What made the settlement of Oklahoma territory different from that of other territories quizlet?

With which country did the United states jointly occupy oregon territory in the early nineteenth century?

Great Britain

Great Britain

Which statement best describes the concept of manifest destiny as it was understood in the 19th century?

Americans had a divine obligation to spread their culture westward.

Americans had a divine right to possess the world's greatest empire.

Americans had a divine duty to distinguish themselves from Europe.

Americans had a divine obligation to spread their culture westward

The first published information about the western frontier included information collected from the efforts of which group of people?

Mexican migrants
fur traders and trappers
early British and French explorers

Fur traders and trappers

Which U.S. president ran on a platform promoting western expansion?

Franklin Pierce
James K. Polk
Zachary Taylor

James K. Polk

How did congressional republicans encourage westward expansion in the late 19th century?

by offering direct financial aid to settlers
by passing more lenient immigration laws
by subsidizing businesses that helped settlers

by subsidizing businesses that helped settlers

In the late nineteenth century, what did congressional Republicans believe would be the best method for encouraging westward expansion:

subsidizing businesses that would offer services to assist Western settlers
You Answered

making immigration laws more lenient for those willing to settle in the West

offering aid payments directly to Western settlers who had already relocated

subsidizing businesses that would offer services to assist Western settlers

What was the cause of the legal conflicts that arose between Mexican and European-American landowners in the late 1880s?

disputes concerning how the land should be used
disputes concerning what constituted land ownership
disputes concerning how to deal with the native peoples

disputes concerning what constituted land ownership

How did General William T. Sherman believe the Native Americans of the Western frontier should be dealt with?

They should be required to learn the ways of white society.
They should be allowed to remain on their territorial lands.
They should be forced to relocate outside of the U.S. borders.

They should be required to learn the ways of white society

According to General William T. Sherman, what was the best answer to the "Indian question"?

-removing the Native Americans of the Western frontier to areas outside of U.S. territory

-assimilating the Native Americans into modern American life through education and cultural transition

-granting the Native Americans land and allowing them to remain as long as they were peaceful towards the settlers

assimilating the Native Americans into modern American life through education and cultural transition

How was the settlement of Oklahoma Territory different from that of other Western territories?

It involved the reappropriation of Indian land.
It included a number of European immigrants.
It was settled by more businesses than individuals.

It involved the reappropriation of Indian land

Which of the following was true concerning the settlement of Oklahoma Territory?

-It drew a record number of German and Scandinavian settlers.

-Unoccupied Indian land was taken to grant settlers homesteads.

-Most of the settlers had business and not personal interests in mind.

Unoccupied Indian land was taken to grant settlers homesteads

What made the settlement of Oklahoma Territory different from that of other territories?

the influence of big industries
the number of immigrant settlers
the presence of Native Americans

the presence of Native Americans

Who were the first immigrant group to make an impact on the culture and society of the western United States?



Why did settlers to the west find it necessary to ask the government for economic assistance?

-They were met with worse weather and less rainfall than they had been led to expect.
You Answered
-Most of the crops they grew yielded lower prices than they had cost the farmers to grow.
-Native Americans who disputed their ownership of the land had destroyed many of their farms.

They were met with worse weather and less rainfall than they had been led to expect

What did the Homestead Act do?

-It granted free land to people willing to settle the West.
-It gave settlers in Western territories a voice in government.
-It helped farmers in the west obtain loans to support their farms.

It granted free land to people willing to settle the West.

How did the development of railroads impact the cattle industry?

It fostered competition between ranchers and farmers.
It opened a large market for beef throughout the country.
It disturbed the grazing lands traditionally used by ranchers.

It opened a large market for beef throughout the country.

Most of the immigrants who worked on the farms and orchards of California came from which country?



In the late 1800s, why did many Americans view Chinese immigrants more negatively than they did immigrants from Europe?

-Chinese culture was viewed as strange compared to European cultures.
-Chinese workers took American jobs by agreeing to work for lower wages.
-Chinese immigrants came in much larger numbers and caused overcrowding.

Chinese workers took American jobs by agreeing to work for lower wages

Why did Chinese immigrants have more difficulty asserting their rights than immigrants from Europe?

-They were not allowed to become U.S. citizens.
-They were required to live in U.S. territories and not states.
-They were forced to leave their families behind when they immigrated.

They were not allowed to become U.S. citizens

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 did which of the following?

