What permission when applied to a directory allows a user to enter the directory and work with directory contents quizlet?

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What permission when applied to a directory allows a user to enter the directory and work with directory contents quizlet?

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Terms in this set (36)

adduser or useradd

command is to add a new user account


command sets a user's password


removes user account


adds a group to the system


command removes a group from the system


command list the groups that a user belongs to


command lists the GIDs of groups that a user belongs to


command changes the ownership of a directory or file


command changes the group owner of a file or directory

also chown

command can be used to change both the file owner and the group owner of a file or directory at the same time


section of the inode that stores permissions for a file


refers to the owner of a directory

group owner

refers to the users with the ability to change permissions on a file or directory


refers to all of the other users on the Linux system

Three permissions that may be assigned to each user

Read, write, execute

the mode is broken down into

user, group, other

The root user supersedes all file and directory permissions. The root user has all permissions to every file and directory regardless of what the mode of the file or directory indicates.

The root user supersedes all file and directory permissions. The root user has all permissions to every file and directory regardless of what the mode of the file or directory indicates.

Permissions are not additive.

Permissions are not additive.

Read permission

Definition for files: Allows a user to open and read the contents of a file
Definition for directories: Allows a user to list the contents of the directory (if he/she has also been given execute permission)

Write permission

Definition for files: Allows a user to open and read the contents of a file
Definition for directories: Allows a user to add or remove files to and from the directory (if he/she has also been given execute permission)

Execute permission

Definition for files: Allows a user to execute a file in memory
Definition for directories: Allows a user to enter the directory and work with the directory contents
(needed for shell script)

. Some implications of these permissions are a user with read only permission for a file can open the file and make changes to it but cannot save the changes in the file.

. Some implications of these permissions are a user with read only permission for a file can open the file and make changes to it but cannot save the changes in the file.

Shell scripts are text files containing instructions for the shell to execute. The user must have execute permission to run these scripts.

Shell scripts are text files containing instructions for the shell to execute. The user must have execute permission to run these scripts.

To add or remove a file from a directory, the user must have write permission to that directory

To add or remove a file from a directory, the user must have write permission to that directory

A user with write permission to a directory has the ability to delete all files and subdirectories within it.

A user with write permission to a directory has the ability to delete all files and subdirectories within it.

A user who does not have the execute permission to a directory is prevented from listing the directory's contents, adding and removing files, and working with files and subdirectories inside that directory, regardless of what permissions he/she has to them.

A user who does not have the execute permission to a directory is prevented from listing the directory's contents, adding and removing files, and working with files and subdirectories inside that directory, regardless of what permissions he/she has to them.

A quick way to deny a user from accessing a directory and all of its contents in Linux is to take away the execute permission on that directory.

A quick way to deny a user from accessing a directory and all of its contents in Linux is to take away the execute permission on that directory.


command allows you to assume the identity of another user. You can either start a new shell session with that user's ID or issue a single command as that user.

sudo (super user do...)

command allows an administrator to set up a configuration file called /etc/sudoers and define specific commands that particular users are permitted to execute under an assumed identity


command changes the mode (permissions) of files or directories.


If these default permissions are too permissive, a special variable on the system named __________________________ takes away permissions on new files and directories immediately after they are created. This command is meant to be used for newly created files and directories.


The __________________________ command displays the umask of a file.

SUID(set user id)

If __________________________ is set on a file, the user who executes the file temporarily becomes the owner of the file during execution. It has no functionality when it is set on a directory. It is only applicable to binary compiled programs. Any user can test network connectivity with the ping command.

SUID(set group id)

The __________________________ is applicable to both files and directories. If it is set on a file, the user who executes the file becomes a member of the group that is attached to that file during execution. If it is set on a directory, the user's name becomes the owner of the file and the directory's group becomes the group owner of the file.

sticky bit

The __________________________ was previously used on files in the past to lock them in memory. However, they are currently applicable to directories. This ensures that a user can only delete his/her own files in a directory.


__________________________ is used to verify a user's identity. It is usually done by comparing the username and password to a system database.

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What permission when applied to a directory allows a user to enter the directory and work with directory contents?

For directories, execute permission allows you to enter the directory (i.e., cd into it), and to access any of its files.

What section of a file system contains information about the file system in general?

The central concepts are superblock, inode , data block, directory block , and indirection block. The superblock contains information about the filesystem as a whole, such as its size (the exact information here depends on the filesystem). An inode contains all information about a file, except its name.

Which command will confirm the system directory that you are currently in?

The pwd command is used to display the current working directory.

What is a sticky bit quizlet?

The "sticky bit" permission... ... prevents others from removing files they don't own from a common directory. Which of the following commands will set the "sticky bit" on /shared ? chmod 1777 /shared.