What term do sociologist use to describe the corners in life that people occupy because of where they are located in society?


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What term do sociologist use to describe the corners in life that people occupy because of where they are located in society?

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Chapter 1 Quiz

According to the Wall Street Journal, who were the "three greatest modern thinkers"? Karl Marx; Albert Einstein; Sigmund Freud
Anthony is conducting experimental research on the effects of an educational therapy program and the conflict-resolution skills of inmates. He has established two groups. Group A will receive a special conflict-resolution therapy program. Group B will go the control group
Herbert Spencer believed that societies evolved from lower to higher forms because as generations pass, the most capable and intelligent members of society prosper while the less capable die out. What term did Spencer use to describe this process? the survival of the fittest
Based on the theories formulated by Karl Marx, what was the ultimate goal of the proletariat? The proletariat sought to develop a classless society free of exploitation.
Frank is examining the broad stream of events that have occurred over the past 50 years and the specific experiences of his own life. By doing so, what sociological process has Frank undertaken? the sociological imagination
How did Karl Marx and Max Weber differ in their theoretical assumptions? Marx believed economics was the central force driving social change, and Weber claimed it was religion.
In 1837, before Durkheim and Weber were born, who published Society in America? Harriet Martineau
Jose is conducting research on organized crime. Rather than interviewing criminals or going undercover, he is examining data that someone else has collected. Which research method is Jose using? secondary analysis
People may change their opinions about an issue such as divorce based on a restructuring of that image, the issues involved, and what they mean. This is an example of which sociological perspective? Answer symbolic interactionism
To be classified as a society, what are the two key qualities a group of people must share? a common culture and a territory
What are the two components C. Wright Mills identified as being fundamental to understanding the sociological imagination? history and biography
What event led to an uprooting of what had been traditional social arrangements? Answer the Industrial Revolution
What is a general statement about how some parts of the world fit together and how they work? Answer a theory
What is another name for the research method that is referred to as "participant observation"? fieldwork
What is the underlying principle of symbolic interactionism? Answer It analyzes how one's behavior depends on the way they define themselves and others.
What term do sociologists use to describe the corners in life that people occupy because of where they are located in a society? social location
When a researcher asks a respondent general, non-sensitive questions to develop a feeling of trust before asking questions of a more sensitive and personal nature, she is seeking to accomplish which of the following objectives? Answer develop rapport with the subjects
Which of the following phrases best describes a random sample? Everyone in the population has the same chance of being included in the study.
Which social scientist first proposed applying the scientific method to the social world, a practice known as positivism? Answer Auguste Comte
Which sociological perspective analyzes how social life depends on the ways we define ourselves and others? symbolic interactionism
Which sociological perspective views society as being composed of groups that engage in fierce competition for scarce resources? conflict theory
Which theoretical perspective stresses that society is a whole unit, made up of interrelated parts that work together harmoniously? functional analysis
Who conducted the sociological research that included "tearooms," "watch queens,"; accusations of "sociological snooping," and a violation of research ethics as he completed his dissertation? Laud Humphreys
Who was the first African American to earn a doctoral degree from Harvard University W. E. B. Du Bois
Who was the first sociologist to win the Nobel Prize for Peace? Jane Addams

What are the corners of life in sociology?

The corners of life that people occupy such as jobs, income, education, gender, age, and race are referred to as the social imperative.

What term describes the use of sociology to solve social problems in business?

Applied sociology is the term used to describe the use of sociology to solve social problems in business, the workplace, and other aspects of society.

What social scientist proposed that societies evolve from a lower barbaric form to a higher civilized form in a process that came to be known as Social Darwinism?

Which social scientist first proposed applying the scientific method to the social world, a practice known as "positivism?" What social scientist proposed that societies evolve from a lower, barbaric form to a higher, civilized form in a process called "Social Darwinism?" a. Charles Darwin.

What is the term that sociologists use to describe expressions and practices?

What is the term that sociologists use to describe "expressions and practices that are found in every culture?" Cultural Universals.