-It required most Chinese immigrants to return to China.
-It prohibited most immigration from China to the United States.

It prohibited most immigration from China to the United States

What disagreement led to legal conflicts between the Mexican and European-American landowners in the 1880s?

The Mexican-Americans wanted to use the land for farming rather than industry.

The Mexican-Americans thought the land should be shared with the native people.

The Mexican-Americans believed that land should be inherited rather than bought.

The Mexican-Americans believed that land should be inherited rather than bought.

The United States' first large business bureaucracies began within which industry?

the textile industry

the railroad industry

the ranching industry

The railroad industry

The Second Industrial Revolution that followed the Civil War was characterized by which of the following?

-rampant consumerism
-mass production of goods
-a consumer-driven economy

Mass production of goods

After Reconstruction ended, what most encouraged foreign investment in U.S. industries?

the efficiency and friendliness of the U.S. patent system

the constant expansion of the U.S. transportation network

the presence of a well-structured system of organized labor

The efficiency and friendliness of the U.S. patent system

Which U.S. region's natural resources made it a key area for the production of iron and steel in the late 1800s?

the South

the Midwest

New England

The midwest

The boom in iron and steel production gave which U.S. industry the greatest rate of growth after the Civil War?


heavy machinery

textile manufacturing

Heavy machinery

What was an immediate result of the widespread use of the Bessemer converter in the U.S. steel industry?

The price of steel plummeted, allowing for more metal goods to be made.

A demand for higher-skilled professionals in the steel industry was created.

Labor needs were reduced, causing unemployment and anger among workers.

The price of steel plummeted, allowing for more metal goods to be made

Which event was most crucial in steam becoming the leading energy source in the United States by the year 1900?

a series of large-scale strikes by coal miners

the discovery and opening of large coal deposits

the building of new dams across major rivers in the West

The discovery and opening of large coal deposits

Which of the following resulted from the opening of large coal deposits in the United States in the late 1800s?

A major steel workers' strike led to a labor shortage.

Americans began to move to and build houses in rural areas.

Steam replaced water as the nation's leading source of energy.

Steam replaced water as the nation's leading source of energy

What did the method of manufacturing known as the American system rely upon?

the division of labor

the use of the production line

the making of interchangeable parts

Making of interchangeable parts

In what way did the use of new types of machinery negatively impact industry in the United States?

Machines were expensive to purchase and install, leading to unexpected expenses and debt.

Machines did the work of many workers, decreasing labor needs and leading to unemployment.

Machines were often operated by workers who did not know how to use them, leading to more injuries.

Machines did the work of many workers, decreasing labor needs and leading to unemployment.

What impact did the establishment of national parks such as Yosemite and Yellowstone have on the American railroad industry?

The construction of new railroads was stalled in order to plan new routes around the parks.

Potential tourists from eastern states showed an increased interest in rail travel to visit the parks.

Railroad executives were forced to lobby Congress in order to protect their interests against the parks.

Potential tourists from eastern states showed an increased interest in rail travel to visit the parks.

What was the most common reason immigrants came to the United States at the turn of the twentieth century?

religious and political freedom

greater economic opportunities

to escape from famine or plague

Greater economic opportunities

Religious persecution led to the increased immigration of what nationality of people beginning in the 1880s?





How did ethnic niche communities in major cities help new immigrants?

by fighting for their legal rights

by assisting them in finding employment

by helping them assimilate into American culture

By assisting them in finding employment

The Pure Food and Drug Act was passed, which "muckraking" journalist published their investigations of Chicago's stockyards?

Jacob Riis

Upton Sinclair

Ida Tarbell

Upton Sinclair

Which book documented the poverty resulting from urbanization in late nineteenth-century New York?

The Jungle

The Shame of the Cities

How the Other Half Lives

How the other half lives

What characterized the era known as the Gilded Age?

great economic diversity

sweeping economic changes

unequaled economic prosperity

Sweeping economic changes

Why was the period towards the end of the nineteenth century known as the Gilded Age?

It was characterized by pretense and fraud.

It was a time when most American prospered financially.

It was the period in which the United States adopted the gold standard.

It was characterized by pretense and fraud

What is the era towards the end of the nineteenth century, characterized by great transformation, commonly called today?

the Gilded Age


the Age of Reason


Why did the Republican Party lose political dominance in the 1870s and 1880s?

