What refers to formal education job experiences relationship and assessment of personality and abilities that prepare employees for the future *?


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Managers ensure that employees activities and outputs are congruent with organizational goals

Provides employees information regarding their performance effectiveness

Organization gets information on how well an employee is doing on the job

What are the 6 steps to the performance management process

1. Define performance outcomes for company division and department
2. Develop employee goals, behavior & actions to achieve outcomes
3. Provide support & ongoing performance discussions
4. Evaluate performance
5. Identify needed improvements
6. Provide consequences for performance results

Why do we conduct performance appraisals

To communicate employees performance strengths and improvement needs, make employment related decisions and motivate/develop employees

Judging those who are similar to us more highly than those who are not (rater error)

Comparing individuals with one another instead of with an objective standard (rater error)

Giving high ratings to all employees regardless of their performance (rater error)

Giving low ratings to all employees regardless of their performances (rater error)

Giving middle or average ratings to all employees despite their performance (rater error)

Occur when one positive performance aspect causes the rater to rate all other aspects of performance positively

One negative aspect results in the rater assigning low ratings to all the other aspects

What are the five approaches to performance measurement


List of assessment methods 8

Forced distribution
Paired comparison
Graphical rating scale
Balanced scorecard
Management by objectives

360 degree feedback assesses employee performance from points of view of (5)



Development refers to formal education, job experiences, relationships, and assessment of personality and abilities to help employees prepare for the future; participation is voluntary.

What does training focused on?

Training focuses on helping employees performance in their current job and participation is required

What are some of the tools we use to develop our employees (4) FAJI

Formal education
Job experiences
Interpersonal relationships

What are some of the assessments we use to develop our employees (4) PPU3

Personality tests and inventories such as Myers Briggs
Performance appraisals
Upward feedback
360 degree feedback systems

A performance appraisal process for managers that includes subordinates evaluations

Job experiences that help develop our employees (JJTTP)

Job enlargement
Job rotation
Temporary assignments

What makes for a successful mentoring program (9)

Voluntary participation
Flexible matching process
Mentors chosen on ability and willingness
Clear understanding of purpose
Program Length specified
Minimum level of contact specified
Contact among participants encouraged
Program evaluated
Employee development rewarded

What are the 6 determinants of procedural justice (CBI) (CRE)

Bias suppression
Information accuracy

Initiated by the organization among those who prefer to stay

Initiated by employee, often those the company would prefer to keep

What are the 3 principles of justice

Outcome fairness
Procedural justice
Interactional justice

The judgment that people make regarding outcomes received relative to outcomes received by others with whom they identify

Define procedural justice

Focuses on methods used to determine the outcomes received

Define interactional justice

The interpersonal nature of how the outcomes were implemented

What are the four determinants of interactional justice

Social sensitivity

Which of these refers to formal education job experiences relationships and assessment of personality and abilities that help employees prepare for the future?

Employee development is the combination of formal education, job experiences, relationships, and assessment of personality and abilities to help employees prepare for the future of their careers.

What term refers to collecting information and providing feedback to employees about their behavior communication style or skills multiple choice question?

Assessment involves collecting information and providing feedback to employees about their behavior, communication style, or skills.

Is the acquisition of knowledge skills and behaviors that improve an employee's ability to meet changes in job requirements?

The acquisition of knowledge, skills, and behaviors that improve an employee's ability to meet changes in job requirements and in client and customer demands refers to development.

In which of the following ways does job rotation help employees select all that apply?

In which of the following ways does job rotation help employees? (Select all that apply.) It gives them an overall appreciation of the company's goals. It increases their understanding of different company functions. It assists them in developing a network of contacts.