What refers to the understanding that physical things continue to exist even if they are hidden from us?

When do children start to understand something still exists even though they can’t see or hear it – and what activities will they enjoy doing at this time? By Ruth Thomson


Object permanence means a child understands that things, and people, still exist even when they cannot be seen or heard. It is an important developmental milestone and a concept that was pioneered by child psychologist Jean Piaget.

You can gauge a child’s understanding of object permanence by their reaction when you hide a favourite toy. If the child appears confused or upset and doesn’t look for the toy, then they haven’t yet grasped the concept. If, however, they start looking for the toy then they know that it still exists and they want it back!

Another indicator is a child’s reaction when you leave the room. If the baby doesn’t respond or settles quickly, they don’t understand object permanence. If, however, they become upset and want to follow you, then they have an understanding of the concept.


In the first few months of life, babies inhabit a world of the ‘here and now’. While they recognise some familiar faces, their memory development is in its earliest stages and they explore their world through movement and the senses.

Understanding object permanence signals an important development in an infant’s working memory, as it means they can now form, and retain, a mental representation of an object. It also marks the beginning of a baby’s understanding of abstract concepts.

Where previously babies inhabited a world that consisted only of things they could see, hear and touch, they now enter a world that is more permanent.

With an understanding of object permanence, babies are able to explore and interact in more complex ways.


According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, object permanence is one of the most significant aspects of development in the sensorimotor phase (from birth to two).

Piaget believed object permanence develops in infants at about eight months old. However, research has since demonstrated children as young as four months can understand the concept.


Games, books and activities in which things are hidden and then reappear are ideal for developing children’s understanding of object permanence, and babies and toddlers will derive enormous pleasure from finding hidden objects. Here are some ideas to try:

Play peek-a-boo. Vary the game as children’s awareness develops – for example, pop out from behind your hands, instead of simply removing them from your face.

Play ‘hide and seek’. Cover and uncover small objects with a scarf or piece of fabric. Or hide a toy and encourage the child to find it. Always show the child the object first, talk through what you are going to do and perhaps encourage the child to start hunting by looking for the toy under some cushions.

Share action or finger rhymes that involve objects vanishing and then reappearing, such as ‘Two little dicky birds’ and ‘This little piggy went to market’.

Provide containers with small objects in them. The child will enjoy ‘experimenting’, taking things out and putting them back in.

Share simple pop-up toys and baby books, as well as books with things hidden under flaps.

Support children’s interest in ‘posting’ objects. For example, provide a range of small objects to ‘post’ down large cardboard tubes.


Object permanence often coincides with separation anxiety. For young babies, an adult is soon ‘out of sight, out of mind’ when they leave the room. However, that often changes at about eight months old.

At this age, a child not only grasps object permanence but also has developed a strong attachment to the significant adults in their lives. Nap and bedtimes as well as drop-offs at nurseries can become problematic, with many parents reporting that their babies start to show high levels of anxiety when they leave.

Developing strong bedtime and goodbye routines can help alleviate this anxiety, and most babies will eventually learn through experience that their parents will always return.


Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, www.simplypsychology.org/piaget.html

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Object permanence refers to the ability to understand that objects exist when they are out of sight. Some people believe that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is related to problems with object permanence, but this theory is unproven.

One of the major symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is inattention. This refers to difficulty focusing and paying attention. Inattention can cause problems such as frequently losing everyday items.

In the past, some people have used the term “object permanence” to refer to this “out of sight, out of mind” phenomenon which affects some people with ADHD.

In addition, some have claimed that problems with object permanence could cause issues with relationships in children, adolescents, and adults with ADHD.

However, object permanence is not a recognized medical condition or symptom in ADHD. A person with ADHD cannot be diagnosed with object permanance issues.

Keep reading to learn more about ADHD symptoms and the theory of object permanence.

Object permanence, put simply, is the ability to understand that an object continues to exist, even though it can no longer be seen, heard or touched.

Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget was the first person to coin the term in the 1960s. He observed how babies reacted when a favorite toy was shown to, and then hidden, from them.

Babies who had not developed object permanence would appear confused or upset, as if the object had ceased to exist. Babies who had developed object permanence would continue to look for the toy.

According to The American Academy of Pediatrics, some babies can demonstrate an understanding of object permanence as early as 4–5 months of age. However, most infants do not really grasp the concept until around 9 months old.

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that may include some of the following traits or symptoms:

  • inattention to tasks and difficulty keeping focused
  • hyperactivity, including fidgeting, restlessness, and constant moving about
  • impulsivity, including hasty or harmful decision-making, risk-taking, and excessive interruption

Learn more about the early signs of ADHD here.

Most people with ADHD receive their diagnosis in childhood. However, others may receive their diagnosis in adulthood. According to the American Psychiatric Association, around 8.4% of children and 2.5% of adults have ADHD. It is more common in boys than girls, according to the APA.

Learn more about ADHD in girls here.