-Several third parties that opposed Republican policies were formed.
-Republicans were criticized for granting government assistance to settlers.
-Americans were disappointed by the failure of Reconstruction-era policies.

Americans were disappointed by the failure of Reconstruction-era policies.

What was an unintended result of the failure of Reconstruction-era policies?

The Republican Party lost its political dominance.

Settlers in the Western territories suffered economically.

Railroads and telegraphs were transferred into public ownership.

The Republican Party lost its political dominance.

Farmers and laborers who were displeased with the actions of the Republicans and Democrats in the 1890s formed which party as a response?

the Populist Party

the Greenback Party

the Prohibitionist Party

The populist

Which position did the Republicans of the nineteenth century but not the Democrats support?

A non-interventionist, laissez-faire economic policy should be followed.

Government should play a major role in the lives of the American people.
You Answered

Utilities such as railroads and telegraph lines should be publically owned.

Government should play a role in the lives of the American people

Which position did the Democrats of the nineteenth century but not the Republicans support?

A non-interventionist, laissez-faire economic policy should be followed.

Government should play a major role in the lives of the American people.

Utilities such as railroads and telegraph lines should be publically owned.

A non-interventionist, laissez-faire economic policy should be followed

The Populist Party's demands for reform included which of the following?

more direct elections

freer immigration policies

the elimination of the income tax

More direct elections

What position did the Populist Party support?

Congressmen should be appointed by governors instead of directly elected.

The federal income tax should be eliminated in favor of local and sales taxes.

The government should own all railroads and telephone and telegraph lines

The government should own all railroads and telephone and telegraph lines

Which of the following was most responsible for the economic difficulties in the 1890s?

perceived instability of the U.S. currency

over-speculation in the American stock market

droughts and dust storms in the Western territories

Perceived instability of the U.S. currency

What was most responsible for causing the Depression of 1893?

People invested more in the stock market than they could afford to.

The use of silver for coinage made foreign investors wary about the U.S. currency.

A series of droughts and dust storms threatened agriculture in the new territories.

The use of silver for coinage made foreign investors wary about the U.S. currency.

Which Populist positions did the Democrats and Republicans adopt after the election of 1896?

the direct election of senators

the elimination of the income tax

the government regulation of industry

the direct election of senators

In the late nineteenth century, how did business owners typically respond to periods of economic stagnation?

by increasing workers' hours and responsibilities while cutting wages

by seeking new methods for production while producing similar goods

by reducing the quality of goods produced while maintaining their quantity

by increasing workers' hours and responsibilities while cutting wages

How did American workers most often protest unfair labor conditions before the onset of labor unions?

by using violence

by organizing strikes

by performing poor work

by performing poor work

What led some businesses in the early twentieth century to accept unions rather than resist them?

-The most qualified workers were union members who would only work for "closed shops."
-They hoped that accepting unions would be an effective way to prevent strikes and other labor problems.
-The elected leaders of unions were usually more conducive to the businesses' interests than their workers.

They hoped that accepting unions would be an effective way to prevent strikes and other labor problems.

The Populist Party supported doing which of the following?

the coinage of gold for U.S. currency
implementing a graduated income tax
appointing congressmen on the state level

implementing a graduated income tax

Frederick Winslow Taylor's management system was designed to make industry more efficient by doing which of the following?

increasing the productivity of workers
increasing the quality of goods produced
decreasing the production time for goods

Increasing the productivity of workers

Which of the following had the greatest effect on changing the role of middle-class women in U.S. society during the Second Industrial Revolution?

Women assumed a more active role in the economy as consumers.
Women were actively involved in reform movements to help laborers.
Women began to perform the same work as men in factories and on farms.

Women were actively involved in reform movements to help laborers.

During the Second Industrial Revolution, what changed the social role of middle-class women in the United States the most?

their status as chief consumers in the family economy
their frequent holding of positions previously restricted to men
their active involvement and leadership in labor reform movements

their active involvement and leadership in labor reform movements

What was among labor unions' successes in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

outlawing child labor
ending violent protest
securing minimum wages

Securing minimum wages

Which of the following is an example of a positive U.S. government response to unions in their earliest stages?

the formation of the U.S. Department of Labor
the reaction to the Homestead and Pullman strikes
the Supreme Court ruling in favor of "closed shops"

the formation of the U.S. Department of Labor

Urbanization in American cities in the early twentieth century was a direct cause of which of the following?

