashes & instabilities

  • Browser closes unexpectedly or stops responding.
  • The home page changes to a different website and cannot be reset.
  • New toolbars are added to the browser.
  • Clicking a link does not work or you are redirected to an unrelated website.

Poor system performance

  • Internet connection stops unexpectedly.
  • Computer stops responding or takes longer to start.
  • Applications do not open or are blocked from downloading updates (especially security programs).
  • New icons are added to desktop or suspicious programs are installed.
  • Certain system settings or configuration options become unavailable.


  • Ads pop up even when the browser is not open.
  • Browser opens automatically to display ads.
  • New pages open in browser to display ads.
  • Search results pages display only ads.


Software that is created specifically to help detect, prevent and remove malware (malicious software).

Antivirus is a kind of software used to prevent, scan, detect and delete viruses from a computer. Once installed, most antivirus software runs automatically in the background to provide real-time protection against virus attacks.

Comprehensive virus protection programs help protect your files and hardware from malware such as worms, Trojan horses and spyware, and may also offer additional protection such as customizable firewalls and website blocking.

Common types of cyber threats

As the Internet of Things (IoT) grows, so does the risk of cybercrime for mobile phones and other internet-connected devices, not just your personal computer. According to Symantec’s Internet Security Threat Report 2018, malware for mobile devices including spyware, ransomware and viruses increased 54% in 2017; and data breaches and identity theft are also on the rise.

What is malware?

Malware, short for “malicious software,” is a blanket term that refers to a wide variety of software programs designed to do damage or do other unwanted actions to a computer, server or computer network Common examples include viruses, spyware and trojan horses. Malware can slow down or crash your device or delete files. Criminals often use malware to send spam, obtain personal and financial information and even steal your identity.

What is spyware?

Spyware is a type of malware that attaches itself and hides on a computer’s operating system without your permission to make unwanted changes to your user experience. It can be used to spy on your online activity and may generate unwanted advertisements or make your browser display certain website sites or search results.

What is phishing?

Phishing attacks use email or fraudulent websites to try to trick you into providing personal or financial information to compromise an account or steal money by posing as a trustworthy entity. They may claim there’s a problem with payment information or that they’ve noticed activity on an account and ask you to click on a link or attachment and provide personal information.

Antivirus programs and computer protection software

Antivirus programs and computer protection software are designed to evaluate data such as web pages, files, software and applications to help find and eradicate malware as quickly as possible.

Most provide real-time protection, which can protect your devices from incoming threats; scan your entire computer regularly for known threats and provide automatic updates; and identify, block and delete malicious codes and software.

Because so many activities are now conducted online and new threats emerge continuously, it’s more important than ever to install a protective antivirus program. Fortunately, there are a number of excellent products on the market today to choose from.

What is the term used to describe unwanted software that installs along with downloaded software?

How does antivirus work?

Antivirus software begins operating by checking your computer programs and files against a database of known types of malware. Since new viruses are constantly created and distributed by hackers, it will also scan computers for the possibility of new or unknown type of malware threats.

Typically, most programs will use three different detection devices: specific detection, which identifies known malware; generic detection, which looks for known parts or types of malware or patterns that are related by a common codebase; and heuristic detection, which scans for unknown viruses by identifying known suspicious file structures. When the program finds a file that contains a virus, it will usually quarantine it and/or mark it for deletion, making it inaccessible and removing the risk to your device.

What is the term used to describe unwanted software that installs along with downloaded software?

Comprehensive protection for your computer and devices

With so many internet-connected devices in the home today, technology has made everyday living more convenient—but also riskier. To help protect your devices, Verizon offers TechSure, which includes a combination of anti-virus software, 24/7 tech support for Verizon services and hardware; identity theft protection, password management; and repair insurance for damaged and broken devices.

Verizon Fios and High Speed Internet customers can add TechSure to their plans by logging into their My Verizon account or through the My Fios App.



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