Forgetfulness is a symptom of ADHD that is related to inattention. People with ADHD typically:

  • lose objects they need for school, work, or daily life
  • forget about tasks, activities, and appointments
  • are easily distracted by present thoughts, people, items or tasks

Some claim that this indicates difficulty in remembering that objects, tasks, or items exist, when the person with ADHD cannot see, hear, or touch them. In theory, forgetfulness symptoms could be related to object permanence. But object permanance is not an accepted medical symptom or diagnosis.

Anecdotally, some parents of children with ADHD say that their children do realize things exist when they cannot see them, but have no idea, or do not care, where those things might be.

There is not a great deal of strong research to prove that problems with object permanence may arise because of ADHD, or vice versa. Most research around object permanence focuses on infants and development during early infancy, while the average age of diagnosis for ADHD is 7 years old.

Object permanence is linked to the ability to form secure attachments with others. Babies who understand that a person exists, even when they are not present, are better able to form secure attachments with care-givers. This ability is known as “object constancy.” It may help people to form secure relationships, or “attachments,” throughout life.

Studies have found clear associations between insecure attachment and people with ADHD. A 2021 study has found that insecure attachment in early infancy can increase problems in later relationships, such as the suppression of emotions, and disengaging from others.

Object permanence is not a recognized problem or condition in adults with ADHD.

However, inattention and forgetfulness are medically-recognized symptoms of ADHD. These and other ADHD symptoms often persist into adulthood, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Adults with ADHD may not realize they have the condition.

Problems with inattention in adults with ADHD may result in the following behaviors:

  • forgetting daily tasks, such as paying bills, doing chores, or remembering to keep appointments
  • forgetting to take medication
  • forgetting to stay in touch, return emails and texts, or respond to invitations

Learn more about untreated ADHD in adults here.

A 2015 review into the relationships of children with ADHD with peers and friends, found that children with ADHD tend to:

  • be less liked by their peers
  • have fewer friends
  • experience more rejection and isolation
  • have fewer “mutual” relationships
  • experience more aggression and conflict within relationships
  • join deviant peer groups in adolescence

The same review estimates that 50–70% of children with ADHD experience difficulties in forming and keeping relationships with their peers.

An older 2012 study on the relationships of 90 adults with ADHD found that participants were more likely to:

  • be more immature
  • act out in defense
  • be more neurotic
  • have insecure attachments

The tendency to forget important tasks, often essential to the harmonious running of a relationship or household, can also cause conflicts.

A 2018 review into ADHD found that people with the disorder are more likely to use substances, demonstrate rule-breaking behaviors, and have mood disorders — all of which could negatively impact personal relationships.

However, treatments such as medication and therapy can help people with ADHD manage their symptoms and improve their daily quality of life, including their relationships.

Learn more about ADHD in relationships here.

Object permanence problems are not a medical diagnosis or accepted symptom in ADHD.

However, there are known strategies to help manage ADHD symptoms such as forgetfulness. These strategies may help people who tend to lose track of essential objects, tasks, or communications.

Tips to cope with forgetfulness include:

  • not opening texts, emails and messages until they are sure they can respond immediately
  • choosing a spot to place essential items, such as medication, to-do lists and important devices such as phones
  • setting reminders for appointments and tasks in an online calendar with an alert function
  • setting recurring appointments with loved ones for visits or calls

It is important to note that while ADHD may cause some challenges, there are also potential benefits to the condition. Learn more about them here.

Object permanence refers to the understanding that objects continue to exist when they cannot be seen, heard, or touched. In babies, this is a key part of establishing secure attachments in early life.

Some have suggested that object permanence problems could explain certain ADHD symptoms, like forgetfulness.

According to this theory, object permanence problems make people with ADHD more likely to forget important tasks, objects, and people when they are not present. But object permanence is only a theory of ADHD, not an accepted symptom or diagnosis.

Strategies are available to help people with ADHD manage symptoms of inattention or forgetfulness. If ADHD is affecting a person’s quality of life, they should speak with a doctor about treatment options.

What do we call the understanding that a thing continues to exist even when it can no longer be seen?

Object permanence involves understanding that items and people still exist even when you can't see or hear them. This concept was discovered by child psychologist Jean Piaget and is an important milestone in a baby's brain development.

Is the understanding that something exists even though it is not in sight or has been removed from the field of vision?

Object permanence means knowing that an object still exists, even if it is hidden. It requires the ability to form a mental representation (i.e. a schema) of the object. For example, if you place a toy under a blanket, the child who has achieved object permanence knows it is there and can actively seek it.

What are the 4 stages of cognitive development?

Sensorimotor stage (0–2 years old) Preoperational stage (2–7 years old) Concrete operational stage (7–11 years old) Formal operational stage (11 years old through adulthood)

What is assimilation in psychology?

Assimilation occurs when we modify or change new information to fit into our schemas (what we already know). It keeps the new information or experience and adds to what already exists in our minds. Accomodation is when we restructure of modify what we already know so that new information can fit in better.


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