Jobs in cities became more difficult to find.
Clean water became scarce and inaccessible.
The government posed regulations on industry.

Clean water became scarce and inaccessible.

Reformers of the "city beautiful" movement who pushed for environmental remedies for urban problems advocated which of the following?

building taller skyscrapers
expanding public transportation
designating more land for city parks

designating more land for city parks

Which "muckraking" journalist advocated the reforms that led to the Pure Food and Drug Act?

Jacob Riis
Upton Sinclair
Ida Tarbell

Upton SInclair

Which of the following acts represented the first significant legislative reform of the twentieth century?

the Federal Farm Loan Act
the Federal Meat inspection Act
the Federal Trade Commission Act

the Federal Meat inspection Act

Which idea most influenced the Progressives of the early twentieth century intellectually?



How did some Progressives of the early twentieth century justify segregation and exclusion of African-Americans from the democratic process?

by citing scientific theories concerning race
by comparing past and present racial situations
by supporting groups that promoted racial justice

by citing scientific theories concerning race

The Nineteenth Amendment did which of the following?

allowed for a federal income tax
granted women the right to vote
prohibited the distribution of alcohol

Granted women the right to vote

Which of the following reform movements' advocates were mostly women?

trade unionism


During the Progressive Era, what did reformers view as the most negative consequence of child labor?

risk of injury or sickness to working children
lack of education received by working children
social difficulties of families with working children

lack of education received by working children

What Progressive reform was most successful in reducing the prevalence of child labor in the United States in the early 1900s?

the law mandating compulsory school attendance for children
the law preventing children from holding certain types of jobs
the law limiting the number of hours a week a child could work

the law mandating compulsory school attendance for children

The prohibition of alcohol in the United States resulted in what unforeseen consequence?

Organized crime grew and made enforcing the legislation difficult.
The government attempted to legislate other types of moral reform.
The legislation was challenged and later found to be unconstitutional.

Organized crime grew and made enforcing the legislation difficult.

Which U.S. President of the Progressive Era was most involved in conservationism?

Theodore Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson

Theodore Roosevelt

Some of the reformers of the Progressive Era sought to limit democracy by doing which of the following?

extending voting rights to women
promoting the advertising industry
demanding government regulations

demanding government regulations

Which reform advocate was most responsible for establishing the social work profession in the United States?

Jane Addams
John Dewey
Lincoln Steffens

Jane Addams

In the 1890s, which state was among the first to grant women suffrage?

New Hampshire


In which part of the country were the first states to grant women suffrage?

the East
the South
the West

The West

In order to fund irrigation projects in arid regions of the western United States, which federal law was passed in 1902?

the Aldrich-Vreeland Act
the Inland Waterways Act
the National Reclamations Act

the National Reclamations Act

What was the goal of the Niagara Movement founded in 1906 by W.E.B. DuBois?

to end segregation of the races
to give every child an education
to stop the spread of urban poverty

to end segregation of the races

What party did former President Theodore Roosevelt found after leaving the Republican Party?

the Labor Party
the Progressive Party
the Conservation Party

the Progressive Party

After leaving the Republican Party, Theodore Roosevelt ran for a third term as a candidate for what party?

the Labor Party
the Progressive Party
the Conservation Party

the Progressive Party

Which legislation was among the earliest of the Progressive Era that regulated public control of the environment?

the Adamson Act
the Elkins Act
the Raker Act

the Raker Act

Which event was most responsible for causing the Spanish American War?

the U.S. invasion of Cuba
the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine
the interception of the Zimmerman Telegram

the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine

The Roosevelt Corollary asserted which of the following?

the right to intervene in Latin American conflicts
the right to limit immigration from certain countries
the right to protect American industry from potential threats

the right to intervene in Latin American conflicts

How did the Roosevelt administration react to Colombia's refusal to allow the construction of a canal across the Isthmus of Panama?

by offering to invest in Colombia's major industries
by invading Colombia and holding its cities under siege
by aiding Panama in declaring independence from Colombia

by aiding Panama in declaring independence from Colombia

What was one factor that established the United States as a world power in the early 1900s?

The United States built a military that rivaled any other.
The United States began building a colonial empire overseas.
The United States evolved from a creditor nation to a debtor nation.

The United States began building a colonial empire overseas.

In the early 1900s, what was most important in the establishment of the United States as a major global power?

its military
its debtor status
its overseas empire

its overseas empire

Which of the following drove the American people to support U.S. imperialism in its earliest stages?



From a moral perspective, how was U.S. imperialism justified in the early twentieth century?

Americans felt that they were spiritually helping the conquered people.
Americans helped the conquered people by building schools and hospitals.
Americans believed that the conquered people wanted to adapt their way of life.

Americans felt that they were spiritually helping the conquered people.

Why did many Americans believe that the nation's imperial subjects should not be conferred American citizenship?

They believed they were racially or culturally inferior to Americans.
They believed granting them citizenship would encourage them to rebel.
They believed citizenship was something they needed to earn with loyalty.

They believed they were racially or culturally inferior to Americans.

The United States established the Open Door Policy to allow all other nations to trade with which country?

the Philippines


Which colony was the first to be annexed by the United States?



In 1895, which country experienced a border dispute that nearly resulted in war between the United States and Great Britain?



What was demonstrated by Grover Cleveland's response to the boundary dispute between British Guyana and Venezuela?

The United States had to strengthen its military.
The United States had become a dominant world power.
The United States needed a consistent diplomatic policy.

The United States needed a consistent diplomatic policy.

What evidence supports the idea that the policy of isolationism followed by the United States did not economically benefit the nation?

the allies of the United States demanded a stronger trade relationship
the war created a need for goods that could not be produced domestically
the United States was producing more goods than it could sell domestically

the United States was producing more goods than it could sell domestically

Which Congressional leader urged the United States to invade Cuba on moral grounds in supporting their cause for freedom?

Albert Beveridge
Henry Cabot Lodge
Alfred Thayer Mahan

Henry Cabot Lodge

What was the primary motivator for U.S. intervention in Central America in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

economic gain
missionary zeal
colonial competition

Economic gain

How was U.S. expansion in the Philippines different from that in Central America?

Spain was conceded the Philippines to the U.S. without any conflict.
Americans regarded the Filipino people as far inferior to themselves.
The Philippines did not have the natural resources of Central America.

Spain was conceded the Philippines to the U.S. without any conflict.

Why did the members of the Anti-Imperialist League oppose the annexation of the Philippines?

-They felt that American efforts should be spent solving domestic problems rather than expanding overseas.
-They felt that further U.S. expansion would anger the European colonial powers and cause international conflict.
-They felt that annexing the Philippines might lead to Filipinos immigrating to the United States in large numbers.

They felt that American efforts should be spent solving domestic problems rather than expanding overseas.

The policy of "dollar diplomacy" employed during William Howard Taft's presidency involved which of the following?

making loans to foreign countries
sending direct aid to foreign countries
investing in bonds in foreign countries

making loans to foreign countries

Which of the following may have made the Kellogg-Briand Pact more successful in preventing future conflicts after World War I?

if more major powers had agreed to sign it
if it had specified sanctions for nations that broke it
if its language was more clear and easily interpreted

if it had specified sanctions for nations that broke it

What was a result of the immigration laws passed in the United States after World War I?

New railroad construction came to a permanent halt.
Foreign investment in U.S. industries rose considerably.
Mexican immigrants began to migrate to northern cities.

Mexican immigrants began to migrate to northern cities.

The Palmer Raids were targeted towards which group of people?



What was one cause of the United States' involvement in World War I?

the Bolshevik Revolution
the sinking of the Lusitania
the assassination of Francis Ferdinand

the sinking of the Lusitania

Which of the following was an indirect outcome of the United States' entering World War I?

Law prohibited the production and sale of alcohol.
Women were granted the constitutional right to vote.
Southern African-Americans migrated to northern cities

Southern African-Americans migrated to northern cities.

What evidence supports the idea that the U.S. government developed a different relationship with business and industry during World War I?

American businesses had many executives within the ranks of government.
American businesses were given tax breaks for service to government programs.
American businesses stepped in to directly finance the war for the nation's allies.

American businesses were given tax breaks for service to government programs.

Which statement best describes Woodrow Wilson's approach at the beginning of World War I?

He believed that the U.S. should support its allies financially but not militarily.
He believed that victory would only result from centralized planning in industry.
He believed that all citizens should be willing to make sacrifices for the war effort.

He believed that victory would only result from centralized planning in industry.

How did World War I change the role of government in the United States?

It redefined the role played by the American citizen in their government.
It forged a greater relationship between the government and private industry.
It gave the government greater control in allowing and enforcing civil liberties.

It forged a greater relationship between the government and private industry.

The government's changing role in the United States during World War I was evident in the establishment of which agency?

the Farm Credit System
the Federal Reserve System
the United Railway Administration

the United Railway Administration

For what reason did most of the opponents of the League of Nations believe that the United States should not join it?

It would increase U.S. involvement in its allies' affairs.
It intended to aggressively force other countries to join.
It was a weak organization that was likely to be unsuccessful.

It would increase U.S. involvement in its allies' affairs.

What was one reason why the United States did not economically suffer after World War I in the same way that its allies did?

The United States had no major battles or attacks on its own soil.
The United States did not enter the war until three years after it began.
The United States was able to maintain trade relations with its former enemies.

The United States had no major battles or attacks on its own soil.

Which of the following events was not used to justify the United States' entry into World War I in 1917?

the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
the Germans' sinking of the Lusitania
the interception of the Zimmermann telegram

the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

What statement gives the best evidence for how the automobile changed American life in its earliest stages?

It reduced the need for public transportation.
It provided jobs that boosted urban populations.
It allowed workers to commute from long distances.

It reduced the need for public transportation

For what reason did advertising become more common in American media in the 1920s?

More companies were competing to produce the same goods.
Higher literacy rates meant more magazines were being sold.
Goods were being mass-produced on levels never seen before.

Higher literacy rates meant more magazines were being sold

How did the advertisers of the early twentieth century use psychology to sell products?

by convincing people that they needed certain goods
by creating new social ideals that did not exist before
by supporting both political reform and consumerism

By convincing people that they needed certain goods

Which technology of the 1920s had the greatest influence on American ideas and attitudes?

the automobile
motion pictures
radio-telephone service

motion pictures

Which cities experienced the greatest population increase due to the growth in popularity of the automobile?

New York and Chicago
Detroit and Los Angeles
Philadelphia and Houston

Detroit and Los Angeles

In the 1920s, the populations of American metropolitan areas grew as a result of the construction of which of the following?

subway systems
water mains and sewers


After radios became common in American homes, which of the following broadcasts had the greatest effect on the nation's culture?

sports events


The Johnson-Reed Act virtually banned all Asian immigration to the United States for what reason?

Asians were viewed as political enemies to the United States.
It was believed that Asians could not assimilate into American culture
The war had generated a large amount of racial prejudice against non-whites.

It was believed that Asians could not assimilate into American culture.

The Johnson-Reed Act most severely limited immigration from which country?



Which foreign country experienced an economic crisis in the 1920s that gravely affected the U.S. economy?



The Great Depression in the United States was preceded by an economic crisis in which other country?



What circumstances differentiate the Great Depression from previous economic downturns in U.S. history?

Historians are uncertain about the Great Depression's chief cause.
The Great Depression began overseas and spread to the United States.
More Americans were living in urban areas during the Great Depression.

More Americans were living in urban areas during the Great Depression.

In what way was the economic prosperity that preceded the Great Depression largely superficial?

Raw material prices prevented most industries from turning a profit.
The majority of Americans possessed only a fraction of the nation's wealth.
Many companies' stock prices faltered before the Great Depression began.

The majority of Americans possessed only a fraction of the nation's wealth.

Which of the Federal Reserve Board's actions contributed to the factors that caused the Great Depression?

It forbade investment in foreign countries.
It tightened credit in order to avoid inflation.
It lowered interest rates on government bonds.

It tightened credit in order to avoid inflation.

When the Great Depression first began, what did Herbert Hoover propose as an economic solution?

cutting taxes
closing banks
subsidizing industries

Cutting Taxes

Which of the following was a cause of the Great Depression and not an effect?

bank failures
lack of regulation
high unemployment

lack of regulation

Which of the following was an effect of the Great Depression and not a cause?

lack of regulation
high unemployment

High unemployment

Which form of mass media experienced a great growth in popularity during the Great Depression?

motion pictures

Motion Pictures

How did Franklin D. Roosevelt use the mass media to appeal to Americans during the Great Depression?

by filming speeches that were shown before films
by giving addresses that were played over the radio
by writing a syndicated column for American newspapers

by giving addresses that were played over the radio

The political outlook on environmentalism changed in the 1980s after which of the following events?

the Centralia mine fire
the Chernobyl disaster
the Exxon Valdez oil spill

the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

What was The Moral Majority's primary goal when it was founded in 1979?

encouraging Judeo-Christian values
improving education in the United States
providing a political voice for conservatives

encouraging Judeo-Christian values

President Jimmy Carter helped negotiate the Camp David Accords between which two rival nations?

Egypt and Israel
El Salvador and Nicaragua
Iran and Iraq

Egypt and Israel

Why did some people consider the Korean and Vietnam Wars to be illegitimate?

They were begun without any organized plan of action.
They did not involve a formal declaration of war by Congress.
They involved the conscription of unwilling American citizens.

They did not involve a formal declaration of war by Congress.

For which of the following purposes was the organization Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) founded?

to call for peace during the Cold War
to encourage wider political involvement
to urge students to support Republican candidates

to encourage wider political involvement

In the 1960s, what was Betty Friedan most noted for doing?

promoting strong and traditional family values
encouraging people to rethink the roles of women
providing a female voice in the civil rights movement

encouraging people to re think the roles of women

What cause was Cesar Chavez a leading activist for in the 1970s?

voting rights
student activism
the labor movement

the labor movement

After being elected, what was President Nixon's first action toward the Vietnam War?

to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from combat in Vietnam
to immediately negotiate a treaty with Vietnamese leaders
to expand the draft in order to increase U.S. presence in Vietnam

to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from combat in Vietnam

What was the long-term impact of the Watergate scandal on the U.S. government?

It strengthened the system of checks and balances.
It weakened the executive privilege of the president.
It established the order of succession to the presidency.

It weakened the executive privilege of the president

Which individual is considered to be the founder of the modern American conservative movement?

Jerry Falwell
Barry Goldwater
Richard Nixon

Barry Goldwater

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 led to which of the following unintended consequences?

More people began entering the United States illegally.
Many employers moved operations to countries overseas.
Fewer people immigrated to the United States from Europe.

More people began entering the United States illegally.

Martin Luther King, Jr. would most likely have condoned which type of protest?

the use of the legal system to challenge the government's actions
allowing oneself to be arrested instead of following unjust laws
committing acts of violence while being careful not to hurt anyone

allowing oneself to be arrested instead of following unjust laws

The U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education invalidated which previous Supreme Court ruling?

Breedlove v. Suttles
Plessy v. Ferguson
Powell v. Alabama

Plessy v. Ferguson

In what city was the high school where the U.S. Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education first challenged in 1957?

Little Rock, Arkansas
Oxford, Mississippi
Topeka, Kansas

Little Rock, Arkansas

Which movement in American literature challenged the standards and values of traditional American culture after World War II?

the Beat Generation
the Harlem Renaissance
the Sagebrush School

the Beat Generation

The Civil Rights Act that outlawed literacy tests and other obstructions to voting rights was passed in which year?



The 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion was an attempt by the United States to do which of the following?

overthrow the communist government of Cuba
protect Cuba from an invasion by the Soviet Union
stop drug trafficking from Cuba to the United States

overthrow the communist government of Cuba

Which of the following descriptions of Nikita Khrushchev best exemplifies how he differed from his predecessor Joseph Stalin?

He had the goal of expanding the Soviet Union's borders into Alaska.
He tried to forge an alliance between the United States and Soviet Union.
He sought a peaceful coexistence with the United States and other nations.

He sought a peaceful coexistence with the United States and other nations.

What was the central intention of President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society?

defending U.S. military interests
boosting the economy from within
ending poverty and discrimination

ending poverty and discrimination

Which of the following was true concerning the settlement of Oklahoma territory?

HIS 109 Final "Westward Expansion" 1840-1900.

Which answer best describes the concept of Manifest Destiny as it was understood in the nineteenth century?

Which statement best describes the concept of Manifest Destiny as it was understood in the nineteenth century? Americans had a divine obligation to spread their culture westward.

What was the most common reason immigrants came to the United States at the turn of the twentieth century quizlet?

It generated a greater demand for rail travel for tourists from the East. What was the most common reason immigrants came to the United States at the turn of the twentieth century? Religious persecution led to the increased immigration of what group of people beginning in the 1880s?

Which of the following was true of Mexico in the early nineteenth century quizlet?

Which of the following was true of Mexico in the early nineteenth century? It abolished slavery in 1829.


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